Re: Possible content encoding bug in latest version of mod-pagespeed

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Joshua Marantz

не прочитано,
9 мая 2016 г., 09:20:3809.05.2016
– mod-pagespeed-discuss
Hi -- does the problem resolve if you turn off that feature?

ModPagespeedHttpCacheCompressionLevel 0

Would it be possible to share a URL for your site, and for badly encoded CSS file?

Which specific previous RPM of PageSpeed are you looking for?  The previous stable, or the last release of 1.10?


On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Nathan <> wrote:

I believe the latest version of pagespeed ( may have a bug related to content encoding (*possibly* related to the ModPagespeedHttpCacheCompressionLevel. feature?)

The error that some of our users are seeing in Chrome is ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED when directly loading a CSS files compressed by mod-pagespeed.

This is not a regularly reproducible problem, which is why I don't have any more information on it yet. But the thing that makes it an even bigger problem for us is the fact that we serve/cache the rewritten CSS through a CDN -- so as soon as the "invalid" file is generated, it gets cached and delivered to some random geographic portion of our users via that CDN (which makes it insanely hard to track down).

Is there anything I could do or enable in the logs to get more information on this? 

Also, where can I download the previous RPM of pagespeed?

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не прочитано,
22 июл. 2016 г., 13:58:2722.07.2016
– mod-pagespeed-discuss

To close the loop (and for anyone else searching this), adding "ModPagespeedHttpCacheCompressionLevel 0" fixed the problem.

THANK you to the PageSpeed team for all the awesome work you do (including responding to people like me)! One humble suggestion, though, would be to make the last few stable versions of mod_pagespeed available for download in case anybody gets tripped up (like us) on an update.
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Joshua Marantz

не прочитано,
25 июл. 2016 г., 08:25:2125.07.2016
– mod-pagespeed-discuss
I'm glad the workaround helped.  However this is an important feature which we'd like to get right, so that you can eventually remove the workaround and get the benefits of caching the compressed static resources.

Nathan, if you have any more detail about how & when this problem arose, including any setup information about your server, we'd love to hear about it so we can repro & fix.


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Joshua Marantz

не прочитано,
25 июл. 2016 г., 14:58:1825.07.2016
– mod-pagespeed-discuss
Nathan: can you help me with these bits of information:

1. Is the CSS in question both rewritten and combined?  This is indicated by a URL leaf of the form:,

2. What other interesting modules do you have as part of your system, e.g. that might get involved in header manipulation, caching, etc?

3. Do you have mod_security?

4. What CDN are you using?

5. What's the origin of your CSS files?  Are they stored on a local disk or proxied?

6. Do you use ModPagespeedLoadFromFile ?


Piyush Singh

не прочитано,
26 июн. 2017 г., 23:12:2126.06.2017
– mod-pagespeed-discuss
Hi Team,

I have turned off ModPagespeedHttpCacheCompressionLevel 0 in pagespeed .conf but still i am getting same issue for css loading error_content_decoding_failed.
However i have already installed the updated stabe version of mod_pagespeed_1.12.34.2-stable .There was no such error in previous version of mod-pagespeed-stable- .The issue is first css is loading smoothly and after then when i refresh (Ctrl+F5) the page i got error pagespeed error_content_decoding_failed. Can you please let me know i can download the the previous  mod-pagespeed-stable- to get this issue resolved. 

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Joshua Marantz

не прочитано,
27 июн. 2017 г., 07:54:3527.06.2017
– mod-pagespeed-discuss
All the previous releases are available in . Note that 1.9 is not the most recent; there was also 1.10 and 1.11.  I would recommend you avoid going back to 1.9 if possible, but the archive is there for you.

Can you try another workaround?  Can you disable InPlaceResourceOptimization?  If you go back to 1.9 that will be off by default anyway.
   ModPagespeedInPlaceResourceOptimization off


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Piyush Singh

не прочитано,
4 июл. 2017 г., 04:15:2804.07.2017
– mod-pagespeed-discuss
Hi ,

ModPagespeedInPlaceResourceOptimization off is also not working .The problem still persists for css/js after reload error_content_decoding_failed .
However i have diallowed modpagespeed for css and js throught .htaccess file modepagespeeddisallow "'path to css nad js".Can you please let me know how can I resolve the issue for css/js like disallowing is definitely not a solution.
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Ashish Kulkarni

не прочитано,
10 июл. 2017 г., 05:40:0010.07.2017
Hi Piyush,

Is it possible for you to share the badly encoded css/js(if possible, you can remove most portion of script, and keep decoding stuff)? so that we can reproduce the issue and try to fix it.


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