Boolean actuator

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Zeljko Dabic

May 14, 2023, 7:47:47 AM5/14/23
to OpenPnP
 trying to find solution how to create boolean actuator  which will be triggered with selected Nozzles (in Jog or Job work).
For example,  if Nozzle: N1 iz selected then this actuator iz true - ON state, or  if Nozzle: N2 iz selected then this actuator iz false - OFF state.
Than i can trigger some pin in controller (like any other light or vac... actuator with M... command).  
Any help is welcome.


May 17, 2023, 3:21:39 AM5/17/23
to OpenPnP
Any help please,
I' am was trying thru Gcode driver:

Head Montable  - Nozzle: H1 N1
{True:M809 ; actuate..}

Head Montable  - Nozzle: H1 N2
{False:M808 ; actuate..}

Also I have in     ReferenceHead H1  created actuator

But in log file I' dont see any action.

Please is this good way or some other ?.
Thank you.

mark maker

May 17, 2023, 5:06:42 AM5/17/23

If by "selected" you mean in the Machine Controls, then there is no solution available, AFAIK.

selected-tool-2 avi

Inside the job there no notion of "selected" nozzle. Nozzles are just used as needed, and often interweaved per job processor step.

What is your underlying purpose for this?

If it is related to axis motion, maybe this can help:


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May 17, 2023, 8:52:09 AM5/17/23
to OpenPnP
Thank you Mark for your help.

This is really interesting function (Axis Interlock Actuator) of Open PNP. I will try to make this what I need.

Your question about purpose:

I was have bad idea when I started to make mechanic-construction for PNP.  Now I have Z Head with 2 independent motors. One solution is to connect this motors to one driver (with rotated coils) and work in
mode: Nozzle pair, shared Zaxis, Negated.  But this solution have a lack (in my case - construction), min. to max. movement  for each of my Z axis is 40mm. Divided with 2 is 20mm - not enough.
In short  this is reason for what I need  this.
BTW  i have custom made controller based on smoothie with LPC1769 with your firmware 5_axis, with all opto isolated - also usb,
and external drivers  with servo-stepers on X and Y axis (work on 60V). My reason for making controller...    .

mark maker

May 17, 2023, 12:25:38 PM5/17/23

> I was have bad idea when I started to make mechanic-construction for PNP.  Now I have Z Head with 2 independent motors.

Not a bad idea per se, some of the best machines have that.

> One solution is to connect this motors to one driver (with rotated coils) and work in mode: Nozzle pair, shared Zaxis, Negated.

No need! Driving separate axes is perfectly supported by OpenPnP.

You best set this up with Issues & Solutions:

Check Include Solved to get the "Create nozzles for this head" solution back.

Press Reopen.

Select option Standalone Nozzle and increase the Number of Nozzle Units to 2.

Press Accept.

This will create all the right axes and nozzle axis mapping for you:

Then use Issues & Solutions to help you setup the right axis letter assignment and G-code.



May 17, 2023, 2:54:48 PM5/17/23
to OpenPnP
Hi Mark,
 this is amazing, open PNP is like boeing cockpit, so much possibility :-)
After setup   Issues & Solution,  now issue is Duplicated axis letter Z.  If  I understand correctly at first I must change firmware  to 6 axis,
then in config file add  axis setup with name C.
If this is coorrect way is this mean that this new axis must have  own step_pin and dir_pin.
It is not problem for me to make this correction on my controller,  but which LPC1769  pin to use for this new axis.
Or I'm is on wrong direction?

Thank you again.


May 17, 2023, 3:04:38 PM5/17/23
to OpenPnP
When I looking other cofig files (find on this forum from) I'm find something
confusing. Like this C axis have setup with no real numbering pin port  like 2.3 
instead is XX.


May 17, 2023, 3:10:51 PM5/17/23

>If this is coorrect way is this mean that this new axis must have  own step_pin and dir_pin.


> After setup   Issues & Solution,  now issue is Duplicated axis letter Z.  If  I understand correctly at first I must  change firmware  to 6 axis, then in config file add  axis setup with name C.


> It is not problem for me to make this correction on my controller,  but which LPC1769  pin to use for this new axis.

I frankly don't know. You need to figure it out yourself or ask the Smoothie guys if you got an original board. Some links:



May 17, 2023, 4:22:05 PM5/17/23
to OpenPnP
Mark this is enoug info for next steps.
Now controller report C axis  and no issue with axis.  Next days I will find  suitable pins for  C axis and make hardware changes on controller.
I will let you know about progres.



Jul 22, 2023, 6:35:45 AM7/22/23
to OpenPnP
After finding some free times to work on pnp machine, I'm finsh with hardware-controller for Z2 axis  (C axis in gcode driver settings).
For LPC1769 controller i chose for Z2 dir. pin 3.26 and for Z2 pulse-step  pin   3.25.  This work fine.

But now Homing sequence is not ok  i have this order Z1, X,Y and than Z2.
Is it possible to change order to Z1, Z2, than X Y.

mark maker

Jul 22, 2023, 11:14:47 AM7/22/23

In order to use endstops on the Z2 = C axis, you need 6axis endstops configuration. But please do not follow the recompilation advice, our firmware is already compiled as 6axis, just read about the endstops here:

Then look for homing_order



Jul 22, 2023, 12:20:54 PM7/22/23
to OpenPnP
Thank you very much Mark, for such a quick response. The solution was very simple but I was looking for it in wrong place (PNP Gcode command driver). 
As you suggested, I just  had to write a line in config.txt     homing_order   ZCXY
Homming order works properly now.
Thank you again.
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