Ukraine invasion

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Molly Brogan

não lida,
25 de fev. de 2022, 13:52:3225/02/2022
para "Minds Eye"
The political climate in the US is such a hotbed of division it is not easy to filter through the media for facts on what is happening. I know that European sentiment toward Americans is negative at best, and I understand why.

My heart is with the people of the Ukraine. I know the trauma of war, and what entire families suffer, my parents having served in WWII and the legacy of physical and emotional traumas we all suffered as a result.

No one deserves it, and I feel like we should be past this as a human race. This is a great place for the exchange of political views, none better. I'm interested to hear everyone's thoughts on this turning point for Europe and the globe.


não lida,
26 de fev. de 2022, 12:34:2526/02/2022
Greetings Molly this is actually my 3rd attempt at replying, as for excuses my wife gave me a gift of a new Samsung tablet because google nick my mobile phone app.. I had just purchased a new tablet too. Now I have the phone feature back.

As for invading Ukraine. Yes they put boots on the ground.  Ukraine was shelling the territory in which white Russians and cassocks (¿SP?) traditionally lived inside the Ukraine. Now Russia recognized those two areas as independent nations. Which asked for Russian protection. And that has been going on for many years now. Russia actually has been try to stop it thru peaceful means
At the same time the the US has been supplying Ukraine with advanced weapons.  Question really becomes who is actually provoking the war? When I see doing in it's extreme form like the US has been doing¿?
Does it matter. The extinction balance is being tipped and 2028 is not that far off.  Man is facing the extinction factor..the US is not known for keeping agreements. As for extinction I will be around because my time is limited here on earth and I will be returning home. This life has been an very interesting experience.

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não lida,
26 de fev. de 2022, 12:35:2326/02/2022
My heart goes out to the innocent people on all sides. War should never at anytime be for profit.. unfortunately the military industrial complex(s) seem to be of a different view point. The Militaries of the are the largest single polluters in the world; leading the pack is the US military having lapped the combined military of the rest of the w for many genorld. Congratulations the US military is #1 in the pollution race.. considering that the tipping balance point is 2028.. that is a major problem for humanity..
USA is being outflanked by China. I was raised in a very boastful nation. Plus I am ashamed of myself for not seeing it before.. (to many hidden agendas and dark government.. Thanks to d *rump he accidentally exposed the fascist underbelly of the hidden  dark government..
Now getting on to the topic of Ukraine. Years age at the break up of the USSR  NATO agreed there would. Be no expansion eastward.. typical politicians they are a pack of liars and backsliders on keeping the promises and keeping their word..  NATO was formed for the defense of Europe..  what war they doing in the US wars in the middle east.  The middle east is not part of Europe. It has been the United States of America that has been beating hard the propaganda WAR drums very hard...
Has the American public hem informed of the billions of $ dollars $ given to Ukraine over the last 2 years not counting what was provided earlier.. Have the propaganda machine of the US told you about the Ukraine with advanced weapons provided by the US military were shelling the ethnic Russians that have been living their for generations.. they are similar to the Kurds in Iraq and Turkey an unwanted sect of people..
This shelling of the Russian heritage people that actually promoted the Russian invasion.. this shelling was encouraged by the US and NATO. Both have a reputation for wanting War.. Now they have brought economic hardship to Europe.. Unfortunately that hardship is also extending to the US..
War - Now the truth Is I know very little about Chinese military other than the Art o war is mandatory reading.. They were banned by the US on the international space station.. So they built their own. They are exploring the hidden side if the moon and bare planning to put a base there.. oh year the food

Do Not Murder; Rape; or Enslave Others.

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <>
Sent: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 19:52
Subject: Mind's Eye Ukraine invasion


Allan H

não lida,
27 de fev. de 2022, 00:14:5127/02/2022

Don't Murder; Rape or Enslave Others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <>
Sent: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 7:52 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Ukraine invasion


Molly Brogan

não lida,
27 de fev. de 2022, 11:14:0927/02/2022
para "Minds Eye"
I'm interested to see how this will play out in the UN. Current reports show Europe supporting Ukraine, China and India abstaining... support and relief for the people of the country quickly being organized, including the refugees to neighboring Poland and Romania. Today the fighting reveals more than the simple support of Russian people in certain areas of Ukraine. All border areas between the two countries are occupied by Russian troupes moving into strategic areas of the country in just a few days. Like looking at the board game RISK, a strategic movement of troupes for the take over of a country. Can the old arguments work? If a country is fighting to maintain is sovereignty from an invading country, can we take it at its word? 


não lida,
27 de fev. de 2022, 16:18:0227/02/2022
My biggest concern is Chernobyl... That is the first thing the Russian did was check in it's safety.. Now it is under the control óf a joint Ukrainian and Russian task force who sold purpose is maintain its safety and up keep.. language is not a problem and they Areca close joint team.. that is the biggest problem.. looking good on that front.. I personally think that there will be highly advanced anti-aircraft weapons to prevent it from being attacked and bombed.. that will not do anyone any good.
Russia wants the Ukraine to be a neutral nation. With no NATO or US military bases on the Ukraine national territory.. that is not unreasonable.... Look ho freaked out the US became when Russia wanted to put a missiles on Cuba..  that is the same situation in Ukraine.. Face it the US does not have a reputation for being peaceful. I put a couple of propaganda. Articles on my Facebook page to look at   the EU is afraid if their propaganda..
To me that is stupid.. I been reading RT for years now..I have learned a great deal about their military weapons.. I learned about COVID-19 long before it was in the European news papers.. they have a new early warning airplane. The US has been using them for years ..they are the one with the big disk on top.. Russia tends to develop defensive weapons.. this early warning airplane  they say can detect stealth aircraft.. and that is logical.
There fighter jets are every bit as good us the Fancy over priced US jets..
Then you factor China in.. truth is I know very like about their weapons..😱 I read the propaganda sheets (any news source in realty is a propaganda. Sheet) because I prefer knowing when where and how to duck.
Now there is one Russian sub I know nothing about and I heard about a British sighting of it and the code name is "Black Hole" the get literally a glimpse of it and then it disappears...
China like  said I have no idea about their weapons I heard they developed a long range drone that looks like a B2 bomber 😱. They were cut off from Android and the US tried to cripple their electronic industry.. now they have a new mobile OS that runs most of the Android application (s). They were banned from the international space station so they built their own .. now with all the bullshit Russia are getting together for space exploration..

The stupidest thing the US and NATO has done is start poking the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon. 
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Molly Brogan

não lida,
27 de fev. de 2022, 18:45:2227/02/2022
para "Minds Eye"
Don't see anything in this that recognizes Ukraine as a self governing democracy.

Allan H

não lida,
28 de fev. de 2022, 11:16:5428/02/2022
It is not a democracy.  It is simply an eastern European country..  the US is not a democracy either it is the republic of the united states of America like it or not the US has become  fascist republic.. the Netherlands v is not s democracy either.. when I vote I get to pick a party and chose member from a long list.. we really have no say the parties have all the say.

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Molly Brogan

não lida,
28 de fev. de 2022, 14:48:0128/02/2022
para "Minds Eye"
Interesting. If there are no democracies, are there communist regimes? Are we talking about political systems in their purest form? I would argue that Ukraine considers itself a democracy and a country separate from Russia. If Russia stops fighting, the war is over. If Ukraine stops fighting, Russia will occupy and Ukraine as Ukrainians know it is over. Ukraine needs to hold on to its sovereignty as a nation and protect its people. What does Russia need? To expand its domain?

Allan H

não lida,
28 de fev. de 2022, 17:07:5728/02/2022
From ehat I am seeing is a neutral buffer zone .. and to protect the russian  heritage people livng in Ukraine..  there are to different Russian cultures.. that is the reason for recognizing the two separate nations.
Occupying a country is a pin in the rear.. look at Afghanistan.. both Russia an the US have been there with the same result.
Hat they want is the buffer zone separating Russia and NATO. With the US past history I don't blame them
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Molly Brogan

não lida,
28 de fev. de 2022, 18:09:5228/02/2022
para "Minds Eye"
Why do you think Sweden and even Switzerland are applying sanctions on Russia in response?


não lida,
1 de mar. de 2022, 00:13:5701/03/2022
I really don't know. They are not really showing up.. I don't know what they are doing..
There is a lot going on the political whatever's are deliberately keeping hidden..

 Now one of the odd things showing up on the swift sanctions is they don't effect the oil industry.. I the past RT has talked about Russian transporting oil to the US.. (really a propaganda type thing (but not really pushed))   right now it is kind of a wait and see.

As for accuracy.. .. Russia has been preparing for what is going on for a lot of years now..  I learned about covid-19 months before it hit western news.. in a article about China building a special hospital in just 10 days to handle virus patients.
Molly I am 75 and I am a chronic heart patient (with only 42% of my  heart function with pacemaker it was down to 20% causing  dementia to start setting in.. fortunately that is mostly reversed..

How's hubby doing?  You can write personally if you want..
Oh yeah strange things have been happening in my spiritual reality.. a lot of old question are being answered. Even the ones I thought there were no answers to.
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Don Johnson

não lida,
3 de mar. de 2022, 06:54:4303/03/2022
para "Minds Eye"
The world is a dangerous place. While we are busy retreating and replacing our warriors with transpeople and biological women our enemies are amassing ships/weapons of war and expanding their spheres of influence exponentially. Taiwan is toast. Tyranny looooves a vacuum. Did you watch the SOTU speech Molly? I never thought I'd miss Trump's embarrassing tweets so much. 

We need energy. All the West needs energy. We are KILLING ourselves with this Green crap. Germany lost their damn mind shooting themselves in the foot and America is doing much the same. Hell YES blood for oil. And gas. I get so frustrated with people who can't see what is important. Our own government is regulating us into losing the energy wars. China and Russia understand what is important. Why are we so stupid?  it can't all be Greta Thunberg's fault. 

Don Johnson

não lida,
4 de mar. de 2022, 21:17:2204/03/2022
para "Minds Eye"

I'm curious what other's think about these toothless sanctions we have imposed on Russia. As Allan pointed out; oil/gas is exempt. This is pretty much Russia's sole profitable export and thus will be more than enough to bankroll this little invasion. Especially with the much, much higher prices for oil coming from ill advised domestic regulation here in the US and devastating choices of Germany to shut down perfectly good nuclear plants. The truly tragic truth is these efforts to reduce carbon emissions is in vain. The world's need for energy is increasing, not decreasing. When the West reduces their much, much cleaner gas and oil production to follow regs here in the US it just means we, and other countries, will need to get their energy from sources with less stringent "clean" regulations. Because we have failed to invest in modern pipe lines for LNG some of our major cities rely on shipping gas from 6500 miles away in Qatar instead of just piping it down from Nova Scotia. Imagine all the co2 created by ships to get it here. It's a real shame. I don't think politicians think past their own wallets. Also, they don't buy their own gas. 

Molly Brogan

não lida,
5 de mar. de 2022, 09:24:3005/03/2022
para "Minds Eye"
I don't see any mention here of renewable energy sources, Don. Here is the UN's report that encourages a shift in focus Here in Detroit, the carmakers are quickly moving to EV, and the state's infrastructure is beginning to build out the support system for it.

Molly Brogan

não lida,
5 de mar. de 2022, 10:02:0305/03/2022
para "Minds Eye"
I've got bits of time to respond here, Don, so please forgive the multiple answers to your good post. US only gets 1.3% of crude oil from Russia and has shifted those imports to Canadian Oil. Refiners have suggested unity in not buying from Russia and BP has divested its interest. Shell seems to be the one company more interested in profits that human lives and bought some Russian oil up at a bargain price yesterday, but may pay for it in the court of public opinion. All this without an official US sanction. Sanctions have been imposed on exports of technologies to refineries and Russian manufacturing overall, which will take awhile to hurt.

None of this excuses the deplorable price gouging going on for gas and everything else in the US using inflation as an excuse.

I think sanctions are important and need to be a global effort. I see some of that happening and in surprising places like Sweden and Switzerland. Sanctions on the international banking systems must be hurting as evidenced by the ruble falling and Russian stock market closing for several days now.

I think we (the world) needs to do EVERYTHING we can to stop this war in Ukraine and prevent it from happening in other european countries.

These are my thoughts. 

On Friday, March 4, 2022 at 9:17:22 PM UTC-5 Don Johnson wrote:

Allan H

não lida,
6 de mar. de 2022, 12:04:1706/03/2022
Greetings everyone 
I know one thing this mess is effecting  my  email.. before I get going I want it known  I am against  Any war.. and all war. Especially those that are for profit...

I have a lot of problems  with this situation... the first thing it is all happening to fast.. instant  drum beating.. to much propaganda to quick.. that is telling me it was preplanned...
Then my questions  really  begin.
This discussion  actually  been going on for years.. and what appeared  to me is NATO and the US Military.
And yes i read the propaganda papers  of any country including  the US  and European. Any one that has a financial interest... old law enforcement  adage  "Follow the money!" There in is the problem.. what does Russia  have to gain?
No one is looking at both sides of the problem  and exactly  what started it all.
Now I have my own ideas of what really was going on. 

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Molly Brogan

não lida,
7 de mar. de 2022, 15:30:2607/03/2022
para "Minds Eye"
When the Z replaces the swastika, I guess we'll know for sure.

Don Johnson

não lida,
7 de mar. de 2022, 21:31:5607/03/2022
"The stupidest thing the US and NATO has done is start poking the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon."

Are you referring to the last couple weeks or the last 5 years or the last 20? China pretty much gave the world Covid-19 whether on purpose or by gross negligence. Plus they've been stealing tech for a generation. I'd argue we haven't poked them near enough. 

Russia is a 2nd world nation and no real threat to the West other than as a Chinese gas station. Putin can bully Ukraine only because we let him. That is just the truth. If Ukraine shelled "ethnic Russians" it's because these "ethnic Russians" along with Spetsnaz in disguise were causing trouble. 

Russian propaganda has their citizens singing the praises of Joseph Stalin. Second only to Chairman Mao in killing their own citizens on purpose if you read the histories not written by Russia and China.  I don't think I will live long enough to see a world dominated by China but I'll tell you one thing is for sure. That world is a lot closer now than it was 2 years ago. 

Don Johnson

não lida,
7 de mar. de 2022, 22:17:4607/03/2022
para "Minds Eye"
I'm a big fan of renewables. They definitely have their place in the grid. However, we must be sensible in utilizing these resources. As you are aware Texas screwed the pooch rather spectacularly last year during our freeze. Our investors and politicians were seduced by tasty subsidies and neglected oil and gas infrastructure. Epcot has gone through some changes but more is needed. It's an uphill slog. What this should have taught us is don't let yourself get caught with your pants down. The world will burn what fossil fuels it needs and will get it where it's available. I'd much rather they got much cleaner fuels than whatever the Russians or Qatar is providing. I want the US to be a major exporter of oil and gas. This is how we will control Chinese and Russian aggression. As far EV, bring 'em on. I don't know why all these poor folks are complaining about high gas prices. They should just buy a Tesla. Or two. 

Also, tanks and fighter jets don't run on batteries. As an aside. 


Allan H

não lida,
8 de mar. de 2022, 08:14:0708/03/2022
Cheap winter camouflage. What is happening in Ukaine will stay in Ukraine. 
This conflict has been created a a proxy war only benefiting Nato and the US military industrial complex they are the one benefiting the old adge Follow the money..
There is something fishy about the timing.and who is gaining

This is totally rigged and planned and not by Russia..  they have nothing to gain.. 

Molly Brogan

não lida,
8 de mar. de 2022, 13:35:5408/03/2022
para "Minds Eye"
If Russia packed up and went home the war would end. Ukrainians would return home to rebuild. Putin and Russia would need to answer to the UN and Hague, but the fighting won't follow them home. What does that tell you?

Allan H

não lida,
8 de mar. de 2022, 14:58:0808/03/2022
That  Molly won't  happen.. this conflict is the result of Nato expansion and the US has a proven  history of building bases directly  on borders.  Proven  time and time again it is "the American Way"
Create a treaty is the only way that is going to happen.. the real problem is the USA and  NATO want a war.. without a war they have no economic  base or reason to exist..

Allan H

não lida,
8 de mar. de 2022, 22:21:1708/03/2022
The biet warcrime the wrld has ver seen  occured in Japan with the dropping of two bombs .. those bombs were directed at the civilian population.. the US military knew the exact effect that would occur.

Russia leaveing Ukraine.. not untill there is traty mking Ukraine a neutral nation and unable to allow Nato/US bases to be built on their national soil. The US/Nato is doing every thing in its power like supplying advanced weapons etc etc
"we are right and God is on our side doesn't work. War is the choice of man. People supplying those weapons are as guilty as the Russians..  since the US supplied those weapons before the conflict actually began it sem like the US played a major player in starting this conflict.
Come on that type of weapons do not appear overnight.. preplanted..

I am praying that the world will survive. The problem is Americans and Europeans a a bunch of shepole.
Now maybe i can get back to sleep.

Don't Murder; Rape or Enslave Others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <>
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Allan H

não lida,
9 de mar. de 2022, 03:49:4209/03/2022
I am being censored

Don't Murder; Rape or Enslave Others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <>
Sent: Tue, 08 Mar 2022 7:35 PM
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Allan H

não lida,
16 de mar. de 2022, 11:10:4916/03/2022
Believe it or not I just recieved this email today..
Molly said she left minds-eye
 I think I am leaving too
Write me at my new email address.

Don't Murder; Rape or Enslave Others

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <>
Sent: Tue, 08 Mar 2022 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Ukraine invasion

"The stupidest thing the US and NATO has done is start poking the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon."

Are you referring to the last couple weeks or the last 5 years or the last 20? China pretty much gave the world Covid-19 whether on purpose or by gross negligence. Plus they've been stealing tech for a generation. I'd argue we haven't poked them near enough. 

Russia is a 2nd world nation and no real threat to the West other than as a Chinese gas station. Putin can bully Ukraine only because we let him. That is just the truth. If Ukraine shelled "ethnic Russians" it's because these "ethnic Russians" along with Spetsnaz in disguise were causing trouble. 

Russian propaganda has their citizens singing the praises of Joseph Stalin. Second only to Chairman Mao in killing their own citizens on purpose if you read the histories not written by Russia and China.  I don't think I will live long enough to see a world dominated by China but I'll tell you one thing is for sure. That world is a lot closer now than it was 2 years ago. 

On Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 5:09 PM Molly Brogan <> wrote:
Why do you think Sweden and even Switzerland are applying sanctions on Russia in response?

On Monday, February 28, 2022 at 5:07:57 PM UTC-5 Allan Heretic wrote:
From ehat I am seeing is a neutral buffer zone .. and to protect the russian  heritage people livng in Ukraine..  there are to different Russian cultures.. that is the reason for recognizing the two separate nations.
Occupying a country is a pin in the rear.. look at Afghanistan.. both Russia an the US have been there with the same result.
Hat they want is the buffer zone separating Russia and NATO. With the US past history I don't blame them
Don't Murder; Rape or Enslave Others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <>
Sent: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Ukraine invasion

Interesting. If there are no democracies, are there communist regimes? Are we talking about political systems in their purest form? I would argue that Ukraine considers itself a democracy and a country separate from Russia. If Russia stops fighting, the war is over. If Ukraine stops fighting, Russia will occupy and Ukraine as Ukrainians know it is over. Ukraine needs to hold on to its sovereignty as a nation and protect its people. What does Russia need? To expand its domain?

On Monday, February 28, 2022 at 11:16:54 AM UTC-5 Allan Heretic wrote:
It is not a democracy.  It is simply an eastern European country..  the US is not a democracy either it is the republic of the united states of America like it or not the US has become  fascist republic.. the Netherlands v is not s democracy either.. when I vote I get to pick a party and chose member from a long list.. we really have no say the parties have all the say.
Don't Murder; Rape or Enslave Others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <>
Sent: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 0:45
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Ukraine invasion

Don't see anything in this that recognizes Ukraine as a self governing democracy.

On Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 4:18:02 PM UTC-5 Allan Heretic wrote:
My biggest concern is Chernobyl... That is the first thing the Russian did was check in it's safety.. Now it is under the control óf a joint Ukrainian and Russian task force who sold purpose is maintain its safety and up keep.. language is not a problem and they Areca close joint team.. that is the biggest problem.. looking good on that front.. I personally think that there will be highly advanced anti-aircraft weapons to prevent it from being attacked and bombed.. that will not do anyone any good.
Russia wants the Ukraine to be a neutral nation. With no NATO or US military bases on the Ukraine national territory.. that is not unreasonable.... Look ho freaked out the US became when Russia wanted to put a missiles on Cuba..  that is the same situation in Ukraine.. Face it the US does not have a reputation for being peaceful. I put a couple of propaganda. Articles on my Facebook page to look at   the EU is afraid if their propaganda..
To me that is stupid.. I been reading RT for years now..I have learned a great deal about their military weapons.. I learned about COVID-19 long before it was in the European news papers.. they have a new early warning airplane. The US has been using them for years ..they are the one with the big disk on top.. Russia tends to develop defensive weapons.. this early warning airplane  they say can detect stealth aircraft.. and that is logical.
There fighter jets are every bit as good us the Fancy over priced US jets..
Then you factor China in.. truth is I know very like about their weapons..😱 I read the propaganda sheets (any news source in realty is a propaganda. Sheet) because I prefer knowing when where and how to duck.
Now there is one Russian sub I know nothing about and I heard about a British sighting of it and the code name is "Black Hole" the get literally a glimpse of it and then it disappears...
China like  said I have no idea about their weapons I heard they developed a long range drone that looks like a B2 bomber 😱. They were cut off from Android and the US tried to cripple their electronic industry.. now they have a new mobile OS that runs most of the Android application (s). They were banned from the international space station so they built their own .. now with all the bullshit Russia are getting together for space exploration..

The stupidest thing the US and NATO has done is start poking the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon. 

Do Not Murder; Rape; or Enslave Others.

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <>
Sent: Sun, 27 Feb 2022 17:14
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Ukraine invasion

I'm interested to see how this will play out in the UN. Current reports show Europe supporting Ukraine, China and India abstaining... support and relief for the people of the country quickly being organized, including the refugees to neighboring Poland and Romania. Today the fighting reveals more than the simple support of Russian people in certain areas of Ukraine. All border areas between the two countries are occupied by Russian troupes moving into strategic areas of the country in just a few days. Like looking at the board game RISK, a strategic movement of troupes for the take over of a country. Can the old arguments work? If a country is fighting to maintain is sovereignty from an invading country, can we take it at its word? 

On Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 12:35:23 PM UTC-5 Allan Heretic wrote:
My heart goes out to the innocent people on all sides. War should never at anytime be for profit.. unfortunately the military industrial complex(s) seem to be of a different view point. The Militaries of the are the largest single polluters in the world; leading the pack is the US military having lapped the combined military of the rest of the w for many genorld. Congratulations the US military is #1 in the pollution race.. considering that the tipping balance point is 2028.. that is a major problem for humanity..
USA is being outflanked by China. I was raised in a very boastful nation. Plus I am ashamed of myself for not seeing it before.. (to many hidden agendas and dark government.. Thanks to d *rump he accidentally exposed the fascist underbelly of the hidden  dark government..
Now getting on to the topic of Ukraine. Years age at the break up of the USSR  NATO agreed there would. Be no expansion eastward.. typical politicians they are a pack of liars and backsliders on keeping the promises and keeping their word..  NATO was formed for the defense of Europe..  what war they doing in the US wars in the middle east.  The middle east is not part of Europe. It has been the United States of America that has been beating hard the propaganda WAR drums very hard...
Has the American public hem informed of the billions of $ dollars $ given to Ukraine over the last 2 years not counting what was provided earlier.. Have the propaganda machine of the US told you about the Ukraine with advanced weapons provided by the US military were shelling the ethnic Russians that have been living their for generations.. they are similar to the Kurds in Iraq and Turkey an unwanted sect of people..
This shelling of the Russian heritage people that actually promoted the Russian invasion.. this shelling was encouraged by the US and NATO. Both have a reputation for wanting War.. Now they have brought economic hardship to Europe.. Unfortunately that hardship is also extending to the US..
War - Now the truth Is I know very little about Chinese military other than the Art o war is mandatory reading.. They were banned by the US on the international space station.. So they built their own. They are exploring the hidden side if the moon and bare planning to put a base there.. oh year the food

Do Not Murder; Rape; or Enslave Others.

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <>
Sent: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 19:52
Subject: Mind's Eye Ukraine invasion

The political climate in the US is such a hotbed of division it is not easy to filter through the media for facts on what is happening. I know that European sentiment toward Americans is negative at best, and I understand why.

My heart is with the people of the Ukraine. I know the trauma of war, and what entire families suffer, my parents having served in WWII and the legacy of physical and emotional traumas we all suffered as a result.

No one deserves it, and I feel like we should be past this as a human race. This is a great place for the exchange of political views, none better. I'm interested to hear everyone's thoughts on this turning point for Europe and the globe.


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