Digital Group Facebook Group

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Steve Stroh

Nov 24, 2021, 7:19:58 PM11/24/21
to Northwest Washington Digital Amateur Radio
(Please think better of the reflexive "I hate / don't use / it's evil"
comments about Facebook. For a lot of our fellow humans, Facebook IS
social media, and we're passing up a lot of potential PR and goodwill
not making good use of Facebook for MBARC and the DG.)

Facebook reminded me that there's a Facebook group for the MBARC Digital Group.

It's sadly neglected since COVID-19 time.

Who is the Admin of the group? Could I be added as an Admin?


Steve N8GNJ

Steve Stroh N8GNJ
Zero Retries Newsletter -
Twitter - @zeroretries /

Gayland Gump

Nov 24, 2021, 9:07:40 PM11/24/21
I for one won't use it and have no interest in supporting it.  What I've enjoyed about the digital group is it's intimacy.  It is a space that I can feel comfortable expressing my lack of knowledge and learning from my peers.  I am not really interested in giving that up.  There are times when it is best to leave things as they are.  I may well represent a minority of 1 but for what is worth, I don't believe Covid had anything to do with the absence of activity on Facebook.  We are all inundated with demands on our attention, I see no value in adding to that burden.


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Steve Stroh

Nov 24, 2021, 10:17:38 PM11/24/21
Thank you for sharing your opinion of Facebook Gayland.

Rochelle Sears

Nov 25, 2021, 1:08:14 AM11/25/21
I am the owner of the MBARC Digital Group Facebook page

Rochelle KF7VOP

Rochelle Sears

Nov 25, 2021, 1:16:12 AM11/25/21
I believe I made Art an admin a while ago too.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rochelle Sears <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 10:08 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: RE: [DG] Digital Group Facebook Group

I am the owner of the MBARC Digital Group Facebook page

Rochelle KF7VOP

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Steve Stroh
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 04:20 PM
To: Northwest Washington Digital Amateur Radio <>
Subject: [DG] Digital Group Facebook Group

Gayland Gump

Nov 25, 2021, 10:24:17 PM11/25/21

I think you missed my point.  This is not about Facebook.  This is about the experience that the digital group provides to it's members.   My comments were primarily intended present another perspective as to what the digital group is to some of us.  The notion that it should have a far reaching presence and involve a large number of people is something I believe should be determined by the group as a whole.  Thus far there has been no effort to discuss what the group wants.   My position is that we should at least have some discussion about what direction we want the Digital Group to follow before setting off in any direction.  I've been involved in this group for a number of years and believe it would be best for the group that we have more discussion on this and any other matters before taking any actions.


Steve Stroh

Nov 25, 2021, 11:34:39 PM11/25/21

You said:

What I've enjoyed about the digital group is it's intimacy.  It is a space that I can feel comfortable expressing my lack of knowledge and learning from my peers.  I am not really interested in giving that up.  There are times when it is best to leave things as they are.

I believe that there are many current, and prospective Amateur Radio Operators interested in data modes in this area that could benefit from the knowledge and help available within the DG that you’ve experienced. They simply don’t know about the existence of the DG, or even Amateur Radio and AR data modes.

Because you personally don’t want to use Facebook doesn’t negate Facebook’s utility to others. Just yesterday I discovered a delightful Facebook group I didn’t previously know about that highlights certain Amateur Radio activities in Whatcom County. I think we may well find more folks interested in the DG via Facebook. 

The Digital Group meets every month on the third Tuesday at 19:00, in person or videoconference. Every attendee has the opportunity to talk to the group about anything on their mind.


Steve Stroh N8GNJ
DG President 2021-2022

Nov 26, 2021, 12:53:59 AM11/26/21
to Northwest Washington Digital Amateur Radio

Hi Steve,

I have to agree with Gayland’s were he said:

“My position is that we should at least have some discussion about what direction we want the Digital Group to follow before setting off in any direction.”

I would point out that you said you ‘discovered’ amateur radio Facebook groups that you were previously unaware of. Perhaps to start with we should be making the MBARC easier to discover by putting up a new website with an aesthetically pleasing look, descriptions of the various aspects of the the main and digital group and welcoming those who may be interested in getting involved. Frankly although is a great discussion and notification platform it doesn’t present a very appealing face to a newcomer who may discover it. I think links to the site should be on a main website. As I mentioned in a zoom meeting a while back I would never have gone to my first MBARC meeting if all I found was the site rather then the encouragement and descriptions on it’s website. Perhaps before a discussion of future directions ensues we should reestablish the MBARC presence that exists on the web and work to make it easier to discover in a search of amateur radio.

David N7NTN

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