YCSB benchmark using MongoDB

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Milind Shah

Jun 23, 2015, 7:24:09 PM6/23/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com

I am currently in a planning phase to run YCSB benchmark on a MongoDB cluster. I have 11 machines to run this benchmark, each with following configurations:

RAM: 128GB
Disks: 8 disks, 7200 RPM, 1TB - in a RAID 0 array
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz - 16 physical cores, 32 HT cores
Network: 1x10gbe
OS: CentOS 6.5
JVM: 1.7.0_67

I am thinking about deploying a 10 node sharded MongoDB cluster with replica sets (1 primary, 2 secondary) and planning to keep 1 node for config servers. I am planning to run YCSB workloads in following order:

1) Load 2TB of data, all unique keys.
2) Run zipfian get, read all fields
3) Run range scan
4) Run mixed workload of 95% of get and 5% of update operations
5) Run mixed workload of 50% of get and 50% of update operations.

I am going to use the default 1K row size, with 10 fields/columns with 100 bytes of payload and the sharding will be done based on the key which will be in format user+'long int'.

As per MongoDB documentation, http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/deploy-replica-set/ and http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/deploy-shard-cluster/, I found that defining replica set and sharding adds a manual overhead during the setup.

I would appreciate if anyone could provide a guidance on what is the best way to setup the MongoDB cluster for this exercise and if you have done similar testing, what type of numbers (throughput/latency) should I expect as an outcome?

Thanks in advance.


Asya Kamsky

Jun 24, 2015, 9:42:16 AM6/24/15
to mongodb-user


Right off I see some general issues with your proposed set-up and some YCSB specific ones.

General: if you have 11 servers and you use all of them for mongod processes where will you run YCSB clients?

And note I say clients because a single YCSB client can't max out a ten shard cluster, you probably want at least 1/2 as many machines driving load as you have primaries/shards, unless the client machines are significantly more powerful than the servers.

As far as YCSB itself, the problem is that this test won't tell you much about how MongoDB would perform for your application unless your application uses exactly this format data (unlikely) and with this access pattern (same) not to mention that range scan isn't really done properly for MongoDB in YCSB (range scans are not normally done on primary keys, but rather secondary keys/indexes which YCSB doesn't test/support).


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Jun 24, 2015, 11:50:15 AM6/24/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com
Good point Asya. For web-scale range scans I would expect an equality predicate on the sharding or PK and then a range on something that has a secondary index. The PK full scan can still be done for daily logical backup, but YCSB is about OLTP.

For 9 servers, do you really want only 3 dedicated to serving requests (3 hosts per replica set)? I assume 6 of the 9 would be mostly idle.

For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Mark Callaghan

Milind Shah

Jun 24, 2015, 2:08:49 PM6/24/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for the feedback Asya and Mark.

To answer some of Asya's questions:

 - I am planning to run 10 YCSB clients on the same data nodes. Previously, I have observed that YCSB clients use 4-6 CPU cores and about 6-8gb memory. Since I have 32 cores and 128gb memory on the machine, I thought running clients on the same machine will not be a problem.
- The goal of the exercise is to compare different NoSQL databases. YCSB might not reflect various application scenarios or the data sizes used in various situations, but it is a common benchmarking tool that works across multiple DBs to compare the same workloads. So the key is to define a valid set of workloads that reflect some of the real world use cases.

To answer Mark's concern:

- Per MongoDB architecture, if I want to have a replica set with 1 primary and 2 secondary, I will need 30 mongod running to achieve 10 replica sets. For that, I could run more than one mongod processes on these 10 nodes and share the resources. I think, that is a bad idea. So, I might have to work with only 3 masters. 6 nodes used for replication will be working on asynchronous replication in the background during the load phase. YCSB's MongoDB client does not use replicas to do get/scan operations. So, those 6 six nodes would be idle during other workloads as well. Should I try to measure performance of the cluster first without worrying about availability? In other words, should I use only sharding and not replication set to measure performance with only 1 master copy of the data?


Max Schireson

Jun 24, 2015, 4:25:50 PM6/24/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com

The issue I always had with YCSB is that it tends to be a least common denominator test. Yes, it reflects *some* real world use cases but is systematically excludes those that need secondary indexes which are a critical part of almost any work load and have radically varying performance across platforms. By analogy it is a bit like a drag race, you find out which car is best on a short straight road but you get no data on what happens when the road curves as it almost inevitably does and cars designed without any steering look pretty reasonable on that test.

I think it tells something, but I would strongly suggest supplementing it with some more challenging queries.

-- Max


Jun 24, 2015, 4:41:34 PM6/24/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com
I am not suggesting running multiple mongod per host. We do that at work with another open-source DBMS but I don't want to get off topic.

I am curious why you want 2 replicas/master. I have not run YCSB, but with such a setup I would make sure that some reads used secondaries. If you are paying for that extra HW then I would try to make use of it.

For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Mark Callaghan

Milind Shah

Jun 24, 2015, 7:06:52 PM6/24/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com

I wanted to have 2 replica/master setup to have high availability of data. But since I am more focused on benchmarking and getting the best possible number for YCSB workloads, I am going to run with only shards and do not enable replica set.


I agree with you. The tool is far from being a perfect benchmarking tool, but at the same time, in absence of generic benchmarking tools, it gets you started. As the user understands the workload and usecase, he would write custom applications to test out the database in later stages.

I have few more open questions:

1) How do I assign amount of memory to mongod process? Would it be able to use available memory on the machine efficiently?
2) How many mongos processes do I need?
3) While defining shards, I am thinking about using index+hashing for shards on _id field which YCSB generates uniquely for each row during load phase, and the distribution of the key is fairly even, too.  Is this a good idea or not?


Milind Shah

Jun 28, 2015, 6:28:27 PM6/28/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com
Inline image 1
I have setup the cluster as shown in the image above. I have total 11 machines. 10 machines have

One mongod process
One mongos process
One YCSB client.

and 11th machine have 3 config servers running.

Each YCSB client talks to the mongos running on the same machine. As mentioned earlier in the post, these machines have configuration as:

RAM: 128GB
Disks: 8 disks, 7200 RPM, 1TB - in a RAID 0 array
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz - 16 physical cores, 32 HT cores
Network: 1x10gbe
OS: CentOS 6.5
JVM: 1.7.0_67

I have sharding enabled on the cluster for ycsb database. Hashing is defined for ycsb's _id field. When I run the YCSB put, I actually see all 10 nodes show data getting written almost evenly. The problem currently I am having is the throughput rate for put. I tried inserting 2147483640 records (each client inserting 214748364) records. It took 181330 seconds to finish the insert. That gives throughput only 1184 ops/sec/client. I believe this is very low. I would appreciate if someone suggest if I have any setup issues.


Rob Moore

Jun 28, 2015, 11:10:50 PM6/28/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com

Milind - 

Which version of YCSB are you using? There have been a number of recent updates to the https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB version so I would encourage you to use that version. One of the updates is the ability to batch the inserts done. That should produce much better throughput as you can amortize the round-trip latency from the YCSB client to the mongod server and back. You can also try the mongodb-async client (which I work on) and see if that provides a benefit.

I would also make sure that you have verified all of the production notes have been set/configured on all of the nodes.

To really know here the bottleneck in the setup is you will need to monitor the hardware's CPU, Memory, and I/O.  It is possible that the YCSB clients, mongod, and mongos processes are fighting for a resource but only monitoring will tell if that is the case.


Milind Shah

Jul 1, 2015, 9:46:03 PM7/1/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com
I apologize for a late reply.


I am using the recently updated YCSB from https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB. For the insert test, I am using batchsize=100 for now. I don't want to use async client yet as I want to measure latency accurately for the operations.

Since I was not able to get a good throughput with a 10 node setup, I decided to do what Asya mentioned in the blog post - https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/performance-testing-mongodb-30-part-1-throughput-improvements-measured-ycsb. I tried to replicate the numbers that are mentioned in the blog using a 2 node setup. The node's hardware configurations are still the same. I have 1 mongod+mongos+2 YCSB Clients running on one node and 1 node assigned for config servers.

With that setup, I ran following tests:

1) Load 30 million records (1 field with 100 bytes - as mentioned in the blog post)
2) Read uniform distribution
3) Read zipfian distribution
4) Range scan zipfian distribution
5) Mixed workload with 95% read zipfian / 5% update
6) Mixed workload with 50% read zipfian / 50% update

During the load phase, I saw mongod using between 22 and 25 cores(top showed 2200-2500% for mongod). The insert workload was CPU bound. During read and mixed workloads, mongod was using between 9 and 11 cores. During read and scan tests, I made sure using iostat that the disk was not getting hit. I also experimented with # of threads in YCSB clients and also tried adding more/less # of clients and found the sweet spot where I was getting good throughput without affecting the latency.

Here are the numbers:

Test# of threads /clientRowSizeCluster ThroughputThroughput ops/sec/clientWrite: Avg
Write: Min
Write: Max
95th % Latency (ms)99th % Latency
Read: AvgLat (us)Read: MinLat (us)Read: MaxLat (us)95th % Latency (ms)99th % Latency
MIXED 95/550100B(1x100)72,20736,1032,5642273,951,3343261,314146624,57623
MIXED 50/5050100B(1x100)62,41731,2092,1482101,129,9174111,037152683,49323

During scan test, mongod process died twice so for now we could ignore them. The error I saw in the mongod log was:
2015-07-01T17:32:41.506-0700 E STORAGE  [conn1] WiredTiger (12) [1435797161:506959][20793:0x7f03e896a700], connection.open_session: only configured to sup
port 20010 sessions (including 10 internal): Cannot allocate memory
2015-07-01T17:32:41.507-0700 I -        [conn1] Invariant failure: ret resulted in status UnknownError 12: Cannot allocate memory at src/mongo/db/storage/
wiredtiger/wiredtiger_session_cache.cpp 49
2015-07-01T17:32:41.507-0700 E STORAGE  [conn88] WiredTiger (12) [1435797161:507173][20793:0x7f03e1302700], connection.open_session: only configured to su
pport 20010 sessions (including 10 internal): Cannot allocate memory
2015-07-01T17:32:41.507-0700 I -        [conn88] Invariant failure: ret resulted in status UnknownError 12: Cannot allocate memory at src/mongo/db/storage
/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_session_cache.cpp 49
2015-07-01T17:32:41.524-0700 I CONTROL  [conn48]
 0xf77369 0xf140f1 0xef99fa 0xd8eae0 0xd8efb6 0xd8a0ce 0xd8a115 0xd78165 0xa83e58 0xa078e2 0xa0801d 0xa1e595 0x9fbb7d 0xbd5714 0xbd5ac4 0xba3a54 0xab4e90
0x7fb81d 0xf2883b 0x7f03f89559d1 0x7f03f74a786d
{"backtrace":[{"b":"400000","o":"B77369"},{"b":"400000","o":"B140F1"},{"b":"400000","o":"AF99FA"},{"b":"400000","o":"98EAE0"},{"b":"400000","o":"98EFB6"},{"b":"400000","o":"98A0CE"},{"b":"400000","o":"98A115"},{"b":"400000","o":"978165"},{"b":"400000","o":"683E58"},{"b":"400000","o":"6078E2"},{"b":"400000","o":"60801D"},{"b":"400000","o":"61E595"},{"b":"400000","o":"5FBB7D"},{"b":"400000","o":"7D5714"},{"b":"400000","o":"7D5AC4"},{"b":"400000","o":"7A3A54"},{"b":"400000","o":"6B4E90"},{"b":"400000","o":"3FB81D"},{"b":"400000","o":"B2883B"},{"b":"7F03F894E000","o":"79D1"},{"b":"7F03F73BF000","o":"E886D"}],"processInfo":{ "mongodbVersion" : "3.0.4", "gitVersion" : "0481c958daeb2969800511e7475dc66986fa9ed5", "uname" : { "sysname" : "Linux", "release" : "2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.x86_64", "version" : "#1 SMP Tue Sep 9 21:36:05 UTC 2014", "machine" : "x86_64" }, "somap" : [ { "elfType" : 2, "b" : "400000", "buildId" : "7702B4740E91E1BA6F701DB2A42553968AC09562" }, { "b" : "7FFF97C38000", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "5474F0D8DAF3D6177E2C4B06F3892745CB43B4D5" }, { "b" : "7F03F894E000", "path" : "/lib64/libpthread.so.0", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "211321F78CA244BE2B2B1B8584B460F9933BA76B" }, { "b" : "7F03F86E2000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libssl.so.10", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "40BEA6554E64FC0C3D5C7D0CD91362730515102F" }, { "b" : "7F03F82FF000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.10", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "FC4EFD7502ACB3B9D213D28272D15A165857AD5A" }, { "b" : "7F03F80F7000", "path" : "/lib64/librt.so.1", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "B26528BF6C0636AC1CAE5AC50BDBC07E60851DF4" }, { "b" : "7F03F7EF3000", "path" : "/lib64/libdl.so.2", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "AFC7448F2F2F6ED4E5BC82B1BD8A7320B84A9D48" }, { "b" : "7F03F7BED000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "F07F2E7CF4BFB393CC9BBE8CDC6463652E14DB07" }, { "b" : "7F03F7969000", "path" : "/lib64/libm.so.6", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "98B028A725D6E93253F25DF00B794DFAA66A3145" }, { "b" : "7F03F7753000", "path" : "/lib64/libgcc_s.so.1", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "246C3BAB0AB093AFD59D34C8CBF29E786DE4BE97" }, { "b" : "7F03F73BF000", "path" : "/lib64/libc.so.6", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "59640F8CD5A70CF0391A7C64275D84336935E6AA" }, { "b" : "7F03F8B6B000", "path" : "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "57BF668F99B7F5917B8D55FBB645173C9A644575" }, { "b" : "7F03F717B000", "path" : "/lib64/libgssapi_krb5.so.2", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "54BA6B78A9220344E77463947215E42F0EABCC62" }, { "b" : "7F03F6E95000", "path" : "/lib64/libkrb5.so.3", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "6797403AA5F8FAD8ADFF683478B45F528CE4FB0E" }, { "b" : "7F03F6C91000", "path" : "/lib64/libcom_err.so.2", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "8CE28F280150E62296240E70ECAC64E4A57AB826" }, { "b" : "7F03F6A65000", "path" : "/lib64/libk5crypto.so.3", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "05733977F4E41652B86070B27A0CFC2C1EA7719D" }, { "b" : "7F03F684F000", "path" : "/lib64/libz.so.1", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "5FA8E5038EC04A774AF72A9BB62DC86E1049C4D6" }, { "b" : "7F03F6644000", "path" : "/lib64/libkrb5support.so.0", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "E3FA235F3BA3F776A01A18ECA737C9890F445923" }, { "b" : "7F03F6441000", "path" : "/lib64/libkeyutils.so.1", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "AF374BAFB7F5B139A0B431D3F06D82014AFF3251" }, { "b" : "7F03F6227000", "path" : "/lib64/libresolv.so.2", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "A91A53E16DEABDFE05F28F7D04DAB5FFAA013767" }, { "b" : "7F03F6008000", "path" : "/lib64/libselinux.so.1", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "E6798A06BEE17CF102BBA44FD512FF8B805CEAF1" } ] }}
 mongod(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x29) [0xf77369]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo10logContextEPKc+0xE1) [0xf140f1]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo17invariantOKFailedEPKcRKNS_6StatusES1_j+0xDA) [0xef99fa]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo17WiredTigerSessionC1EP15__wt_connectionii+0xA0) [0xd8eae0]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo22WiredTigerSessionCache10getSessionEv+0x4C6) [0xd8efb6]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo22WiredTigerRecoveryUnit10getSessionEPNS_16OperationContextE+0x3E) [0xd8a0ce]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo16WiredTigerCursorC1ERKSsmbPNS_16OperationContextE+0x35) [0xd8a115]
 mongod(_ZNK5mongo21WiredTigerIndexUnique9newCursorEPNS_16OperationContextEi+0x55) [0xd78165]
 mongod(_ZNK5mongo22BtreeBasedAccessMethod9newCursorEPNS_16OperationContextERKNS_13CursorOptionsEPPNS_11IndexCursorE+0x28) [0xa83e58]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo9IndexScan13initIndexScanEv+0x62) [0xa078e2]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo9IndexScan4workEPm+0x4D) [0xa0801d]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo16ShardFilterStage4workEPm+0x55) [0xa1e595]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo10FetchStage4workEPm+0xCD) [0x9fbb7d]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo12PlanExecutor18getNextSnapshottedEPNS_11SnapshottedINS_7BSONObjEEEPNS_8RecordIdE+0xA4) [0xbd5714]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo12PlanExecutor7getNextEPNS_7BSONObjEPNS_8RecordIdE+0x34) [0xbd5ac4]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo8runQueryEPNS_16OperationContextERNS_7MessageERNS_12QueryMessageERKNS_15NamespaceStringERNS_5CurOpES3_+0xA74) [0xba3a54]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo16assembleResponseEPNS_16OperationContextERNS_7MessageERNS_10DbResponseERKNS_11HostAndPortE+0xB10) [0xab4e90]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo16MyMessageHandler7processERNS_7MessageEPNS_21AbstractMessagingPortEPNS_9LastErrorE+0xDD) [0x7fb81d]
 mongod(_ZN5mongo17PortMessageServer17handleIncomingMsgEPv+0x34B) [0xf2883b]
 libpthread.so.0(+0x79D1) [0x7f03f89559d1]
 libc.so.6(clone+0x6D) [0x7f03f74a786d]
-----  END BACKTRACE  -----
2015-07-01T17:32:41.524-0700 I -        [conn48]



Jul 2, 2015, 9:14:00 AM7/2/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com
I have not seen that OOM error from WiredTiger before, but I don't do many tests with range scans. Either code isn't closing cursors, or Mongo+WT are caching them in a bad way. You should file a bug.

For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Mark Callaghan

Milind Shah

Jul 2, 2015, 1:48:32 PM7/2/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Mark. I will file a Jira for the crash during short scan.


I am trying to I am trying to reproduce the number that you've mentioned in blog post - https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/performance-testing-mongodb-30-part-1-throughput-improvements-measured-ycsb. For a 30 million rows of data, 1 field of 100 Bytes, I saw insert giving me only ~126K ops/sec. Then I enabled the snappy compression on the collection and I was able to get close to 200K ops/sec. I have also moved my YCSB clients to a dedicated machine. Currently, I am trying to run mixed 95(read)/5(update) workload and not able to get more than 90K ops/sec. I also played with the thread counts and number of clients as well but could not get beyond 90K ops/sec.Blog post mentions throughput beyond 270K ops/sec which is 3x of what I am observing. Based on the setup mentioned in the blog, the only difference I see is that I have 8 disks for storage and you have 2 SSDs for the storage. This would impact the insert performance but for the read operations on 30 million rows, the type of storage should not matter as everything fits into memory. Could you suggest if there were any other tuning parameters that I should try to match the performance? I am trying to match the numbers first and then once I have a good single node setup, I want to scale it to multiple nodes and try the tests again.


Milind Shah

Jul 2, 2015, 2:31:46 PM7/2/15
to mongod...@googlegroups.com

I have filed https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-19273 for the scan crash that I observed.

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