Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

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Jon Awbrey

May 23, 2019, 10:54:14 AM5/23/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

The blog post linked above updates my Survey of Resources having to do with
Animated Logical Graphs. There you will find links to basic expositions and
extended discussions of the graphs themselves, deriving from the Alpha Graphs
C.S. Peirce used for propositional logic, more recently revived and augmented
by G. Spencer Brown in his Laws of Form. What I added was the extension from
tree-like forms to what graph theorists know as cacti, and thereby hangs many
a tale yet to be told. I hope to add more proof animations as time goes on.



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joseph simpson

May 23, 2019, 1:20:22 PM5/23/19
to Sys Sci, Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group

Thanks for posting this material, it makes some aspects of Theme One program more clear.

Take care and have fun,


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Joe Simpson

“Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. 

Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. 

All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.”

George Bernard Shaw
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Jon Awbrey

May 28, 2019, 3:00:19 PM5/28/19
to, joseph simpson, Sys Sci, Structural Modeling
Re: Survey of Animated Logical Graphs ??? 2

Joe, All ???

One of the things I added to the Survey this time around was an
earlier piece of work titled ???Futures Of Logical Graphs??? (FOLG),
which takes up a number of difficult issues in more detail than
I've found the ability or audacity to do since. In particular,
it gives an indication of the steps I took from trees to cacti
in the graph-theoretic representation of logical propositions
and boolean functions, along with the factors that forced me
to make that transition.


A lot of the text goes back to the dusty Ascii days of the old discussion lists
where I last shared it, so I'll be working on converting the figures and tables
and trying to make the presentation more understandable.



joseph simpson

May 28, 2019, 11:05:58 PM5/28/19
to Sys Sci, Ontolog Forum @ GG, Structural Modeling

Very interesting work.

Many of the patterns are now becoming more clear... just need more time to study

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Jon Awbrey

Jul 1, 2019, 1:20:18 PM7/1/19
to Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group, SysSciWG, Structural Modeling, Ontolog Forum
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 15

In George Spencer Brown's "Laws of Form" the relation between the primary arithmetic
and the primary algebra is founded on the idea that a variable name appearing as an
operand in an algebraic expression indicates the contemplated absence or presence of
any expression in the arithmetic, with the understanding that each appearance of the
same variable name indicates the same state of contemplation with respect to the same
expression of the arithmetic.

For example, consider the following expression:

Figure 1. Cactus Graph (a(a))

We may regard this algebraic expression as a general expression
for an infinite set of arithmetic expressions, starting like so:

Figure 2. Cactus Graph Series (a(a))

Now consider what this says about the following algebraic law:

Figure 3. Cactus Graph Equation (a(a)) = <blank>

It permits us to understand the algebraic law as saying, in effect, that every one
of the arithmetic expressions of the contemplated pattern evaluates to the very same
canonical expression as the upshot of that evaluation. This is, as far as I know,
just about as close as we can come to a conceptually and ontologically minimal way
of understanding the relation between an algebra and its corresponding arithmetic.

To be continued ...



On 5/30/2019 9:16 AM, Jon Awbrey wrote:
> Re: Survey of Animated Logical Graphs : 2
> At:
> One of the things I added to the Survey this time around was an
> earlier piece of work titled "Futures Of Logical Graphs" (FOLG),
> which takes up a number of difficult issues in more detail than
> I've found the ability or audacity to do since.?? In particular,
> it gives an indication of the steps I took from trees to cacti
> in the graph-theoretic representation of logical propositions
> and boolean functions, along with the factors that forced me
> to make that transition.
> See:
> A lot of the text goes back to the dusty Ascii days of the
> old discussion lists where I last shared it, so I will be
> working on converting the figures and tables and trying
> to make the presentation more understandable.
> Regards,
> Jon

Box (A(A)).jpg
Box (A(A)) Series.jpg
Box (A(A))= .jpg

Ravi Sharma

Jul 3, 2019, 3:35:19 PM7/3/19
to ontolog-forum
fantastic, please join our  Summit 2020 planning meeting next wed noon EST
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(Dr. Ravi Sharma)

Jon Awbrey

Jul 8, 2019, 2:56:21 PM7/8/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs ??? 16

In lieu of a field study requirement for my bachelor's degree I spent
a couple years in a host of state and university libraries reading
everything I could find by and about Peirce, poring most memorably
through the reels of microfilmed Peirce manuscripts Michigan State
had at the time, all in trying to track down some hint of a clue to
a puzzling passage in Peirce's "Simplest Mathematics", most acutely
coming to a head with that bizarre line of type at CP 4.306, which
the editors of the ''Collected Papers'', no doubt compromised by the
typographer's resistance to cutting new symbols, transmogrified into
a script more cryptic than even the manuscript???s original hieroglyphic.

I found one key to the mystery in Peirce's use of "operator variables",
which he and his students Christine Ladd-Franklin and O.H. Mitchell
explored in depth. I will shortly discuss this theme as it affects
logical graphs but it may be useful to give a shorter and sweeter
explanation of how the basic idea typically arises in common
logical practice.

Think of De Morgan???s rules:

: ??(A ??? B) = ??A ??? ??B

: ??(A ??? B) = ??A ??? ??B

We could capture the common form of these two rules in a single formula
by taking "o1" and "o2" as variable names ranging over a set of logical
operators, and then by asking what substitutions for o1 and o2 would
satisfy the following equation:

: ??(A o1 B) = ??A o2 ??B

We already know two solutions to this "operator equation", namely,
(o1, o2) = (???, ???) and (o1, o2) = (???, ???). Wouldn't it be just like
Peirce to ask if there are others?

Having broached the subject of logical operator variables,
I will leave it for now in the same way Peirce himself did:

I shall not further enlarge upon this matter at this point,
although the conception mentioned opens a wide field; because
it cannot be set in its proper light without overstepping the
limits of dichotomic mathematics. (Collected Papers, CP 4.306).

Further exploration of operator variables and operator invariants
treads on grounds traditionally known as "second intentional logic"
and "opens a wide field", as Peirce says. For now, however, I will
tend to that corner of the field where our garden variety logical
graphs grow, observing the ways operative variations and operative
themes naturally develop on those grounds.

Jon Awbrey

Jul 8, 2019, 5:18:37 PM7/8/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
| I'm still waiting to hear from the T-bird Hive Mind why
| everything got so iffy with unicodes a couple months ago,
| and what to do about it. In the meantime here's plaintext
| version of that last post. As always, there's a better
| formatted version at the blog post linked below.

Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 16

In lieu of a field study requirement for my bachelor's degree I spent
a couple years in a host of state and university libraries reading
everything I could find by and about Peirce, poring most memorably
through the reels of microfilmed Peirce manuscripts Michigan State
had at the time, all in trying to track down some hint of a clue to
a puzzling passage in Peirce's "Simplest Mathematics", most acutely
coming to a head with that bizarre line of type at CP 4.306, which
the editors of the ''Collected Papers'', no doubt compromised by the
typographer's resistance to cutting new symbols, transmogrified into
a script more cryptic than even the manuscript's original hieroglyphic.

I found one key to the mystery in Peirce's use of "operator variables",
which he and his students Christine Ladd-Franklin and O.H. Mitchell
explored in depth. I will shortly discuss this theme as it affects
logical graphs but it may be useful to give a shorter and sweeter
explanation of how the basic idea typically arises in common
logical practice.

Think of De Morgan's rules:

: not (A and B) = (not A) or (not B)

: not (A or B) = (not A) and (not B)

We could capture the common form of these two rules in a single formula
by taking "o1" and "o2" as variable names ranging over a set of logical
operators, and then by asking what substitutions for o1 and o2 would
satisfy the following equation:

: not (A o1 B) = (not A) o2 (not B)

We already know two solutions to this "operator equation", namely,
(o1, o2) = (and, or) and (o1, o2) = (or, and). Wouldn't it be
just like Peirce to ask if there are others?

Having broached the subject of logical operator variables,
I will leave it for now in the same way Peirce himself did:

I shall not further enlarge upon this matter at this point,
although the conception mentioned opens a wide field; because
it cannot be set in its proper light without overstepping the
limits of dichotomic mathematics. (Collected Papers, CP 4.306).

Further exploration of operator variables and operator invariants
treads on grounds traditionally known as "second intentional logic"
and "opens a wide field", as Peirce says. For now, however, I will
tend to that corner of the field where our garden variety logical
graphs grow, observing the ways operative variations and operative
themes naturally develop on those grounds.

joseph simpson

Jul 8, 2019, 7:13:51 PM7/8/19
to Sys Sci, Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling

Excellent material..

I will add it to the list..

Take care, be good to yourself and have fun,


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Jon Awbrey

Jul 9, 2019, 8:12:23 AM7/9/19
to, joseph simpson, Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling
Thanks, Joe,

This material is coming from the section of my "Futures Of Logical Graphs" (FOLG)
titled "Themes and Variations" where I explain how I came down from logical trees
and learned to love logical cacti (ouch) --

I spent the last month upgrading the ancient ascii graphics to jpegs and the text
will hopefully get less rambling and clearer as I serialize it to my inquiry blog.

Previous Installments:
Animated Logical Graphs



joseph simpson

Jul 10, 2019, 9:24:53 AM7/10/19
to Jon Awbrey, Sys Sci, Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling

Great, I will program some time to engage this material.

Take care and have fun,


Jon Awbrey

Jul 10, 2019, 10:00:15 AM7/10/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 17

To get a clearer view of the relation between
primary arithmetic and primary algebra consider
the following extremely simple algebraic expression:

Figure 4. Cactus Graph (a)

In this expression the variable name "a" appears as an "operand name".
In functional terms, "a" is called an "argument name", but it's best
to avoid the potentially confusing connotations of the word "argument"
here, since it also refers in logical discussions to a more or less
specific pattern of reasoning.

As we've discussed, the algebraic variable name indicates the
contemplated absence or presence of any arithmetic expression
taking its place in the surrounding template, which expression
is proxied well enough by its logical value, and of which values
we know but two. Thus, the given algebraic expression varies
between these two choices:

Figure 5. Cactus Graph Set (),(())

The above selection of arithmetic expressions is what it means
to contemplate the absence or presence of the operand "a" in
the algebraic expression "(a)". But what would it mean to
contemplate the absence or presence of the operator "( )"
in the algebraic expression "(a)"?

That is the question I'll take up next.



Box (A).jpg
Box (),(()).jpg

Jon Awbrey

Jul 10, 2019, 6:00:24 PM7/10/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 18

We had been contemplating the penultimately simple
algebraic expression "(a)" as a name for a set of
arithmetic expressions, namely, (a) = { () , (()) },
taking the equality sign in the appropriate sense.

Figure 6. Cactus Graph Equation (a) = {(),(())}

Then we asked the corresponding question about the operator "( )".
The above selection of arithmetic expressions is what it means
to contemplate the absence or presence of the operand "a" in
the algebraic expression "(a)". But what would it mean to
contemplate the absence or presence of the operator "( )"
in the algebraic expression "(a)"?

Clearly, a variation between the absence and the presence of
the operator "( )" in the algebraic expression "(a)" refers to
a variation between the algebraic expressions "a" and "(a)",
respectively, somewhat as pictured below:

Figure 7. Cactus Graph Equation ?a? = {a,(a)}

But how shall we signify such variations in a coherent calculus?

(end of season cliff-hanger ...)


Box (A)={(),(())}.jpg
Box A que={A,(A)}.jpg

Jon Awbrey

Jul 11, 2019, 10:48:55 AM7/11/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
We have encountered the question of how to extend our
formal calculus to take account of operator variables.

In the days when I scribbled these things on the backs of computer punchcards,
the first thing I tried was drawing big loopy script characters, placing some
inside the loops of others. Lower case alphas, betas, gammas, deltas, and
so on worked best. Graphics like these conveyed the idea that a character-
shaped boundary drawn around another space can be viewed as absent or present
depending on whether the formal value of the character is unmarked or marked.
The same idea can be conveyed by attaching characters directly to the edges
of graphs.

Here is how we might suggest an algebraic expression of the form "(q)"
where the absence or presence of the operator "( )" depends on the value
of the algebraic expression "p", the operator "( )" being absent whenever
p is unmarked and present whenever p is marked.

Figure 8. Cactus Graph (q)_p = {q,(q)}

It was obvious to me from the outset that this sort of tactic would need
a lot of work to become a usable calculus, especially when it came time
to feed those punchcards back into the computer.


Box Q que P={Q,(Q)}.jpg

Jon Awbrey

Jul 11, 2019, 5:30:10 PM7/11/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs

Another tactic I tried by way of porting operator variables into logical graphs and
laws of form was to hollow out a leg of Spencer-Brown's crosses, gnomons, markers,
whatever you wish to call them, as shown below:

Figure 9. Transitional (q)_p = {q,(q)}

The initial idea I had in mind was the same as before, that the operator
over q would be counted as absent when p evaluates to a space and present
when p evaluates to a cross.

However, much in the same way that operators with a shade of negativity
tend to be more generative than the purely positive brand, it turned out
more useful to reverse this initial polarity of operation, letting the
operator over q be counted as absent when p evaluates to a cross and
present when p evaluates to a space.

So that is the convention I'll adopt from here on.


Box Q qua P.jpg

joseph simpson

Jul 11, 2019, 10:58:20 PM7/11/19
to, Ontolog Forum, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group

This section sent me back to the 'Laws of Form' for a quick review.

I think I see the connection, time will tell..

Have fun,


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Jon Awbrey

Jul 12, 2019, 2:00:31 PM7/12/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 21

A funny thing just happened. Let's see if we can tell where.
We started with the algebraic expression "(a)", in which the
operand "a" suggests the contemplated absence or presence of
any arithmetic expression or its value, then we contemplated
the absence or presence of the operator "( )" in "(a)" to be
indicated by a cross or a space, respectively, for the value
of a newly introduced variable, "b", placed in a new slot of
a newly extended operator form, as suggested by this picture:

Figure 10. Control Form (a)_b

What happened here is this. Our contemplation of an operator variable
just as quickly transformed into the contemplation of a newly introduced
but otherwise quite ordinary operand variable, fitting into a new form of
formula. In its interpretation for logic the newly formed operation may be
viewed as an extension of ordinary negation, one in which the negation of the
first variable is "controlled" by the value of the second variable. Thus, we
may regard this development as marking a form of "controlled reflection", or a
form of "reflective control". From this point on we will use the inline syntax
"(a , b)" for the associated operation on two variables, whose operation table
is given below:

Operation Table for (a , b)

: The Entitative Interpretation (En), for which Space = False and Cross = True,
calls this operation "equivalence".

: The Existential Interpretation (Ex), for which Space = True and Cross = False,
calls this operation "distinction".


Box A quo B.jpg
Table (A,B) Space Cross.png

joseph simpson

Jul 13, 2019, 11:45:06 PM7/13/19
to, Sys Sci, Ontolog Forum, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group

I am commenting on my view of the potential value associated with Jon's work.

Most, if not all, of the benefits associated with the "Laws of Form," appear to be associated with Jon's work on  animated logical graphs.  These benefits include:
-- complexity reduction (both cognitive and computational)
-- increased communication precision
-- interface between informal and  formal languages.

Many large scale human activities could be improved using the above listed benefits.

However, another more interesting (to me) aspect of this work is the dynamic, responsive form of the logical graphs.  

In any case, this is interesting material that could be applied in many areas.

I have started to map the relationships to the augmented model-exchange isomorphism (AMEI) logical groups.  Later, I plan of creating a collection of abstract relation types (ART) to document and communicate the application of this type of logical analysis.

Take care, be good to yourself and have fun,


On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 2:33 AM Aleksandar Malečić <> wrote:
Each step on its own, as far as I can follow them, makes sense. You are, if I understand it correctly, trying to figure out something fundamental, the rock bottom reality. When can we expect that results of such a research to become  "applicable to more than one of the traditional departments of knowledge" ( What kinds of tragedy, disaster, misunderstanding, mismanagement, or failure would/will be preventable by your approach?


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Jul 14, 2019, 12:58:08 PM7/14/19
to,, Sys Sci, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group

Thanks for these comments, Joe – thanks to Jon for exploring the connection with Laws of Form. Thanks for linking to a few other conversations.


I just want to mention that G. Spencer Brown and LOF had a significant influence on me as well.  This book was popular in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s, and it was very up my line.  I was exploring topological approaches to logic, and Brown’s book was very striking and influential.


I did not really understand his graphic symbolism – the notion of “crossing”, etc. – and I think a lot of people were mystified by it, but yet intrigued.  It just so happened that in 1973, I met a couple of times with the famous anthropologist/epistemologist Gregory Bateson (author of the very influential Steps to an Ecology of Mind, which introduced the theme of “The Pattern That Connects” into the new-thought conversation).  He was in residence at UC Santa Cruz at the time, and one of the things we talked about was Laws of Form.  Like me, Bateson was intrigued – but asked me if I thought the book was a trick, a mystifying joke being played on a gullible public.  He found some citation in the index that he thought was a clue.


But for me, this question was just a distraction.  The idea that stuck with me – and shaped everything I’ve been doing since, including a lot of messages posted to Ontolog – has to do with the concept of “distinction”, which LOF first put in my head.


“The first command – draw a distinction”


That’s something I’ve been feeling for a long time.


In what I am doing right now, this idea is at the core –


“Draw a distinction in a distinction”


There’s a lot we can say about this.


In Dr. Susan Carey’s “The Origin of Concepts”, she talks about “Quinian Bootstrapping” (W.V.O. Quine)  – which I think relates to this kind of mysterious coalescence of concept and form from a mysterious figure/ground tension.  She is talking about concept formation in children.  Something organic drives an emerging fuzzy notion that becomes explicitly codified.


What I want to suggest is that there is a organic drive dynamic that pushes conceptual form out of the continuum (Tao, real number line, unit interval, etc.) , under the force of some kind of “local” motivation.  A distinction gets drawn in a distinction.  Maybe this relates to Helen Keller’s powerful experience with the concept/word W-A-T-E-R as drawn on her hand….


In any case, thank you.


It feels to me like there is a powerful transcendental theorem in the air right now.  We are figuring this out.  Something wants to explode through the keyhole.


For those who want to decode this mystery, there’s a lot to consider right here in this excerpt from Wikipedia.




Bruce Schuman

Santa Barbara CA USA


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joseph simpson

Jul 15, 2019, 7:23:37 PM7/15/19
to Ontolog Forum @ GG,, Sys Sci, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group

Interesting observations and comments.

Much of the material contained in the "Laws Of Form," relates a formal language to natural language.

The last statement of Chapter 12, on page 76, states:

"We now see that the first distinction, the mark, and the observer are not only interchangeable, but, in the form, identical."

The statement above, to me, indicates that the formal language representations associated with the "Laws Of Form," are highly restricted.

No one would say that a mark on a sheet of paper is an observer, in real life.

The challenge is to find a suitable natural language that properly applies the Laws Of Form to a range of real situations.

The space, state or contents associated with the distinction is a key consideration in the proper application of the Laws Of Form.

The relationships associated with the real space, state or contents are not as restricted as the relationships associated with the Laws Of Form.

Anyway, interesting material.

Take care and have fun,


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Jul 17, 2019, 3:27:51 PM7/17/19

Thanks Joe.


I am continuing to bump along on my project for “integral ontology”, and I now have a growing list of sources that includes LOF – along with a bunch of other things, including Conceptual Structures by JS.


Another thing I have done is develop a way to build a list or system of “principles” – guiding design ideas, etc. – which I start off with a series of quotes from JS, that were (and are) very influential on me.  I have a way to comment on each quote or principle individually – and something like this could be opened to group dialogue.  What are we trying to do, what are the strongest insights for helping us do it?


On LOF – this is some deep stuff, a little bit hard to figure, but I can feel my way into it in ways that seem significant.


There are a few areas or “themes” that seem relevant:


  1. Where do concepts come from (how do they emerge from nowhere?)
  2. How do abstract notions become codified into symbolic structures (symbolic structures that then become defined as “states in a medium”, the content of database cells, etc.)
  3. How does this subject relate to the continuum and “the foundations of mathematics”?
  4. What if anything does this have to do with the “figure/ground” relationship?


So – you write:


Joe S

> "We now see that the first distinction, the mark, and the observer are not only interchangeable, but, in the form, identical."


This is trippy, maybe confusing, maybe confused – but I would say it’s a sincere hard push towards something deep.  Like maybe think about a “holon” – a “two-sided” (“Janus-faced”) concept, that appears as both a part or a whole, depending on how it is viewed – i.e., whether Janus is “looking UP the hierarchy” of part/whole relationships, so that part appears as a whole – or DOWN the hierarchy from the point of view of the whole, so “the same thing” now appears as “a part”.  Think of an automobile.  Is a carburetor a part or a whole?  It’s both.


So I think this goes to the mystery of concept formation – which I would say GSB is try to demystify.



> The statement above, to me, indicates that the formal language representations associated with the "Laws Of Form," are highly restricted.


I am not sure exactly what you are saying, Joe –“highly restricted” – how?  They are restricted to a logic defined only within LOF?


But I do absolutely agree that the wording is confusing.  “The mark and the observer of the mark are 1) interchangeable, and 2) identical.”




But lets give the guy some space.  “The observer is one with what he (she) observes”  That makes sense – with a charitable reading.


> No one would say that a mark on a sheet of paper is an observer, in real life.


Yes.  So that is confusing – maybe (?) just badly conceptualized.  But I sense that there is a mysterious “emergent” kind of process, where we are kind of feeling our way into something – where we are “kind of” making a distinction – but what IS that, what is that distinction made IN – and HOW is it made?  BY what?  For what reason? How do we codify it, or remember it?


I just purchased the book The Origin of Concepts, by Susan Carey, a child psychology professor at Harvard, where she talks about “bootstrapping” at the foundation of concept formation.  I think we are seeing a kind of bootstrapping, and LOF might (?) be a very early precursor to this idea.


Something is making a distinction in something


All very blurry and very primal.


> The challenge is to find a suitable natural language that properly applies the Laws Of Form to a range of real situations.


Or maybe a “suitable interpretation in natural language” that can model/describe what LOF is talking about…..


I’d say that is the route I am taking.


> The space, state or contents associated with the distinction is a key consideration in the proper application of the Laws Of Form.


And what I probably want to do – is to define the “dimensionality” of all these intersecting elements.  “The distinction intersects something and makes a distinction in it”.


In broader terms, talking taxonomy – we might say that “something makes a distinction in a genus, and that distinction forms a species”.


> The relationships associated with the real space, state or contents are not as restricted as the relationships associated with the Laws Of Form.


“the real space, state or content”  -- i.e. the reality in which we are making a distinction


If it is a “state” – I would way we are making a distinction in an abstraction – since “state” is an abstract concept, maybe a variable or the values of a variable


“Content” might be bounded in some way – like “the content of a matrix cell” – but with no internal differentiation.  It’s just a unit, a whole. 


But if we seem to detect some variation in units that are supposed to be “identical” – we might start analyzing that difference, and trying to “draw a distinction”


How does that happen?  Did we really see a “difference” between these two “identical units”?  How can we conceptualize that.


Get out the surgical knife, make a cut, draw a distinction….  And then give it a name and call it something – or if you cut one thing into two things, name them both, and figure out why they are different and how




On related subject –I really want to ground all this stuff in measurement.


I think these themes are very related.  Are “distinctions orthogonal to the thing they are making a distinction in?”


(“are species orthogonal to their genus”?)


I like this carpenter square.  It looks a lot like GSB’s primary mark.  It’s a lot of distinctions in one place.


Something like this, I think – is how we bring this stuff down to earth.  How we make it real.  How we make it matter.




joseph simpson

Jul 19, 2019, 7:37:18 PM7/19/19
to Ontolog Forum @ GG

You wrote:


Joe S

> "We now see that the first distinction, the mark, and the observer are not only interchangeable, but, in the form, identical."


What I wrote was a quote from Laws of Form.

The "form" is an abstract representation of a specific distinction made by the "scribe" (the agent that made the mark.)

The scribe could be the observer or the observer could be a different agent.

The utility of the Laws of Form, in my opinion, is directly related to the value generated by encoding a distinction into a collection of marks.

What are the specific benefits of encoding distinctions using marks and the Laws of Form?

The answer to this question is what guides my interest in this topic.

For more options, visit

Jon Awbrey

Jul 22, 2019, 8:12:16 PM7/22/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 22

The step of controlled reflection we just took can be iterated as far
as we wish to take it, as suggested by the following series of forms:

Figure 11. Reflective Series (a) to (a, b, c, d)

Written inline, we have the series "(a)", "(a, b)", "(a, b, c)", "(a, b, c, d)",
and so on, whose general form is "(x_1, x_2, ..., x_k)". With this move we have
passed beyond the graph-theoretical form of rooted trees to what graph theorists
know as "rooted cacti".

I will discuss this "cactus language" and its logical interpretations next.
Reflective Series (A) to (A,B,C,D).jpg

joseph simpson

Jul 23, 2019, 7:55:38 PM7/23/19
to Sys Sci, Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group

Very interesting work and ideas.

I went back to this section to address an area where I have some specific questions.

The area is associated with the operations of "equivalence" and "distinction".

I tend to view equivalence and distinction as relationships as opposed to operations.  I do not know if this makes any significant difference in this context.

Given the relationship of equivalence, the logical properties of the relationship are given as:
--- reflexive
--- symmetric
--- transitive

Object A is equivalent to Object A. (reflexive property)
Object B is equivalent to Object A and Object A is equivalent to Object B. (symmetric property)
If Object B is equivalent to Object A and Object A is equivalent to Object C, then Object B is equivalent to Object C. (transitive property)

Given the relationship of distinction, the logical properties of the relationship are given as:
--- irreflexive
--- symmetric
--- transitive

Object A is not distinct from Object A. (irreflexive property)
Object B is distinct from Object A and Object A is distinct from Object B. (symmetric property)
If Object B is distinct from Object A and Object A is distinct from Object C, then Object B is distinct from Object C. (transitive property)

The questions relate to the two different types of reflexive logical attributes; reflexive and irreflexive.

In the operations of controlled reflection are both types of reflexive logical properties allowed?

Does the term "controlled reflection" relate to a collection of operations or logical properties or both?

This is my first attempt to start associating your work to the augmented model-exchange isomorphism (AMEI) logical groups.

The AMEI logical groups may then be used to help associate these logical graphic terms to a natural language implementation.

Thanks for continuing to share and explain your work.

Take care, be good to yourself and have fun,

The SysSciWG wiki is at

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Jon Awbrey

Jul 24, 2019, 9:40:55 AM7/24/19
to, Sys Sci, Structural Modeling
Joe, Thanks, those are very good questions. We just got back from
our annual "dramatic immersion" at the Stratford Festival in Canada
and I learned a lot from the plays this year that I'm still working
to metabolize and integrate into my everyday outlook on life. I'll
hold off just a bit on replying to your questions and the intervening
discussions until I get my next blog post out, as it has a table that
should help things along.


>> ...

Jon Awbrey

Jul 24, 2019, 2:09:03 PM7/24/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 23

The following Table will suffice to show how the "streamer-cross" forms
C.S. Peirce used in his essay on "Qualitative Logic" and Spencer Brown
used in his "Laws of Form", as they get extended by successive steps
of controlled reflection, translate into syntactic strings and
rooted cactus graphs:

Table. Syntactic Correspondences
Syntactic Correspondences.jpg

joseph simpson

Jul 25, 2019, 8:18:21 PM7/25/19
to Sys Sci, Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group

Today I found an interesting publication that might relate to the current discussion of Animated Logical Graphs (ALG).

Please see:

The “sensitivity” conjecture may be a topic that could be explored using ALG.

There appear to be many interesting connections between ALG and the sensitivity conjecture.

I am looking for an area where ALG application examples may be created and discussed.

My first attempt at an example, using the augmented model-exchange isomorphism (AMEI), raised a number of conceptual and structural application issues.  Which can be addressed as we move forward.

My plan is to continue the search for specific application areas.

I believe that finding domain specific applications will help me better understand the ALG material.

Take care, be good to yourself and have fun,

The SysSciWG wiki is at

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Jon Awbrey

Jul 26, 2019, 11:45:58 AM7/26/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 24

Re: Joseph Simpson

Boolean functions f : B^k -> B and different ways of contemplating their
complexity are definitely the right ballpark, or at least the right planet,
for field-testing logical graphs.

I don't know much about the Boolean Sensitivity Conjecture but I did run across
an enlightening article about it just yesterday and I did once begin an exploration
of what appears to be a related question, Peter Frankl's "Union-Closed Sets Conjecture".
See the resource pages linked below.

At any rate, now that we've entered the ballpark, or standard orbit, of boolean functions,
I can skip a bit of dancing around and jump to the next blog post I have on deck.


* Frankl Conjecture
( )

* R.J. Lipton and K.W. Regan : Discrepancy Games and Sensitivity
( )

Jon Awbrey

Jul 27, 2019, 10:20:37 AM7/27/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 25

Let's examine the formal operation table for the third in our series
of reflective forms to see if we can elicit the general pattern:

Formal Operation Table (a, b, c) Variant 1

Or, thinking in terms of the corresponding cactus graphs,
writing "o" for a blank node and "|" for a terminal edge,
we get the following Table:

Formal Operation Table (a, b, c) Variant 2

Evidently, the rule is that "(a, b, c)" denotes the value denoted by "o"
if and only if exactly one of the variables a, b, c has the value denoted
by "|", otherwise "(a, b, c)" denotes the value denoted by "|". Examining
the whole series of reflective forms shows this is the general rule.

* In the Entitative Interpretation (En), where o = false and | = true,
"(x_1, ..., x_k)" translates as "not just one of the x_j is true".

* In the Existential Interpretation (Ex), where o = true and | = false,
"(x_1, ..., x_k)" translates as "just one of the x_j is not true".


Formal Operation Table (a, b, c) Variant 1.png
Formal Operation Table (a, b, c) Variant 2.png

Jon Awbrey

Jul 29, 2019, 3:24:22 PM7/29/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 26

This post and the next wrap up the Themes and Variations section
of my speculation on Futures Of Logical Graphs. I made an effort
to "show my work", reviewing the steps I took to arrive at the
present perspective on logical graphs, whistling past the least
productive of the blind alleys, cul-de-sacs, detours, and forking
paths I explored along the way. It can be useful to tell the story
that way, partly because others may find things I missed down those
roads, but it does call for a recap of the main ideas I would like
readers to take away.

Partly through my reflections on Peirce's use of operator variables I was led
to what I called the "reflective extension of logical graphs", or what I now
call the "cactus language", after its principal graph-theoretic data structure.
This graphical formal language arises from generalizing the negation operator "( )"
in a particular direction, treating "( )" as the "controlled", "moderated", or
"reflective" negation operator of order 1, and adding another operator for each
integer parameter greater than 1. This family of operators is symbolized by
bracketed argument lists of the forms "( )", "( , )", "( , , )", and so on,
where the number of places is the order of the reflective negation operator
in question.

Two rules suffice for evaluating cactus graphs:

* The rule for evaluating a k-node operator,
corresponding to an expression of the form
"x_1 x_2 ... x_{k-1} x_k", is as follows:

Figure 12. Node Evaluation Rule

* The rule for evaluating a k-lobe operator,
corresponding to an expression of the form
"(x_1, x_2, ..., x_{k-1}, x_k)", is as follows:

Figure 13. Lobe Evaluation Rule


Futures Of Logical Graphs

Themes and Variations



Box Xj Node Evaluation Rule.jpg
Box Xj Lobe Evaluation Rule.jpg

Jon Awbrey

Aug 1, 2019, 10:48:18 AM8/1/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 27

The rules given in the previous post for evaluating cactus graphs were
given in purely formal terms, that is, by referring to the mathematical
forms of cacti without mentioning their potential for logical meaning.
As it turns out, two ways of mapping cactus graphs to logical meanings
are commonly found in practice. These two mappings of mathematical
structure to logical meaning are formally dual to each other and known
as the Entitative and Existential interpretations respectively. The
following Table compares the entitative and existential interpretations
of the primary cactus structures, from which the rest of their semantics
can be derived.

Table. Logical Interpretations of Cactus Structures

This concludes the "New Cacti for Old Trees" episode
of my prospectus on Futures Of Logical Graphs. I've
got to take care of some procrastinations about home
and garden and then try to catch up with the comments
and questions that have accumulated in the meantime.


Logical Interpretations of Cactus Structures En Ex.jpg

Jon Awbrey

Aug 3, 2019, 11:15:44 AM8/3/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 28

I will have to focus on other business for a couple of weeks ?
so just by way of reminding myself what we were talking about
at this juncture where logical graphs and differential logic
intersect, here's my comment on R.J. Lipton and K.W. Regan's
blog post about Discrepancy Games and Sensitivity.


Just by way of a general observation, concepts like discrepancy,
influence, sensitivity, etc. are differential in character, so
I tend to think the proper grounds for approaching them more
systematically will come from developing the logical analogue
of differential geometry.

I took a few steps in this direction some years ago in connection
with an effort to understand a certain class of intelligent systems
as dynamical systems. There's a motley assortment of links here:

* Survey of Differential Logic


* Logical Graphs

* Differential Logic



Jon Awbrey

Aug 11, 2019, 1:10:38 PM8/11/19
to, joseph simpson, Sys Sci, Structural Modeling
Joe & All,
Re: JS
> The area is associated with the operations
> of "equivalence" and "distinction".
> I tend to view equivalence and distinction
> as relationships as opposed to operations.
> I do not know if this makes any significant
> difference in this context.

I invoked the general concepts of equivalence and distinction here
to connect with a wider backdrop of ideas we need to keep in mind
but since we've been focusing on boolean functions to coordinate
the semantics of propositional calculi we can get a sense of the
connection between operations and relations by looking at their
relationship in a boolean frame of reference.

Let B = {0, 1} and let k be a positive integer.

A k-variable boolean function is a mapping B^k -> B.

A k-place boolean relation is a subset of B^k.

Any k-place relation L, as a subset of B^k, has a corresponding
"indicator function", also called a "characteristic function",
f_L : B^k -> B defined such that f_L (x) = 1 if x is in L and
f_L = 0 if x is not in L.

Any k-variable function f : B^k -> B is the indicator function of
a k-place relation L_f consisting of all the x in B^k where f(x) = 1.
This called the "fiber of 1" or the "pre-image of 1" in B^k and is
commonly notated rather obtusely as [f^(-1)](1).

I'll post a better formatted copy on my blog when I get a chance.



On 7/23/2019 7:55 PM, joseph simpson wrote:

Jon Awbrey

Aug 12, 2019, 9:04:16 AM8/12/19
to, joseph simpson, Sys Sci, Structural Modeling
Joe & All,

Here's a link to the blog edition of my last post:

Animated Logical Graphs : 29

Should be easier on the eyes, and I added a few bits for clarity's sake.


> This is called the "fiber of 1" or the "pre-image of 1" in B^k and is
> commonly notated rather obtusely as [f^(-1)](1).
> I'll post a better formatted copy on my blog when I get a chance.
> Regards,
> Jon
> On 7/23/2019 7:55 PM, joseph simpson wrote:
>> Jon:
>> Very interesting work and ideas.
>> I went back to this section to address an area where I have some specific
>> questions.
>> The area is associated with the operations of "equivalence" and
>> "distinction".
>> I tend to view equivalence and distinction as relationships as opposed to
>> operations.? I do not know if this makes any significant difference in this

Ferenc Kovacs

Aug 16, 2019, 1:34:34 PM8/16/19
Dear All, 
You may be interested in a different approach to represent the genesis or the evolution of living things, something that Darwin also had a hunch of. The approach is certainly an eye opener for those who are stuck with the impossibilities presented by graphs and similar graphic and metaphoric representations. The coral does definitely have the advantage of introducing a time-scale and a link to the collections in nature museums where the dead sppecimen of the individual entities are kept for further study.
Enjoy, Ferenc 

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Jon Awbrey

Aug 25, 2019, 3:54:33 PM8/25/19
to Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 30

The duality between Entitative and Existential interpretations
of logical graphs is a basic example of a mathematical symmetry,
in this case a symmetry of order 2. Symmetries of this and
higher orders give us conceptual handles on excess complexities
in the manifold of sensuous impressions, making it well worth
our trouble to seek them out and grasp them where we find them.

In that vein, here's a Rosetta Stone to give us a grounding in
the relationship between boolean functions and our two readings
of logical graphs:

| Table too big to get a good screen shot.
| Please see the blog post linked above.



Jon Awbrey

Sep 2, 2019, 8:56:25 AM9/2/19
to, Aleksandar Malečić, Ontolog Forum, Structural Modeling, Cybernetic Communications, Laws Of Form Group
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs : 31

On 7/13/2019 5:33 AM, Aleksandar Male??i?? wrote:
> Each step on its own, as far as I can follow them, makes sense. You are,
> if I understand it correctly, trying to figure out something fundamental,
> the rock bottom reality. When can we expect that results of such a research
> to become "applicable to more than one of the traditional departments of
> knowledge" ( What kinds of tragedy,
> disaster, misunderstanding, mismanagement, or failure would/will be
> preventable by your approach?

Aleksandar, All,

The larger questions asked above -- interdisciplinary inquiry, the
interest in integration, the synthesis of ideas across isolated silos
of specialization, and what it might mean for the future -- are issues
Susan Awbrey and I addressed from a pragmatic semiotic perspective:

* Awbrey, S.M., and Awbrey, J.L. (2001),
"Conceptual Barriers to Creating Integrative Universities", Organization :
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Organization, Theory, and Society 8(2),
Sage Publications, London, UK, 269-284.
Abstract ( )
Online ( )

* Awbrey, S.M., and Awbrey, J.L. (1999),
"Organizations of Learning or Learning Organizations : The Challenge
of Creating Integrative Universities for the Next Century", Second
International Conference of the Journal 'Organization', Re-Organizing
Knowledge, Trans-Forming Institutions : Knowing, Knowledge, and the
University in the 21st Century, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Online ( )

From that vantage point, what I'm about here is just a subgoal of a subgoal,
panning what bits of elemental substrate can be found ever nearer that elusive
"rock bottom reality".



Jon Awbrey

Jun 14, 2020, 10:25:13 AM6/14/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 32

Re: R.J. Lipton and K.W. Regan
::: Proof Checking

Here's a place where I explore several different shapes of proofs within propositional calculus deriving from the
graphical systems of Charles S. Peirce and G. Spencer Brown.

• Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems • Analysis of Contingent Propositions

I don't know whether that helps any with P ≟ NP but it does supply a lot of nice pictures to contemplate.


• Logical Graphs

• Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems
facebook page:

Jon Awbrey

Jun 18, 2020, 3:12:08 PM6/18/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 33

A reader's request for more examples of animated logical graphs
prompted me to look again at the User Guide for my Theme One Program,
whose exposition develops a series of logical graphs increasing in
complexity from extremely simple to more complex and interesting
than any I've posted online so far.

• Theme One Program • User Guide

I'm thinking now it may be worthwhile to look at those examples again
and see if they're suitable for recycling as a series of blog posts.


• Logical Graphs

• Proof Animations

• Survey of Theme One Program

• Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

Jon Awbrey

Aug 11, 2020, 11:20:21 AM8/11/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 34

Re: Ontolog Forum ( )
::: John Sowa ( )
Re: Peirce List ( )
::: John Sowa ( )


This adds a few resource links to an earlier reply on
the Ontolog Forum and the Peirce List. I added it to
my blog series on Animated Logical Graphs mostly just
by way of reminding myself to get back to that.

Dear John,

I can't imagine why anyone would bother with Peirce's logic
if it's just Frege and Russell in a different syntax, which
has been the opinion I usually get from FOL fans. But the fact
is Peirce's 1870 "Logic of Relatives" is already far in advance
of anything we'd see again for a century, in principle in most
places, in practice in many others, chock full of revolutionary
ideas, not all of which he developed fully in subsequent work.
Although I studied the 1870 Logic from early on I did not realize
how far ahead of its time it was until I began reading approaches
to logic from category-theoretic and computation-theoretic angles
in the 1970s and 1980s. An indication of Peirce's innovations can
be found in the series of selections and commentary I started on
the 1870 Logic of Relatives.

Here's the work in progress so far on the OEIS Wiki.

* Peirce's 1870 Logic Of Relatives
* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3

Here's the overview for a parallel series of blog posts.

* Peirce's 1870 Logic Of Relatives • Overview


* Logical Graphs

* Proof Animations

* Survey of Theme One Program

* Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

* Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems



Jon Awbrey

Aug 19, 2020, 10:40:12 AM8/19/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs ??? 35

Re: Richard J. Lipton
::: Logical Complexity Of Proofs

The smoothest way I know to do propositional calculus
is by using minimal negation operators as primitives,
parsing propositional formulas into (painted and rooted)
cactus graphs, and using the appropriate extension of
the axiom set from Charles S. Peirce's logical graphs
and G. Spencer Brown's laws of form.

There's a quick link here:

* Cactus Language for Propositional Logic


* Logic Syllabus
* Futures Of Logical Graphs

* Minimal Negation Operators

Jon Awbrey

Aug 21, 2020, 11:00:26 AM8/21/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs ??? 36
Dear Dick,

You asked, "Is this measure, the logical flow of a proof, of any interest?"

I wasn't quite clear how you define the measure of flow in a proof --
it seemed to have something to do with the number of implication arrows
in the argument structure?

But this does bring up interesting issues of "proof style" ...

Propositional calculus as a formal language and boolean functions
as an object domain form an instructive microcosm for many issues
of logic writ large. The relation between proof theory and model
theory is one of those issues, despite, or maybe in virtue of,
propositional logic's status as a special case.

Folks who pursue the CSP-GSB line of development
in graphical syntax for propositional calculus are
especially likely to notice the following dimensions
of proof style.

Formal Duality
This goes back to Peirce's discovery of the "amphecks"
( ) and the duality between
Not Both (nand ( ) ) and
Both Not (nnor ( ) ).
The same duality is present in Peirce's graphical systems
for propositional calculus. It is analogous to the duality
in projective geometry and it means we are always proving
two theorems for the price of one. That's a reduction in
complexity -- it raises the question of how many such
group-theoretic reductions we can find.

To be continued ...


* Cactus Language


* Applications of a Propositional Calculator ??? Constraint Satisfaction Problems

* Exploratory Qualitative Analysis of Sequential Observation Data



Jon Awbrey

Aug 22, 2020, 2:20:22 PM8/22/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 37
Another dimension of proof style has to do with how much information
is kept or lost as the argument develops. For the moment let's focus
on classical deductive reasoning at the propositional level. Then we
can distinguish between "equational inferences", which keep all the
information represented by the input propositions, and "implicational
inferences", which permit information to be lost as the proof proceeds.

Information-Preserving vs. Information-Reducing Inferences

Implicit in Peirce's systems of logical graphs is the ability to use
equational inferences. Spencer Brown drew this out and turned it to
great advantage in his revival of Peirce's graphical forms. As it
affects "logical flow" this allows for bi-directional or reversible
flows, you might even say a "logical equilibrium" between two states
of information.

It is probably obvious when we stop to think about it, but
seldom remarked, that all the more familiar inference rules,
like modus ponens and resolution or transitivity, entail in
general a loss of information as we traverse their arrows or

For example, the usual form of modus ponens takes us from knowing
p and p => q to knowing q but in fact we know more, we actually know
p and q. With that in mind we can formulate two variants of modus ponens,
one reducing and one preserving the actual state of information, as shown
in the following figure.

Modus Ponens Variants

There's more discussion of this topic at the following location.

* Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems : Computation and Inference as Semiosis

To be continued ...


Modus Ponens Variants.png

Jon Awbrey

Aug 24, 2020, 10:04:09 AM8/24/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Survey of Animated Logical Graphs • 3


I just updated my Survey of blog and wiki posts relating to
Animated Logical Graphs. A great many links went missing
when my old worksite, the InterSciWiki, went offline so
I've been repairing those as I run across them.


Logical Graphs : Introduction

Logical Graphs : Formal Development


Logic Syllabus

Logical Graphs
Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems


Peirce's Law
* This Blog
* OEIS Wiki

Praeclarum Theorema
* This Blog
* OEIS Wiki

Cactus Language

Applications of a Propositional Calculator :
Differential Analytic Turing Automata

Survey of Theme One Program

Blog Dialogs

Animated Logical Graphs



Jon Awbrey

Aug 25, 2020, 4:01:09 PM8/25/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 38
Three examples of propositional proofs in logical graphs using
equational inference rules can be found at the following location.

* Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems • Exemplary Proofs

By way of a quick overview, here are the animated proofs of
these examples, along with links to their detailed descriptions.

Peirce's Law

Praeclarum Theorema

Two-Thirds Majority Function


Peirce's Law 2.0 Animation.gif
Praeclarum Theorema 2.0 Animation.gif
Two-Thirds Majority Function 500 x 250 Animation.gif

Jon Awbrey

Sep 10, 2020, 3:12:45 PM9/10/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 39

Happy Peirce's Birthday, Everyone !!!
We've been discussing aspects of proof style arising in connection with
the complexity of proofs. In previous posts we took up (1) the aspect of
formal duality, reflecting in passing on the prospect of higher symmetries,
and (2) the spectrum ranging from information-reducing to information-preserving
inference rules. Here's a quick recap --

* Animated Logical Graphs

A third aspect of proof style arising in this connection is the degree
of insight demanded and demonstrated in the performance of a proof.
Generally speaking, the same endpoint can be reached in many different
ways from given starting points, by paths ranging from those exhibiting
appreciable insight to those exercising little more than persistence in
sticking to a set routine.

A modicum of insight suffices to suggest the quality of "insight" resists
pinning down in a succinct definition but we do tend to recognize it when
we see it, so let me inch forward by highlighting its salient features in
a graded series of examples.

Jon Awbrey

Sep 26, 2020, 7:48:17 PM9/26/20
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 40

| Note: as always, follow the above link for better formatting,
| especially if the unicode math symbols fail to get through.

One way to see the difference between insight proofs and routine proofs
is to pick a single example of a theorem in propositional calculus and
prove it two ways, one more insightful and one more routine.

The praeclarum theorema, or splendid theorem, is a theorem
of propositional calculus noted and named by G.W. Leibniz,
who stated and proved it in the following manner.


If a is b and d is c, then ad will be bc.
This is a fine theorem, which is proved in this way:
a is b, therefore ad is bd (by what precedes),
d is c, therefore bd is bc (again by what precedes),
ad is bd, and bd is bc, therefore ad is bc.  Q.E.D.

— Leibniz • Logical Papers, p. 41.


Expressed in contemporary logical notation, the theorem may be written as follows.

((a ⇒ b) ∧ (d ⇒ c)) ⇒ ((a ∧ d) ⇒ (b ∧ c))

Using teletype parentheses ( ... ) for the logical negation (p)
of a proposition p and simple concatenation pq for the logical
conjunction of propositions p, q permits the theorem to be
written in the following in-line and lispish ways.

Inline Syntax

(  (a (b)) (d (c))  (  (ad (bc))  ))

Lispish ("pretty-printed")

(  (a (b)) (d (c))
(  (ad (bc))

Jon Awbrey

Sep 29, 2020, 11:40:15 AM9/29/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 41


Last time we looked at a formula of propositional logic Leibniz
called a Praeclarum Theorema (PT). We don't concur it's a theorem,
of course, until there's a proof it's identically true and Leibniz
gave an argument to demonstrate that. Written out in one of our
more current formalisms, PT takes the following form.

((a ⇒ b) ∧ (d ⇒ c)) ⇒ ((a ∧ d) ⇒ (b ∧ c))

Somewhat in the spirit of Reduced Instruction Set Computing,
we reformulated PT in a propositional calculus using just
two primitive operations, writing the logical negation of
a proposition p as (p) and the logical conjunction of two
propositions p, q as pq. That gave us a text string in
teletype parentheses and proposition letters, formatted
two ways below.

Figure 1. Praeclarum Theorema Text Strings

Our next transformation of the theorem’s expression exploits a
standard correspondence in combinatorics and computer science
between parenthesized symbol strings and trees with symbols
attached to the nodes.

Figure 2. Praeclarum Theorema Parse Graph

We can see the correspondence between text and tree in the case of PT
by starting at the root of the tree and reading off the characters of
the text string as we traverse the edges and nodes of the tree in the
following manner. The initial "(" tells us to ascend the first edge,
the next "(" tells us to ascend the next edge on the left, where we
find the letter "a" from the string checks with the letter "a" attached
to the node of the tree where we are. Another "(" takes us up another
edge, where we find the letter "b" from the string checks with the
letter "b" on the current tree node. Reading the first ")" on the
string entitles us to descend an edge and reading another ")" gives us
licence to descend another. The way of things is most likely clear by
this point — at any rate, I leave the exercise to the reader.

On the scene of the general correspondence between formulas and graphs
the action may be summed up as follows. The tree, called a "parse tree"
or "parse graph", is constructed in the process of checking whether the
text string is syntactically well-formed, in other words, whether it
satisfies the prescriptions of the associated formal grammar and is
therefore a member in good standing of the prescribed formal language.
If the text string checks out, grammatically speaking, we call it a
"traversal string" of the corresponding parse graph, because it can be
reconstructed from the graph by a process like that illustrated above
called "traversing" the graph.

To be continued …



Praeclarum Theorema Text Strings.png
Praeclarum Theorema Parse Graph 2.0.png

Jon Awbrey

Oct 3, 2020, 4:16:13 PM10/3/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 42

Figure 1. Praeclarum Theorema Parse Graph

Now that our propositional formula is cast in the form of a graph
its evaluation proceeds as a sequence of graphical transformations
where each graph in turn belongs to the same formal equivalence class
as its predecessor and thus of the first. The sequence terminates in
a canonical graph making it manifest whether the initial formula is
identically true by virtue of its form or not.

To be continued ...


* Leibniz, Gottfried W. (1679–1686?),
“Addenda to the Specimen of the Universal Calculus”,
pp. 40–46 in G.H.R. Parkinson (ed., trans., 1966),
Leibniz : Logical Papers, Oxford University Press,
London, UK.

Praeclarum Theorema

* Inquiry Blog

* Metamath Proof Explorer
• Praeclarum Theorema

* Frithjof Dau ( )
• Computer Animated Proof of Leibniz's Praeclarum Theorema


Praeclarum Theorema Parse Graph 2.0.png

Jon Awbrey

Oct 5, 2020, 2:36:45 PM10/5/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 43

Re: FB | Ecology Of Systems Thinking
::: Richard Saunders )
RS: “I wonder if we might find such graphs in the physical microstructures of brains, cells, proteins, etc.”

Dear Richard,

You are reading my mind. See the following message I posted
back in the day on the old Standard Upper Ontology List.

* SUO: Re: Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems (PERS) )

I took up a simple example of a contingent proposition and proceeded in the
medium of logical graphs to prove its equivalence to a simpler proposition.
Reflecting on the form of the proof gone before, I concluded with the
following remark.

JA: “For some reason I always think of that as the way that our DNA would prove it.”

There's further discussion of that example at the following location.

* Propositional Equation Reasoning Systems • Analysis of Contingent Propositions


Praeclarum Theorema Parse Graph 2.0.png

Jon Awbrey

Oct 6, 2020, 10:16:00 AM10/6/20
to Cybernetic Communications, Ontolog Forum, Peirce List, Structural Modeling, SysSciWG
Cf: Animated Logical Graphs • 44

Re: FB | Ecology Of Systems Thinking
::: Richard Saunders

RS: DNA and proteins might be good places to look for logical graphs in nature since our tech for mapping those
structures has become fairly proficient lately. Do you think we could train some kind of neural net to find the
patterns? Might that lead to a real breakthrough in computational microbiology?

Dear Richard,

Models of neural nets are extremely various. I don't especially cotton to the ones based on threshold computation, as I
think they're bound to remain rather dumb. I view all those blinking neurons as something like a night view of the
earth's cities from space. What we see is only a measure of the raw power consumption occurring in the cities,
buildings, and homes, not anything like the actual processes going on inside those sites.


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