Maru-0.7 Los16 based

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Loïc Poisot

May 30, 2020, 4:11:41 AM5/30/20
Dear all.

I've been able to get maruOS based on LOS16 compilling and booting.
However, the desktop do not function correctly due to LXC issues.
I'm not giving up, but I wont have time to dive into this the next weeks, so I will share here how to build so that motivated persons can try to build and see what is the problem.

Before giving instructions, I have built maru0.7 with LXC1 and LXC3 variants for nash (Moto Z2 force) and pme (HTC10).
Please find builds here:

Here are the errors codes I face:
lxc-start: external/lxc/src/lxc/utils.c: mkdir_p: 203 Read-only file system - failed to create directory '//.cache/'
failed to create
-start: external/lxc/src/lxc/lxc_start.c: main: 268 Failed to create lxc_container

LXC1 root:
lxc-start: external/lxc/src/lxc/lxc_start.c: main: 290 Executing '/sbin/init' with no configuration file may crash the host

lxc-start: default: external/lxc/src/lxc/tools/lxc_start.c: main: 214 You lack access to /data/lxc/containers

Here are the building steps:

repo init -u -b maru-0.7
repo sync
-O desktop-rootfs.tar.gz
mv desktop
-rootfs.tar.gz vendor/maruos/prebuilts/desktop-rootfs.tar.gz
source build
brunch nash

you can modify "nash" py "pme". No need to download local_manifests, they are included in the main manifest
Also the manifest is currently configured for LXC3.
If you wanna build with LXC1, execute these additonal steps just before "source build/":

cd external/lxc
git pull pintaf
git checkout maru

Happy building !

Iuri Jikidze

May 30, 2020, 5:11:33 AM5/30/20
to Maru OS dev

nashLXC1 still don't boots no os installed error. 

On Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 12:11:41 PM UTC+4, Loïc Poisot wrote:
Dear all.

I've been able to get maruOS based on LOS16 compilling and booting.
However, the desktop do not function correctly due to LXC issues.
I'm not giving up, but I wont have time to dive into this the next weeks, so I will share here how to build so that motivated persons can try to build and see what is the problem.

Before giving instructions, I have built maru0.7 with LXC1 and LXC3 variants for nash (Moto Z2 force) and pme (HTC10).
Please find builds here:

Jul 17, 2020, 1:02:58 PM7/17/20
to Maru OS dev
Hi all.

Just to let you know, I haven't gave up on maru0.7 (LOS16).
Now I can successfully run the desktop. It works with LXC1. I haven't tried connecting it to a screen:


If you wanna try by yourself, you can follow the indications in first post, especially the end with instructions for LXC1.

At the moment, there is an issue with the unpacking of the desktop image. I'm working on it.
To solve it, connect the phone to your computer with adb enabled, and on your computer run the following:

´´´adb root
adb shell
rm -r /data/maru/containers/

Big thanks to Preetam who helped me solve these issues

Jul 17, 2020, 1:05:35 PM7/17/20
to Maru OS dev
It don't know why it's written Uni-OS insted of maru os, but it's not a big deal, I'll solve that later.
The working build for pme is here (you will still have to run mcprepare as said in the previous post)

Georgian Chituc

Jul 17, 2020, 4:52:48 PM7/17/20
to Maru OS dev
My custom builds had a lot of things moddified and added, like sound ubuntu in place of debian, and custom things. You re free to change them too
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Nov 14, 2020, 1:58:34 AM11/14/20
to Maru OS dev
@pintaf  Thanks for your great work

I want to build it from source just for pme. so I'm going to delete some lines to decrease the download size when during repo sync .
from manifest/default.xml lines of Sailfish/Marlin and nash have been deleted; and also hardware s other than msm8996 in manifest/lineage/snippets/lineage.xml .

What about manifest/lineage/default.xml ? Is there any line I could remove?
(e.g. device/generic/armv7-a-neon or hardware/qcom/sdm710 in manifest/lineage)



Nov 14, 2020, 2:23:45 AM11/14/20
to Mohsen, Maru OS dev
Also you can use repo sync -c -d --no-tags to download needed branch content to reduce the download size.

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Nov 14, 2020, 10:57:34 AM11/14/20
to Maru OS dev
Hello Mohsen.

Good that you removed these lines, indeed you don't need them.

you might need <project name="LineageOS/android_system_qcom" path="system/qcom" remote="github" /> however, I don't wanna spend time looking into code, but if there is a missing reference, indeed, try to sync that repo too.

I had cleened up a little bit the lunch menu to remove the lineage options.
These specific device code could be removed as well, but you never know if there is a reference somewhere to these folders.

Also, as utzcoz pointed out, one of the most effective way to reduce download size and hard disk footprint is to use specific options of the repo tool.
If you read my README, there are already some options, maybe the're not the best, try to study that option.

Good luck for building, should work out of the box, tell me if there is an issue.
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