Clock for NL-8091

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Richard Scales

Mar 15, 2022, 5:34:44 AM3/15/22
to neonixie-l
I recently came up with a version of the open source Prism design by Ian Sparkes for NL-8091 tubes.

The Prism design includes WiFi, NTP Sync, RTC, PIR activation, under tube lighting and web gui.

A small board at the rear has the Wemos, 5V supply circuit and level shifters. The main board has two HV5622's and two HV power supply modules to keep things cool.

I used MTX-90 thyratrons for the colons which were a little blinky to start with but now seem to have settled down.

These are beautiful tubes and the pictures do not do them justice.

Now I need to come up with some kind of casing - something I struggle with a lot!

- Richard


Bill Notfaded

Mar 19, 2022, 8:18:29 AM3/19/22
to neonixie-l
Nice clock Richard.  I too have collected these tubes.  I've been sitting on my stock.  I know Nick made a clock with these too fairly recently.  I bought the kit he used and also ordered the dekatron side board for it.  I ran into some issues with the main board and put project on the back burner.  I suppose I should dig it out again to troubleshoot some that looks great Richard!


Richard Scales

Mar 20, 2022, 12:55:40 AM3/20/22
to neonixie-l
Thank you . I believe that might be the Remote System from PV Electronics - I have used that elsewhere but for this I wanted to make a compact unit with all the WiFi, Web Gui, underlighting and other features from the Open Source 'Prism' design by Ian Sparkes. 

I am pleased with the result, yesterday I made a simple acrylic case for it - because it is going to take me an age to get anything more interesting together - I'll post a picture of it when completed - an injustice the the tubes I know - but better than a bare board sat on my shelf ticking away!

I have a couple of PV Remote Systems lined up to populate old Australian Valve Tested units that I acquired  - yet another project waiting in the wings!

What issues did you have with the main board for the Remote System? I had a couple of the early ones and had to replace the LM2596-5 on both boards. Apart from that - rock solid.

- Richard

Bill Notfaded

Mar 20, 2022, 9:11:43 AM3/20/22
to neonixie-l

Yes mine is the PV Electronics board.  At one point of the build it says to test the voltage and I wasn't getting what the instructions said I should.  At that point I put the project down sadly.  I boxed it all back up and told myself I'd revisit it later.  This was hard for me because I really love these tubes!!!


Bill Notfaded

Mar 20, 2022, 9:20:04 AM3/20/22
to neonixie-l
Something wasn't right in building the main board.  I've got a great Metcal soldering station so I know it wasn't a joint issue.  I need to dig that project back out again... Check this I got the strange IN-18 tubes.  They arrived!

Bill Notfaded

Mar 20, 2022, 9:25:07 AM3/20/22
to neonixie-l
Also another project in the works... I scored 6 NL-7037 to build another clock.  Perhaps they deserve a special build.


Bill Notfaded

Mar 20, 2022, 9:32:02 AM3/20/22
to neonixie-l
Also BTW I'm big fan of OSS so I love to see open source software and hardware..  We use redhat at work because it's supported but I love Linux.  Solaris is kinda on it's way out being replaced by redhat Linux.  Do you have any more boards for the 8091?


Bill Notfaded

Mar 20, 2022, 9:34:10 AM3/20/22
to neonixie-l
Also I love what Ian has done and have a few of his clocks!


Richard Scales

Mar 21, 2022, 12:40:52 AM3/21/22
to neonixie-l
Yes - I have three sets left. There is the tube board which has the longer pin sockets as opposed to the Harwin Style - I chose those to be less stressful to the tubes. It also has 2 x HV5622 and  4 x MTX-90 for the colons. 

On the back there is a small board with the 5V power supply and wemos etc. The tube board also holds 2 x HV supply modules.

There is one mistake on the board which requires a single track to be cut and two short links to be made once the components are loaded (so the ends of the links can be soldered directly to the ends of SMD resistors etc)
I am able to supply full kits if at all interested.

 - Richard

Richard Scales

Mar 26, 2022, 11:44:01 PM3/26/22
to neonixie-l
I came up with a quick and simple case - which does not do the tubes the justice that they deserve - but at least it's not yet another bare PCB propped up on my shelf!


5mm Acrylic.

- Richard

Paul Andrew Lafranchise

Mar 27, 2022, 2:20:08 AM3/27/22
Very nice! I'm a sucker for any case that lets you see the inner workings.

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Mar 27, 2022, 4:51:49 AM3/27/22
to neonixie-l
Looks great!

Peter Doroba

Jun 1, 2022, 9:06:00 PM6/1/22
to neonixie-l
Hello Richard,

I'm interested in a kit. Do you have details?



Jun 3, 2022, 5:29:26 PM6/3/22
to neonixie-l
Very nice! I'm working on a unique enclosure for one of Pete's older 8091 clock boards. Won't have it done for a couple months, as slow as I work. If this come out the way I hope it will,  I may offer a few for sale. Will post some pics
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