bitcoin vs Gold

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Sep 23, 2021, 6:53:14 PM9/23/21
years ago when bitcoin first came out.. i wanted to buy around a hundred euro worth they were less than a euro each.. The talk was it would become the NEW currency for internet exchange.. business you know.. well as a artist that uses sterling to create jewelry mainly pendants and chains.. i figured that it would ne fun to trade my art work in exchange using bitcoins.. loosing 200 euro would be no big deal,, I still buy a lot of worthless juck today. (so  i could sell my work in exchange for bitcoins) i figured I could get around €35 (bitcoin exchange rate .. it would have been fun.. fortunately no one knew anything about them or how to create a e-currency wallet..
good thing it never happened as I would be having to deal wiith the spiriual problems involving wealth.. yuck

Now today's currencies and bitcoins are little more than Fiat currency and of no real value.. where as Gold on the other hand I can bang it a round a little bit creating a piece of jewelry for which I could convince some beautiful young lady  to provide me at least a sandwich for in exchange for the piece of jewelry..
now I just explained why I feel gold is of greater value.. value of bitcoins I really don't understand.

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