Juki Nozzle Magazines - Just released

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no leída,
30 nov 2021, 1:27:59 p.m.30/11/2021
para OpenPnP
Hi all, our open-source Juki nozzle magazine design is now available on our website for those interested in getting one. It comes in two sizes - medium (10 nozzles) and large (20 nozzles). Mounts to 2020 extrusion and comes fully assembled with all mounting hardware. Made out of aluminum and stainless steel cover.

Limited initial stock available. For those who already pre-ordered, we'll start shipping it this week.

Here's a video showing how it looks/works like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5r8RprR_CU


Mike Menci

no leída,
30 nov 2021, 3:26:26 p.m.30/11/2021
para OpenPnP
Hi Shai,
Looking Great!
Option with Dig.Servo drive would give you less problems with hardware/Software and no end stops needed.


no leída,
30 nov 2021, 4:06:38 p.m.30/11/2021
para OpenPnP
Hi Mike,

We considered a servo but didn't go with it because servos are taller than an N20 motor and we wanted a compact design. The magazine requires just one extra pin vs a servo. And a stainless steel cover will last much longer than two plastic parts grinding against each other and won't flex when a nozzle is pulled out :)

Jonathan Oxer

no leída,
30 nov 2021, 4:20:07 p.m.30/11/2021
para OpenPnP
This looks great, Shai!

I've just ordered one of the short versions to experiment with on my DIY machine. I've also just bought 3 x Kayo A4 machines with the intention of converting them to OpenPnP. They have 4-nozzle heads with no changers, so one of the reasons I want to do the OpenPnP conversion is to also add changers to them. The factory software doesn't support it.

It looks like your larger nozzle changer may fit nicely across the Kayo, so I may be wanting a few of those soon too. I'll have to get the basics working with OpenPnP before I get to that stage though.



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no leída,
30 nov 2021, 4:26:26 p.m.30/11/2021
para OpenPnP
Awesome! We'll get it out to you by end of the week - currently assembling them. I noticed you also got 2x conveyor belts but only 1x conveyor PCB. You need two, so we'll throw in an extra one for you for free :)

Looking forward to seeing a video of you using it :)

Jonathan Oxer

no leída,
30 nov 2021, 6:29:46 p.m.30/11/2021
para OpenPnP
Thanks Shai, that's generous of you!

What I'm planning to do with the conveyor belts is make a stand-alone conveyor that wil bridge the gap between 2 machines. I already have some shorter continuous GT2 belts on order but when I saw yours in the store I added a couple to the cart just to add to my box of experimental bits.

My plan is to make something that's similar to just the base frame and the conveyor section of the Rapid Star, but with small linear rails and another stepper to allow the position of the back rail of the conveyor to be adjusted electrically. If you had a kit for sale of just the conveyor parts without the rest of the machine, I'd probably buy that as a starting point.


Jarosław Karwik

no leída,
1 dic 2021, 3:51:01 a.m.1/12/2021
para OpenPnP
I am tempted as well. I have Peter's head, but I guess his nozzle holders are not compatible with the magazine ( they are spring/ball locked) - I would need yours.
How much is the shipping to EU ( Poland), I have not seen the price on your webpage ?


no leída,
1 dic 2021, 11:22:00 a.m.1/12/2021
para OpenPnP
Hi Jaroslaw,

You can calculate the shipping on our website when you checkout. If you need any help, you can use our live chat on our website.


Jarosław Karwik

no leída,
3 dic 2021, 3:15:47 p.m.3/12/2021
para OpenPnP
Ok, I have ordered them - will save me some work and I will be able to focus on my controller.

Do you have already  OpenPnp setup (scripts ?)  for controlling it ? 


no leída,
3 dic 2021, 5:09:58 p.m.3/12/2021
para OpenPnP
Hi Jaroslaw,

Thanks for your order! We'll get it out to you asap! 

No script necessary for OpenPNP. You can use one actuator or two actuators depending on your endstop configuration (one or two end stops). We have it set up as one endstop and use one actuator. I will post up an article on the support section of our website detailing how to use the magazine soon and will update you.

It's recommended you use it with a regular H bridge driver such as DRV8833 so you can brake the motor in case it overshoots. I'll post instructions for all this soon. We use the magazine with smoothie ware so the instructions will be geared towards that firmware.


switch.nozzlemag.enable                              true            # Enable this module
switch.nozzlemag.startup_state                        false
switch.nozzlemag.input_on_command                     M804            # Command that will turn this switch on
switch.nozzlemag.input_off_command                  M805            # Command that will turn this switch off
switch.nozzlemag.output_pin                          1.0             # Pin this module controls
switch.nozzlemag.output_type                        digital         # PWM output settable with S parameter in the input_on_comand

switch.nozzlemagendstop1.enable                       true
switch.nozzlemagendstop1.input_pin                    3.25^
switch.nozzlemagendstop1.input_pin_behavior           momentary
switch.nozzlemagendstop1.output_on_command            M805

switch.nozzlemagendstop2.enable                       true
switch.nozzlemagendstop2.input_pin                    3.26^
switch.nozzlemagendstop2.input_pin_behavior           momentary
switch.nozzlemagendstop2.output_on_command            M805


Jarosław Karwik

no leída,
4 dic 2021, 3:07:52 p.m.4/12/2021
para OpenPnP
I plan to use single control - just to open it ( although it would be more convenient to leave it open and close only on change requests). 
But this is easy part :-)
I was wondering how to configure it in OpenPnp - do you use standard 'Nozzle Tip Changer' ?


no leída,
5 dic 2021, 4:23:03 p.m.5/12/2021
para OpenPnP
Just posted full instructions on our website. Please let me know if anything is unclear or if something is missing and we will update it. We'll be shipping out the magazines this week, be on the lookout for an email with tracking numbers!

Jim Pottebaum

no leída,
6 dic 2021, 7:54:40 p.m.6/12/2021
para OpenPnP
nice design - - - only with the addition of a simple QUAD NAND gate - - - and a small transistor or fet, the interface can be a lot simplier
and no special hardware to drive the motor needed on the user side -

I simple 1 pin logic output - - and 1 pin logic input -
a high on the output would open for access
while a low would close

the input  a one says busy, a zero says done
and would make the interface so much simple, we have many parts of the PnP to develop - - - why make this more hard than it needs to be

I have noticed all that you are putting forth to interface with and control, including power devices and even the suggestion of adding a drv8833 stepper driver chip.

also this would allow for ease of testing of the design - - instead of showing manual operation - - real operation.


no leída,
22 dic 2021, 3:58:28 a.m.22/12/2021
para ope...@googlegroups.com

Just testing to see if any interest in a small hack for adding a Adafruit Trinket+Adafruit DRV7781 board.  (Both small) and GCODE to the Nozzle Magazine.  Right now, its prototyped and working but not yet on the nozzle magazine.   Working stand alone on a metro M0 board (couldn’t find my Trinket M0 at the time) and a motor.  Response seems pretty good.  Motor stops soon as I trip the input pin.


I have a bit I’m playing with that implements these GCodes

    M112, M112_estop                                   // M112

    M114, M114_reportPostion                   // M114

    M115, M115_reportFirmware               // M115

    M119, M119_endStopState                   // M119

    M220, M220_setFeedrate                       // M220 S<PERCENT> A<PERCENT> B<VALUE>

    M804, M804_openNozzleholdder        // M804 S<PERCENT> A<PERCENT> B<VALUE>

    M805, M805_closeNozzleholdder        // M805 S<PERCENT> A<PERCENT> B<VALUE>


If the S or A values <0 or >100 it shoots an error

Otherwise performs the action.

Each GCode is a blocking call.  So must complete before next call is processed which makes M112 useless so have to fix that or drop M112


This is it doing the init sequence,  

M115 to display the firmware version

M220 to set the Speed, Acceleration and Braking

M114 to check current position

M805 to make sure it’s closed



Any interest in this for anyone.  If so, I’ll do more code work and post on github

Also, any changes.  Is M804/M805 appropriate for example?



On Friday, December 3, 2021 at 3:15:47 PM UTC-5 jarosla...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok, I have ordered them - will save me some work and I will be able to focus on my controller.


Do you have already  OpenPnp setup (scripts ?)  for controlling it ? 



środa, 1 grudnia 2021 o 17:22:00 UTC+1 Shai napisał(a):

Hi Jaroslaw,


You can calculate the shipping on our website when you checkout. If you need any help, you can use our live chat on our website.



On Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 3:51:01 AM UTC-5 jarosla...@gmail.com wrote:

I am tempted as well. I have Peter's head, but I guess his nozzle holders are not compatible with the magazine ( they are spring/ball locked) - I would need yours.

How much is the shipping to EU ( Poland), I have not seen the price on your webpage ?





wtorek, 30 listopada 2021 o 19:27:59 UTC+1 Shai napisał(a):

Hi all, our open-source Juki nozzle magazine design is now available on our website for those interested in getting one. It comes in two sizes - medium (10 nozzles) and large (20 nozzles). Mounts to 2020 extrusion and comes fully assembled with all mounting hardware. Made out of aluminum and stainless steel cover.


Limited initial stock available. For those who already pre-ordered, we'll start shipping it this week.


Here's a video showing how it looks/works like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5r8RprR_CU


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no leída,
23 dic 2021, 12:37:56 a.m.23/12/2021
para OpenPnP
This looks very interesting Sandra! Can you post a video showing the setup?


no leída,
23 dic 2021, 2:42:03 a.m.23/12/2021
para ope...@googlegroups.com

It’s recorded on the iPhone but here you go.   Its just my test setup not hooked up to openPnP yet



Once I have the another DRV7781 I’ll get it all hooked up with the trinket+drv7781 board and show it

Right now it’s a mess of wires from the metro M0 board but everything worked.


I did have to jump speed up to 1000 (M220 S1000 A0) otherwise it lacked torque so that’s something I”ll have to play with


no leída,
23 dic 2021, 8:23:24 p.m.23/12/2021
para OpenPnP
Hi Shai,
I posted a second video here 

This time under OpenPNP control using the GCodeAsync Driver.

I'll work up a setting page on the github wiki with everything I did to make it work at some point.
I'm also not to happy with the GCODE library I'm using.  I can't send a estop and if theres a jam for some reason it keeps trying to open/close the magazine 
I'll probably in the mean time just add a time out condition in the moved for that.  I'm already calculating a move time which I output as well
at 9V it takes about 750-800 mS to open/close

Jason von Nieda

no leída,
23 dic 2021, 8:41:45 p.m.23/12/2021
para ope...@googlegroups.com
So cool!!

Great work Shai and Sandra!!



no leída,
24 dic 2021, 10:52:55 p.m.24/12/2021
para ope...@googlegroups.com

Hi Jason,



Quick Question as I can not yet find this in the wiki pages

In the GCode Driver Settings there’s 2 settings

Connect WaitTime

Command Timeout


Are those exposed as Variables I can pass them to my driver like F{FeedRate:%.0f}  is

I’d like to pass T{CommandTimeout:%.0f}


My INIT string is M220 S1000 A0 B0 and I’d like something like

M220 S1000 A0 B0 T{CommandTimeout:%.0f}


I can of course just pass it with T5000 or what ever but if I can use the setting dialog I’d like to



Jarosław Karwik

no leída,
26 ene 2022, 8:29:14 a.m.26/1/2022
para OpenPnP
Uff, this took really long.  Just got the package with the 10 slot changer ( sent  7.12.2021). Today is 26.1.2022 - took almost two months :-(        (USA -> EU/Poland)
But I got a beauty :-)


no leída,
29 ene 2022, 9:44:39 p.m.29/1/2022
para OpenPnP
Hi Jarosla,

Sorry to hear it took so long for you to receive it! I checked your order and it looks like it got stuck in customs in Poland! Perhaps they were trying to reach out to you for import? But glad to hear you like the nozzle magazine! :) Please share pics/videos once you get it going.

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