Searching via GRID vs Ringgold for affiliation

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Jul 20, 2020, 6:59:30 PM7/20/20
to ORCID API Users
The recent discussion with Sheila made me realise that searching for GRID vs Ringgold ID for affiliation information can give significantly different results.

For example if I search

I get 688 results

But if I search

I get 19 results.

The Ringgold and GRID ID identify the same institution (as confirmed in the Wikidata record

Why are there different results for these two queries?
What did the users do differently to affiliate to the GRID ID vs the Ringgold ID?



Pedro Costa

Jul 21, 2020, 6:53:07 AM7/21/20
to ORCID API Users
Hi Owen,

Thanks for posting about this.

ORCID supports the use of various persistent identifiers in the affiliations and funding sections of the ORCID record: GRID, Ringgold, LEI and FundRef.

The same organization can have different entries in the Registry because of this. For example There's an entry for American University with "Ringgold: 8363" and another one with "GRID: grid.63124.32". 

We don't combine entries with different external identifiers, even if the organization name and other details are the same, because essentially those entries are considered as different (because they have distinct identifiers).

So, when users type American University to add an affiliation, they will see all the available entries for that org name and they can select the entry they want (they don't see the identifier during org selection but it is visible then once the affiliation is displayed on their record).

Kind regards,

Monica Duke

Jul 21, 2020, 7:33:12 AM7/21/20
to ORCID API Users

The source of the affiliation information will also influence this as affiliations can be added by trusted parties (if permission was granted) and trusted parties can choose which organisational ID type to add when sending the affiliation information to ORCID In XML.  So if their system integration is set up to always send one type of organisational identifier that might influence the proportion of that type of identifier.


Interestingly, the organisational information is not linked to the identifier (or derived from it) but also depends on what the source sends about the organisational information details – this allows some control to the organisation managing the integration, but also seems to be a slightly missed opportunity to use the organisational identifier to bring consistency and accuracy to organisational data……..


For entries submitted by a user through the web interface – will there be two entries for each organisation  one mapping to GRID and one to Ringgold?  Or is there a default (choice of one of the identifiers) with only one entry per organisation in the drop-down?  I recall some organisations had more than one entry due to departments etc ……..


So the proportion of ringgold : Grid could be down to how many are entered by the user through the web interface compared to written by a trusted party through the API.  Some users could also have both versions as the two options are not mutually exclusive?




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Jul 21, 2020, 8:27:31 AM7/21/20
to ORCID API Users
On Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 12:33:12 PM UTC+1 wrote:

...but also seems to be a slightly missed opportunity to use the organisational identifier to bring consistency and accuracy to organisational data……..

This means more work for those trying to build on the ORCID registry and means it's highly likely that multiple people/orgs will end up doing the same work of trying to bring together the multiple organizational identifiers into a single organization.

So the proportion of ringgold : Grid could be down to how many are entered by the user through the web interface compared to written by a trusted party through the API.  Some users could also have both versions as the two options are not mutually exclusive?

Yes I can confirm that some users end up being affiliated to both the Ringgold and Grid ID version of a single organization

Pedro Costa

Jul 21, 2020, 8:52:55 AM7/21/20
to ORCID API Users
To add to my previous post -- our code includes a popularity score based only on the IDs that users and members have chosen for their affiliations. It influences the order in which organizations appear in the drop-down when adding an affiliation via the UI. There is a high proportion of Ringgold IDs in the Registry because we have supported Ringgold for much longer that GRID or LEI. Therefore most Ringgold IDs have a higher popularity score and are more likely to be selected by users.

Member can also choose their preferred ID, which is factored into the popularity score.

Pedro Costa
QA & Support Specialist
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