[XiaoMi K20 pro ] Porting thread

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lynn shery

Feb 7, 2021, 9:38:57 AM2/7/21
to Maru OS dev

With the project from deepak , I port redmi k20pro to maruo base on lineage 17.1


Feb 7, 2021, 9:41:22 AM2/7/21
to lynn shery, Maru OS dev
As @pdsouza said before, we will start for maru-0.8(maybe this name) based on LineageOS 17.1 after we finish
the work for maru-0.7 based on LineageOS 16.

On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 10:39 PM lynn shery <k826...@gmail.com> wrote:

With the project from deepak , I port redmi k20pro to maruo base on lineage 17.1

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shery lynn

Feb 7, 2021, 9:45:26 AM2/7/21
to Maru OS dev
my kernel is
I had built a ROM here with default 1080p
You Need flash firmware first and ROM

shery lynn

Feb 7, 2021, 9:54:34 AM2/7/21
to Maru OS dev
I am very glad to heard the annunciation of maru-0.8
after your work, I will port k20pro to offical maru-0.8
my ROM is just an 'preview' to people who  want to know how maruos will work on Xiaomi k20pro
I take me long time to run maruos on k20pro because there is lack of lineage device tree which can used to port to maruos

shery lynn

Feb 7, 2021, 10:08:08 AM2/7/21
to Maru OS dev
The k20pro is lack of useful device tree for los 16.0

在2021年2月7日星期日 UTC+8 下午10:41:22<utzcoz> 写道:


Feb 7, 2021, 10:11:24 AM2/7/21
to shery lynn, Maru OS dev
If you have interest, you can check https://github.com/maruos/maruos/issues/154 for the current progress of maru-0.7.

shery lynn

Feb 7, 2021, 10:20:14 AM2/7/21
to Maru OS dev
Yes ,I focus on yours talk, you are woiking on marusetting

I want to be manitainer for k20pro and oneplus3
I am useing maruos on k20pro to reply you
this is my ROM link
share code is :   28wq
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