Updates to the ORCID API search

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Wilmers, Catalina

non lue,
20 mars 2020, 10:32:1120/03/2020
Today we’re excited to announce improvements to API search results that were requested via community feedback: the API search can now return additional ORCID record information and can export search results in CSV format.

Additional Fields: Using the 3.0 API a new search end-point expanded-search will return public information in the following fields: given-name, family-names, credit-name, other-name, email and institution-name the last includes the name of all affiliations listed on the record. See the Expanded search section of the Search tutorial for full details.

CSV Export: We have added a CSV search results option which can return any or all of the expanded search information in a CSV format. See the CSV section of the Search tutorial for full details.

Increased Search Results: We've increased the default number of search results returned to 1000, paganition continues to work for viewing additional results.

New Interface: In addition to the API search updates, we’ve launched an improved search User Interface and Advanced search on the ORCID website.

These new features are available in the 3.0 API and the current search endpoint will continue to be supported, so no integrations will be broken with this update.

Susan Barrett

non lue,
20 mars 2020, 17:38:4820/03/2020
Niiice! Thank you!

Ivan Masar

non lue,
20 mars 2020, 20:27:1020/03/2020
Dear API team,

great job, all of these improvements are fixes to very real rough edges. The search feels faster, too. Much appreciated!

One minor point I noticed after quickly trying the Advanced search - a search using a surname without accents (ASCII latin) will not return the ORCID account where the surname contains  accents. As opposed to the "quick" registry search box, which does return such result.


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Montenegro, Angel

non lue,
22 mars 2020, 10:21:2722/03/2020
à Ivan Masar,ORCID API Users
Great finding Ivan! Thanks a lot, I just created a card to adress this https://trello.com/c/kjrf6tcV/6629-advance-search-doesnt-return-diacritics.


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