MyLifeOrganized for Android v.2

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Andrey Tkachuk (MLO)

Aug 6, 2014, 7:32:44 AM8/6/14

Yes, I know that many of you have been waiting for MLO-Android v2 news too long. I understand. Android version really needs some love.

I can confirm that the new version is in development. 

I never promise any release dates due to complexity of MLO product and nature of the software development under fast evolving mobile platforms. I would like to inform that we did run into some problems that slowed down the development. Now we are back to speed and have all the resources needed for the project.

If you want to be the first to know about MLO-Android and not subscribed yet for the news - you can do it here:

Also we have one important question where we need your help. We need to decide if the new version should still support old 2.x Android devices. If we support old devices we may not be able to add new cool features available only in new 4.x Android devices. Also the development may take longer due to compatibility issues.

Our statistics shows that there are still ~19% of MLO users are currently using old 2.x devices.

Please help as to make this decision by answering these two questions: 

Thank you! 
back to work on MLO-Android

Nick Clark

Aug 6, 2014, 6:54:12 PM8/6/14
I have responded that v2 should be developed for and only support Android v4+, but I'd like to add the caveat that v1 should continue to be available for older devices and be supported to the extent that it is kept up-to-date and compatible with any backend changes that are made to the cloud infrastructure in the future. This way older devices can continue to be used although won't receive new features.


Алексей Широких

Aug 6, 2014, 11:02:14 PM8/6/14
+1 !

четверг, 7 августа 2014 г., 4:54:12 UTC+6 пользователь Nick Clark написал:

robert roszak

Aug 7, 2014, 1:44:11 AM8/7/14
I agree, new version only for Android 4+, this way compatibility issues won't eat you up.
Message has been deleted

robert roszak

Aug 7, 2014, 2:35:53 AM8/7/14
Andrey, could you be so kind and share any more specific information? It doesn't necessarily have to be ETA but some indication of where the development currently is ... I think a lot of us would appreciate it.


daniel sekera

Aug 7, 2014, 9:18:20 AM8/7/14
dear toyota, are you ever going to update my 4runner?

dear samsung; are you ever going to update my phone?

dear cannondale, are you ever going to update my bicycles?

deal infinity, are you ever going to update my cable service?

dear usa are you ever going to update my roads and bridges?


I use what I have until it either gets better or I find something better and that is all the thought I give it.

geez over the years, so many comments...when when when when when.....know when doesn't change one little thing about what I have to do TODAY...with what I ALREADY HAVE!

ok rant off i'm going to crawl back under my rock and shut out the world because obviously I am in one of THOSE moods.........

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 2:35 AM, robert roszak <> wrote:
Andrey, could you be so kind and share any more specific information? It doesn't necessarily have to be ETA but some indication of where the development currently is ... I think a lot of us would appreciate it.


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Aug 8, 2014, 1:07:24 PM8/8/14
I whole-heartedly agree Daniel. I've seen this in the world of software and have seen it in myself and it's not good. We're a society who think we're entitled and I think it comes out in things like this. Yes, updates are nice but I think people either forget or don't realize that work goes into that development. Personally, I think everyone who uses software should take a class or two in programming to understand what goes into it. Realistic? No. I'm not a programmer but I took three classes in college in programming and this helped me to realize and appreciate more what kind of work goes into development and that was only the surface I scratched. I'm amazed at what MLO does do and I'm always discovering something helpful in the Windows desktop version so I try to temper my want for updates with being thankful that I have what I have. We get used to being so convenienced by those things that when we don't get what we want immediately like we may get, it becomes a "first world problem". Some people need to step back, look outside their bubble and realize that we have a lot to be thankful for. I think what Andrey has done is amazing and can only say that MLO has helped me a lot.

robert roszak

Aug 8, 2014, 1:40:50 PM8/8/14
Seriously guys? When I saw "coming soon" on MLO v.2 for Android last DECEMBER I expected it to come SOON. And if there are any problems down the road to get proper notification. Because people are waiting for it, checking stupid website 4 times a month in hope to find something they somehow missed. I even subscribed for the newslattter to BE THE FIRST TO KNOW! And for what? Is it really so hard to send stupid email once every 3 months to say how things are going??
I'm a bit of a programmer myself and I know it's a lot of work behind every little feature. I know it takes time. I wouldn't expect it so damn hard if the MLO v1 for Android was really usable product, but it's not. For me the lack of fully automated sync and not really working nearby reminders disqualify this version.It's not reliable, you can't just add a task on PC and forget about it.. And don't ask please "So why don't I choose something else then" - there are reasons behind this, I honestly think MLO has something truly unique and I wish well for it. I just can't stand those bugs that render nearly useless.
And above all I believe users deserve at least this much respect to let them know if you are running late. And - honestly speaking - if Andrey at this point asks if they should target on Android 4+ or also older devices, I really start thinking the development has hardly started.


Joel Azaria

Aug 8, 2014, 3:43:23 PM8/8/14

Thank  your for your reply.  I'm one of the people who's been rather critical of the MLO Android development.  Perhaps even harsh.  I don't post often, but I watch and wait, sometimes daily.  If you've read others of my posts you'll know that I believe MLO to be a truly unique product with the potential to be a killer app.  You'd also know that I feel often times this potential is squandered by unpolished/incomplete feeling software or features and that I believe a lack of laser focus is a contributor and waster of development 'cycles'.  Part of that comes from my having watched, painfully and over the course of a number of years, a similarly fantastic piece of software die a slow miserable death.  
I don't think MLO is in the same position of death but I do think MLO is repeating some of their mistakes and suffering greatly from it.  Which I find truly unfortunate since there's such a lucid roadmap to learn from.

However with that said I want to make clear that it's actually secondary to the big/real issue at hand.  The real issue, RIGHT NOW, with your team and development is communication and transparency.
I've been in and around tech, IT and development, alone and in both small and large groups, for the better part of the last 25-30 years.  I'm no stranger to what is involved but what I'm telling you is you need to do a better job of communicating your setbacks as well as your successes goals, plans, etc. to your user community.  This is not just about MLO Android but I think the events and path of MLO-A show how the frustration manifests and multiplies and builds into a negative force.

Communication.  Much as you've done a pretty great job with your software, I have to be blunt and tell you you've done a horrible job of communicating with your users.  This is not meant to insult but rather to be constructive critique so I hope you'll see it that way.

Andrey, if I (or many of the others on this board for that matter) didn't think MLO was great or at least had the potential to be great, we'd have abandoned it light years ago.  The fact that users stick around and use their valuable time watching, reading, even posting and asking questions about on these fora is an indicator that you haven't lost us.  But unless you step up the communication, I fear a very real fear that you will.
Further and more to the heart of the matter, is that you have a very real opportunity to engage your user base and by not keeping an open and honest line of communication, you're ignoring a strong force you can leverage.  Turn all the negative/tentative commentary you hear into strong, supportive users by converting them from people wondering what the heck is going on with your software and teams to people who know *exactly* what is going on with it.

In project management parlance it's called managing expectations and it's possibly the single biggest key to successful projects.  It's time you leveraged it for your benefit and, as a waiting, wanting user it'll be to my benefit as well.

Kind regards,

Joel Azaria

Aug 8, 2014, 3:47:18 PM8/8/14
Seriously Daneil??  If you're happy with what you have then you have nothing to add to the conversation.  Enjoy it quietly.

If you your Toyota were deficient and you were making monthly payments on your Toyota TO Toyota, and they TOLD YOU there was an improvement coming soon, is your claim that you wouldn't expect it to be deliverd?
If your Samsung firmware didn't play nicely with your other Samsung devices or your phone carrier, and Samsung promised you a new version were coming soon would you not be wondering where it was 8 MONTHS later?

And Cannondale and Infinity/Comcast/Time Warner/Cablevision, and ad nauseum anyone else that makes a public promise to me and doesn't hold.  Feel free to sit quietly happy with what you have while others drive the conversation towards improvement for you.

And btw, damn right I expect my country to improve it's infrastructure - There's a little known concept called paying taxes (perhaps you've heard of it?) that beholds my government to just that among other things.  Again, feel free to be happy with crappy infrastructure while other more civilly responsible people hold our government's feet to the fire on that too.

If you're happy then happily go away.  You've added nothing to the conversation let alone anything constructive.

On Thursday, August 7, 2014 9:18:20 AM UTC-4, daniel wrote:

Joel Azaria

Aug 8, 2014, 3:54:57 PM8/8/14
As to Daniel, Holmes.

I realize very well what goes into development. As much as, perhaps more than, most.   If we were all waiting for some fluffy update to software long since paid for you might have a bit of a point but the fact is we (or at least *I*) bought into an ecosystem (and a fairly expensive one).  The fact that the current state of the softwares makes it completely unusable for me as on the mobile (where most of my todo 'doing' will in fact get done), the fact that it's straightened (or straightening) out on the i platform which is quite useless to me, the fact that the Android solution was announced to Beta OVER 8 MONTHS ago, and the fact that thus far there is NO production on that is not some childish sense of entitlement.  It's a very real concern that deserves a very real conversation as to why it is so.

I spent $80 on software and committed to another [almost] $40 a year on the implicit trust in the developers to keep to their word.  They publicly stated that the Android v2 was in Beta, LAST DECEMBER.  I don't think it's unreasonable to expect at least a public beta in that time.  Or at least some very real information on the progress of things and wth the hold up is.

Thusly you miss the truest point of the discussion which is transparency.  IF the development was SO difficult, fraught with traps, mines and grenades that this past 8 months was hell on earth and brave Andrey and team navigated all this just to further our Android project, how would anyone know?  You see in addition to not delivering the software release, the MLO team hasn't even delivered any information regarding it.  I don't know what world you're from but I'm from the tech world and have been for 25+ years.  It's 2014 and successful companies, especially those who depend on a community for their success have learned that transparency and communication are key.  I've made it my point to make that clear to Andrey and team.  You'll note if you're careful that neither I, nor anyone else here for that matter that I can see, imply that Andrey is anything less than helpful or a nice guy or even trying to do good.  However Andrey and team have not delivered appropriately in this regard and that needs to be discussed and change brought about as soon as can be.

Now, if you've something helpful to add to further the conversation here with regards to communication and/or improving the software then please do.
However, and as with Daniel; if you're happy with the status quo then please go frolic in the park and be happy.  This line of commentary adds nothing constructive to the conversation.


Aug 8, 2014, 6:00:19 PM8/8/14
I can't speak to the nearby reminders feature as I've never used it and never felt I needed it but if you're losing tasks then it may have to do with how you have your Android app set up. If you don't have your cloud sync set to apply the server version (found under 'Both sides changed item' section in MLO Cloud section on Android) when you sync then that may be why. Some time ago I had been losing tasks and thought it was a bug until I got on the forums and inquired into this and found out that I had this setup incorrectly. After I changed it, I stopped losing tasks. Are you sure that this could be the problem? When I made that post in 2012, Dwight did say that others were experiencing lost tasks but after I made that change, I stopped having that problem. Maybe that's something that needs to be changed in the program, not sure.

Nick Clark

Aug 8, 2014, 6:23:53 PM8/8/14
I wasn't suggesting that older Android versions get updates of functionality, just that the existing functionality isn't broken by updates to the cloud infrastructure, hence rendering v1 useless.

New features should be for the latest version.


Roberto Penzo

Aug 12, 2014, 6:23:31 AM8/12/14
I only would thank all for the conversation, expecially Joel and his words.
Sorry in advance for my English.
I totally agree. I only would add a simple considerations.
I knwo that the programmer work is sometime complex and that it could come into some situations hard to explain to the "customers". I do not know if the present situation is like this. Nevertheless I think that communication is the most important thing also on these situations, because no communication opens the door to all the hypotesis, from the best to the worse, and this is not what a customer should be forced to.

Thank you all for your writings, and to Andrey too for the word, hoping to better understand what is happening.

Best regards.

daniel sekera

Aug 12, 2014, 12:20:28 PM8/12/14

you are who to tell me to go away?

I offered my opinion nothing more and I am entitled to offer it.  

you entirely miss the point in that what you PAY for you have the use of today.  there is no obligation to produce anything in the future on any timetable.  You are not paying for future development you are paying for todays product to use upon payment.

it is nice to hear about future development but it is not going to change the fact that all you can do today is to use what you have.

so sorry to disappoint you but I am not going away.  feel free to not read my posts if you wish that is your right


Trish Putnam

Aug 12, 2014, 12:48:06 PM8/12/14
Gentlemen - 
Please focus on discussing the issue, rather than making it personal.  You both detract from your own arguments by being snarky.  Thanks.

Daniel's point is valid.  What we paid for is the version of the application at the time we purchased, which presumably met our needs to a level we found acceptable, if not perfect. We are not entitled to any updates for new or changed features, although I would typically make an exception that it's reasonable to expect fixes for major flaws (absolute showstoppers for a major part of the program, NOT inconveniences or issues with an easy workaround) or security issues.

That said, Joel has also made an excellent point regarding communications.  While MLO does better than many small development houses, it would be wise to provide a bit more in terms of regular status communication to keep customers interested and engaged, and perhaps willing to pony up for new upgrades - customer retention is usually less expensive than recruiting new customers, and in fact satisfied existing customers are far better advertising than any other sort.  

This doesn't necessarily mean release commitments.  It could be something like a monthly or even quarterly newsletter that includes high level info on the order of  "We are working on fixes on the following issues for the next release, tentatively planned for next year.  We're also working on feature X and feature Y, which have been highly requested.  In addition, we're assessing feature Z for future work, as well as a cool new feature ZZZ that we're keeping under wraps for the moment.  We are experiencing some delays with development for Platform A refresh, as we have had to ramp up a new developer in that space."  Don't promise dates.  Just tell people what you're working on and a high level of what's in your way.

Joel, correct me if I'm wrong, but I presume that your rant is really less about expecting an upgrade, and more about the need to hear what's going on so you can decide if MLO will be able to serve your needs going forward, or if you (and others) should start looking for other options that keep up with changing needs.  Is this fair to say?


Regards -

Trish Putnam

Lisa Stroyan

Aug 13, 2014, 7:22:00 PM8/13/14
to MyLifeOrganized Group

Quick comment before i retreat back into lurkerdom (hopefully for a few more months!) My reasoning for voting for supporting only newer phones is that really, running on an old phone might not be the best experience of MLO, performance wise. If it's a small percentage and they'd be unhappy you have to weigh that...

Also I'm curious, are any of those registrations inactive? For example I no longer use my droid or my bionic, if you want to check your database to see if they are listed.


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Aug 15, 2014, 2:27:50 AM8/15/14
Phones are changing and developing more rapidly than PCs, most people change phones more often. They are cheaper (but not by much sometimes). Makes sense to move on.

My main comment is that I'd rather wait for a stable and fully tested MLO 2 for Android, than for developers to rush something out to meet some expectations. In the worst case, cancel the release and announce a new development and release plan. People can sign up for Beta if they want to experiment, but they need to adjust to Beta working where things can go wrong.
To date, I have lost no data or experienced instability in MLO and over the years have come to expect that sort of reliability. I've had my development suggestions go into the @sometime (never) 'context', but that's OK, it's a big community and priorities are set by the development team. I'm just a user, and irregular contributor.


Aug 15, 2014, 10:02:17 AM8/15/14
Drop the old baggage. V4.2 is fine for me.

Nathan G

Sep 10, 2014, 1:16:18 PM9/10/14
I may be in the minority, but I just want to say:

Please don't orphan Android 2 phones!

I'm using Android 2 on an HTC Wildfire S phone and I plan to keep it for the foreseeable future.

I plan to purchase the PRO versions of MLO for both my phone and my PC before my trial period runs out.

Some of us use the devices as 'hand me down'.  I don't have the money or the time right now to invest in a new phone.  I've spent a bit of work getting this one running well and the way that I want it to.

Android MLO version 1.6.9 basically works for me.  So I guess I could keep using that.
There are some things I'd love to see improved, though, so I'd be sad to lose out on new updates.

But if Android MLO 2.0 is for Android 4, please keep 1.6 available and working for older phone users.



Oct 10, 2014, 3:42:32 AM10/10/14
Dude, get an Android 4 phone. You can get new quad cores with 1 GB RAM for 50 EUR, e.g. ZTE Blade V. You really have no excuse and are definitely in the 5% minority. I want a fully featured MLO making use of all API improvements and firmly believe that the remaining 95% of MLO users should not be penalised due to fringe cases such as Android 2.* users.

Dwight Arthur

Oct 13, 2014, 2:09:12 AM10/13/14

Hey, Alex. I would have agreed with you if Nathan had been asking for all future Android development to be usable back to Android 2. But he’s not. He’s just asking that the current version of MLO for Android 2 not be disabled, so he can continue to use it on his old phone. I don’t think that penalizes the remaining 95% very much.



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robisme (Olivier R)

Oct 14, 2014, 6:28:03 AM10/14/14
Yes, but Andrey was asking us if we, users, wanted the new version to work also on old machines, not only if we wanted the old version to be available for old machines.
At this questions, majority of us answer NO: let's take advantage of new technology to make a power app, not a half-power app that works on both old and new machines.


Dwight Arthur

Oct 14, 2014, 9:05:47 AM10/14/14
I agree with you and I also voted for new version for new machines.  But I also respect the request to keep the old version available.  My first MLO was on BlackBerry and I greatly appreciated the fact that I could still download a new copy of MLO when I needed it and could ask a question when I had a problem for several years after MLO BlackBerry development stopped.
Mlo betazoid on Android sgn2


Oct 14, 2014, 9:49:16 AM10/14/14
I still use an Android 2x device myself but voted for MLO to move to 4x devices. I actually don't have my Android active as a phone right now since I can't afford it but when I can, I want to be able to use 4x features and not be limited. I'm just glad MLO didn't jump the 2x bandwagon for 4x devices when 4x came out. Microsoft did that with OneNote and now I can't use OneNote on my device. Granted, I would expect that by now. 

As far as keeping a version of MLO for 2x devices, as long as Andrey and his team don't have to maintain it for bug fixes and such, I'm okay with that. Otherwise, it's just another platform that they have to maintain and they don't need to be doing that since their development team isn't that big to begin with. I'm guessing that's why they haven't added Windows Phone to their offerings of platforms.


robert roszak

Oct 27, 2014, 3:59:30 AM10/27/14

Another ~3 months have passed and I think many of us are wondering if they can count on having Android v.2 still this year (let's say as a Christmas present;)). Does anyone know anything new he could share with us? I think it would be much appreciated by all.


Антон Луконькин

Nov 1, 2014, 8:38:13 AM11/1/14
Regarding this form
the answer for your question about supported Android versions is clear, now

is there any estimates, roadmap of MLO-Android v.2 development and release dates?

среда, 6 августа 2014 г., 15:32:44 UTC+4 пользователь Andrey Tkachuk (MLO) написал:
 Now we are back to speed and have all the resources needed for the project.

Lisa Stroyan

Nov 3, 2014, 10:21:26 AM11/3/14
to Group, MyLifeOrganized
I have an idea. I know, wrong forum but hopefully that's ok. I have been working with the last Android beta for almost a year and it is very stable. I would suggest the development team release the current Beta as the option for Android 2 phones to give them basic custom views when the beta team switches to the new version.

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Lisa Stroyan, mailto:

John Cesta

Nov 21, 2014, 9:45:32 PM11/21/14
I agree with Lisa! ;)

Joel Azaria

Nov 25, 2014, 8:29:08 PM11/25/14
THIS alone would be a great first step.  Though more concisely and perhaps useful to the devs would be open up the accessibility of beta tester status so more of us could use, participate and offer feedback on the beta rather than this closed group of elite's (not jabbing at you Lisa, it's just how the structure of the program feels).

And just to point out - Andrey opened this thread on AUGUST 8th (that's 5 1/2 months for the lazy/math challenged) regarding software announced to Beta almost a year prior and thus far all we have to show for it is a blog post with 5 or 6 screen shots.  Glad to see my words about communication weren't taken lightly.

I guess the joke that is us the users continues on...


Lisa Stroyan, mailto:

Nov 25, 2014, 9:57:37 PM11/25/14
3 1/2 months since since early August for the counting challenged. 

David J. Mangen

Joel Azaria

Nov 25, 2014, 10:02:45 PM11/25/14
I know.  Typo.
And this board won't allow to edit a post.

John Smith

Nov 27, 2014, 5:48:52 AM11/27/14
Are there any other places where we can discuss MLO?

Joel Azaria

Nov 29, 2014, 2:34:41 PM11/29/14

You can discuss it anywhere you want.  Here and the user voice are the only "official" channels I'm aware of.

Lisa Stroyan

Dec 4, 2014, 12:32:30 AM12/4/14
to Group, MyLifeOrganized
This is where you are going to find the experienced users (including those of us that have been around for various instantiations of "why aren't we using <some other communication platform>", though to be fair there may be experienced users out there that are no longer here. 

I suspect you cannot edit because it's a email group as well. Posts are emailed out to the list so allowing changes would be awfully confusing with some people seeing one version and others, another.

For more options, visit


Lisa Stroyan, mailto:

Joel Azaria

Jan 8, 2015, 7:52:27 PM1/8/15
So, it's January 2015.  Are we any closer to seeing an Android release?

On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 at 7:32:44 AM UTC-4, Andrey Tkachuk (MLO) wrote:

Yes, I know that many of you have been waiting for MLO-Android v2 news too long. I understand. Android version really needs some love.

I can confirm that the new version is in development. 

I never promise any release dates due to complexity of MLO product and nature of the software development under fast evolving mobile platforms. I would like to inform that we did run into some problems that slowed down the development. Now we are back to speed and have all the resources needed for the project.

If you want to be the first to know about MLO-Android and not subscribed yet for the news - you can do it here:

Joey Serio

Jan 30, 2015, 3:05:43 AM1/30/15
I'm a prospective user who has been watching this thread with interest.  I've been wanting to move from Todoist, which I've been using for nearly 3 years now, to MLO for some time now.  However, considering the state of the Android client (my testing revealed many areas where it simply wouldn't work for me), the continued upgrade to v2 delay, the obvious bias for iOS product development, and lack of communication from the developer, I'm hard-pressed to imagine that I would feel good about converting any time soon.

Nevertheless, I'll continue to check back on occasion to see what progress, if any, has been made on the Android client and if it compares feature-wise, which it had sure better, to the iOS client.

Good luck.


Jan 30, 2015, 11:58:58 AM1/30/15
I'm looking forward to this release.

I primarily use MLO on the desktop, having done so for the last 10 years. 

The android version is important for me, but only in the sense that it allows me to fire new tasks into the inbox when I'm on the go.

I'm not sure, but the limitations of version 1 with regard to views probably discouraged me from making use of it, that and the fact that no proper automated sync exists on the Android side.

It's got to be seamless on version 2. 

At this stage the decision has hopefully already been made, but the developers should forget older devices.

As long as version 1 has continued support in the medium term.

I love Android because of it's open nature and flexibility,I'd feel too locked down by the environment of iOS.

In the past iOS has always got the app first and this can often be frustrating for us on the Android platform.

I know statistically iOS apps make more money, people on the platform who can afford apple products tend to spend more.

So I can see why focus would begin on that side of the fence (not much consolation to us though) 

It would be nice to have a progress update even if it's a very rough estimate. Are we still 6 months away or maybe 3 for example?

I never buy into software based on promises of future features, sometimes these end up as vaporware.

It sounds from the Beta group that the software is real and is progressing. hopefully we will get Android version 2 at some point soon.

Perhaps someone in the beta group could update us on how close they think the product is to market? (Assuming they are allowed to)

From a development point of view, you can't really win. If you lock down your Beta group, people complain that they want access.

If you open it up, everyone complains that the software is buggy, and expects production quality.

MLO is very reliable and I've never suffered any data loss or major issues with it.

That's part of the reason why it's become so important to my organisational process, because I know I can trust it.

Even if I had the option, I'm not sure I'd want to gamble my data on the beta version.


Jan 30, 2015, 2:27:22 PM1/30/15
I share your view on that Chris. I too primarily use the desktop version along with Android. I don't know if I can say that the solely focus on iOS development. The problem is that they have a small team working on a wide range of platforms with people wanting them to add more. It's not that they're ignoring Android. It's just that they aren't a large organization that can develop on that scale. MLO for me has been wonderful so I don't complain even though I would like to have version 2 as well. 

I agree with you regarding the beta as well. I've seen recently seen developers of another productivity app develop their app for Windows. They then developed mobile apps but had their sync service in beta but never closed the beta. I've used it and sure enough, lost information. A closed beta is much preferable to losing important information. Andrey and team are doing it the right way regardless as to how much we want to start using it. I would rather have them "cook it well" than to have something that was under cooked.


Elizabeth Lindsay

Jan 31, 2015, 9:45:17 AM1/31/15
Maybe I just don't understand what people are looking for, but I adore my Android client.  Well, maybe not adore.  But I find it works very well.  Yes, there are upgrades that would be good (mostly for me it is about some custom views).  But on the whole, I have been very successful managing my actions with the existing version that I've run now for about 2 years.  I guess I'm wondering what you tested that didn't meet your needs.

Steve Kunkel

Jan 31, 2015, 11:48:48 AM1/31/15
I have to agree, as one user stated, we purchased v1.   We didn't pre-purchase v2 with a guaranteed release date.   Still, a year is a long time for people to wait.  In the software game, a year is a lifetime.    Anyhoo...  MLO-A is nowhere near MLO-W, but it is still the best thing out there, IMHO.   My need is to do the bulk of my work on the desktop, but carry my notes and todos on my Kindle Fire HD, and sync the two.  Given those needs, my current MLO setup is superior to any I've tried (I mean since I had to give up on Palm and Bonsai [RIP] ).  

Joey Serio

Feb 4, 2015, 6:13:37 PM2/4/15
Briefly this is what I'm looking for to move from Todoist to MLO (which I'd love to do, but it all hinges on the MLO Android 2 client):

For me, the Android client is for "in the field" work. Organization of projects, dependencies, and other big-picture details are done on the Windows desktop client.  The Android client is, for me, about quickness and assistance.  I need the following to achieve that:
  • Very fast task entry. I can enter a new task into the Todoist Android client in 30 seconds or less -- while assigning the task a due date, project, tag, and priority.  MLO must achieve that same speed to be competitive.
  • Very fast task modification. I must be able to quickly change a due date (usually to postpone), or mark a task as complete. Again, as reference, I can mark 10 tasks complete in Todoist in 11 taps. MLO must be at least as efficient. Also, I don't need to be inundated with unnecessary task details while on the Android client -- those can be saved for the Windows desktop.  So, at the very least, per my settings, I must be allowed to reduce the number of fields presented to me during task management. The current Android version presents way too many data elements.
  • Very fast review of tasks due today (and in the current context, if possible) with the priority of the task clearly visible.  
  • Again, to compare to Todoist (keep in mind, I really want to move away from Todoist, but the move must be to a clearly better tool): When I launch the Todoist app, I'm immediately presented with my current tasks ordered by priority, no fuss no muss. MLO must have an option to do the same.
What Todoist doesn't allow me to do, that I really want MLO to provide, is better ways to manage projects, contexts, and folders. For example: To prioritize (within a project and a separate priority for the current day), to automatically activate dependent tasks when the parent task is complete, to properly activate recurring tasks based on due and completed dates, and to allow for start dates. 

Finally this has to all be done with flawless and automatic syncing. I don't understand the rationale of the syncing model of MLO. I suspect data is stored locally due to legacy reasons. But it's not optimal. He should have long ago moved to an API model where the data resides on the server (at least optionally) and each client makes API calls and all share the same data. A Windows client, not limited by browser technology (even considering that browser tech is pretty darned good), making backend changes via API calls such that all changes are immediate and accessible to all other clients would be great. To me, the biggest issues in such a model would be security, reliability (hint: AWS), and managing recurring tasks and timezones on the server side. It can be done... even by a one-person development staff.  :)

robert roszak

Feb 9, 2015, 5:41:50 AM2/9/15
Any update on the development? It's been 3 moths from last, very concise in fact, hearing from the development team...
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