How can I configure the font in the Search results?

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Oct 3, 2016, 5:04:34 AM10/3/16
to MyLifeOrganized
I'm a Pro user of MLO for Windows, and I want to configure larger fonts because I use MLO on a big monitor.

I've found the Themes and Formatting options, but that only allows setting the font for Tasks, Notes and Views. The Search (Ctrl+F) results still use the default font.
Cannot configre font of search results.png


Oct 3, 2016, 6:42:15 AM10/3/16
to MyLifeOrganized
Hi Dan,

I believe the Search dialog uses system level fonts so not configurable within MLO. It looks from your screenshot like you might be using Linux. Not sure what your options are within Linux for system fonts and I'm guessing you're using Wine to run MLO so it may be problematic anyway. One option in Windows is to use the built in screen magnifier accessibility tool - I'm sure there will be a Linux equivalent. For day to day use though this probably wouldn't be practical.

Personally, I maintain a dedicated search tab/view for the whole outline and use the Text filter section in the Filter Pane. That way I get results in the Outline (using the Outline font). The next desktop version of MLO is due for a UI overhaul so, hopefully, we'll see some improvement in this area.
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