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Terry S

Nov 7, 2023, 7:29:14 PM11/7/23
to neonixie-l
After sitting dormant for more than a year, I decided to take a 3rd look at my Jeff Thomas WWVB clock, the one that uses the huge Z568M tubes. At some point the WWVB clock module fell off a window ledge and would never lock onto the radio station after that.

I had dug into it earlier and never found a fault -- it just wouldn't lock. But recently I bought a decent magnifier for my workbench, and today I took it apart again. Still didn't find a definitive cause for the failure, but under magnification, I went thru the board and re-soldered all my connections as well as some of the factory solder joints. I wasn't at all confident that I'd made any improvements.

Put it all back together and within an hour, the clock had locked onto WWVB and is working perfectly. I must've touched the right solder joint!20231107_182327.jpg


Nov 7, 2023, 11:08:34 PM11/7/23
to neonixie-l
Nice!  How far away from Denver are you located ? I wonder if the signal strength is an issue. And if you're a time zealot, being 2000 miles away means your time will be about 10msec late due to propagation delays. Doggone it, radio signals and fiberoptics are so annoyingly slow....

Nicholas Stock

Nov 7, 2023, 11:11:36 PM11/7/23
Very nice Terry! I should get my one out of its slumber too....IIRC it needs a colon resoldering...

Jeff made some nice timepieces....


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Terry S

Nov 7, 2023, 11:27:27 PM11/7/23
to neonixie-l
Greg, I'm in western Wisconsin, so not terribly far. I'm probably only seeing a 5 msec delay, I can live with that.

Terry S

Nov 7, 2023, 11:33:09 PM11/7/23
to neonixie-l
He did indeed, Nick. I feel fortunate to own a couple of them.
Unfortunately the WWVB clock movement he used on this device has become unobtanium. I have one stashed away, bought at a local thrift store..... if the need arises.

Nicholas Stock

Nov 8, 2023, 7:51:11 PM11/8/23
Klockit still sell Quartex atomic modules, do these not work? I had planned on buying a spare at some point....

Terry S

Nov 9, 2023, 11:59:15 AM11/9/23
to neonixie-l
It's an entirely different movement. To work with Jeff's code and hardware, you must find the old movement with a large red button. There are old movements with a blue button; best I can tell, (disclaimer: I have not taken one apart) these will not work either. They use a different push button sequence to sync the hands to the current time.

Nicholas Stock

Nov 9, 2023, 1:17:53 PM11/9/23
Hmm... my receiver is stripped out of the original and in its own plastic box, rewired and no need for a red button press etc, just locks on after a while....I remember Jeff fixing it for me.... I'll have to dig it out, been a while.

Terry S

Nov 9, 2023, 4:50:57 PM11/9/23
to neonixie-l
Yes that's correct. There's a PIC on the clock board that drives the pushbutton input. The clock board gets some fairly simple modifications:

Terry S

Nov 9, 2023, 5:00:18 PM11/9/23
to neonixie-l
Rather the WWVB receiver board gets modifications.

Nicholas Stock

Nov 9, 2023, 5:00:59 PM11/9/23
Thanks Terry, what a trip down memory lane.... I will keep an eye out for an old movement!


Nov 18, 2023, 5:41:00 PM11/18/23
to neonixie-l
the eldest sibling of the WWVB family says hello! :) running non-stop 22+ years - and on the original tubes as well! cheers... 


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