[Review] A IN-17 mini clock kit and case by nixology.uk

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Organs Grinder

23.1.2024 klo 23.24.2123. tammik.
vastaanottaja neoni...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

Recently, I finished assembling a clock kit and case I brought from Richard (nixology.uk).
I wanted a small Nixie clock that supported time sync via NTP vs GPS or other means.

The clock kit was shipped and packaged well, making reuse of plastic Ziploc bags for parts.(thank you!)

Instructions are provided in a PDF and the WEMOS microcontroller should come pre-programmed.
However, Richard is available via email and willing to help if there are issues.

Assembling the clock was simple, and the smaller SMD parts had been pre soldered for you.
Pay extra attention to the direction of the boards when assembling, as it is possible to connect them upside down.
I believe this may be resolved in a newer kit version.
However it caused me no issue.

You can also attach external PIR or microwave sensors, or install an optional LDR.
I plan to use an external PIR connected via the 3.5 mm socket on the rear later on.

Setup of the software was also simple, connect to the AP, enter the password.
Set a few basic things like colon flashing type, time, and date scrolling, and you're off and running.
I've had zero need to connect to the web UI after the initial setup, and the clock has been running smoothly.

I quite like the size of the IN-17 in this case, the clock is quite compact and visually the IN-17's takes up a lot of the front panel.

I colour matched the front bolts to the 3d printed case sides, somewhat. The kit ships with black bolts normally.

Here you can see a few pictures I have taken, apologies for not amazing photos as that is not my best skill.
If anyone wants any further pictures, please do let me know.


Many thanks, it's awesome.

Richard Scales

25.1.2024 klo 8.18.3425. tammik.
vastaanottaja neonixie-l

The case kit now includes these knurled head copper effect screws:

No photo description available.

 - Richard

Richard Scales

25.1.2024 klo 9.49.1225. tammik.
vastaanottaja neonixie-l
There are a few more details available at: https://www.nixology.uk/prism-18/

Use the contact form there or this forum to get in touch for more information.

- Richard
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