Ecco le info per chiedere il mini-grant per l'opendataday

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Andrea Nelson Mauro

Jan 17, 2020, 12:36:09 AM1/17/20
to opendatasicilia
qui c'è il form 

in basso vi incollo il msg circolato da loro con più info

ne parliamo durante la call di aggiornamento e decidiamo assieme come procedere
vi ricordo che la call la faremo sabato 18 alle 10


I am happy to announce the launch of the mini-grant scheme for Open Data Day 2020.
This scheme will provide small funds to support the organisation of open data-related events across the world on Saturday 7th March 2020.
Thanks to the generous support of this year’s mini-grant funders - DatopianForeign & Commonwealth OfficeHivos, the Latin American Open Data Initiative (ILDA)MapboxOpen Contracting Partnership and the World Resources Institute - the Open Knowledge Foundation will be able to give out 60 mini-grants this year.
Applications for the mini-grant scheme must be submitted before midnight GMT on Sunday 9th February 2020 via filling in this form.
Learn more and find full details in our blogpost about the mini-grant scheme. If you're on Twitter, you could also share this thread with information on the scheme.
And please spread the word using the hashtags #OpenDataDay and #ODD2020.
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