Real time layers

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xavi rayo

May 11, 2020, 3:15:50 AM5/11/20
to mapstore-users
Hi all!
is there any way to add a Real Time layer? for exampe, I would like to see in my map the position of certain vessels that are normally (unfortunately not these days) sailing.
I have their position in a csv file  (it could be a geojson or other fotmats) that it's updated every minute.
I think it must be a geoserver thing but don't know if Mapstore could refresh the layers every certain time.


Michael Steigemann

May 11, 2020, 3:23:38 AM5/11/20
to mapstore-users
Hi Xavi!
I would like to do the same thing. That's why I posted!topic/mapstore-developers/7smXJZ2g5cE one month ago. Unfortunately I did not get an answer so far. If this task has not be done yet it would be cool if we could cooperate to share knowledge.


xavi rayo

May 11, 2020, 10:00:09 AM5/11/20
to mapstore-users
Of course, Michael!
If I find the way to make it work I will share it with you or the community here. Sorry I wasn't aware of your previous question.
I'll chack a bit more if I find a solution for this.


El dilluns, 11 maig de 2020 9:23:38 UTC+2, Michael Steigemann va escriure:

Mauro Bartolomeoli

May 11, 2020, 10:23:35 AM5/11/20
Hi to both of you, and sorry for the late reply.
In MapStore we have support for dimensions based animation (e.g. time) through the TimeSlider plugin or other ones.
They use the dimension publishing capabilities of GeoServer (or WMS in general).

Your scenario is simpler, and so there is a very simple option that you can add to your layers to have them automatically refresh at a given interval.
It is the refresh option, that you can add to a layer configuration with the desired interval in milliseconds (e.g. refresh: 5000 for a 5 seconds interval).

Unfortunately there is no UI attached to this feature, so you can only enable it by using the static configuration files (config.json or new.json).

Other note: this feature has not been used for a long time, so I cannot assure it's still fully working.
Let me know if this fills your use case. I can also help you to make it working again if it is not.

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Mauro Bartolomeoli

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.

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Michael Steigemann

May 11, 2020, 10:46:58 AM5/11/20
to mapstore-users
Hello Mauro!

Thanks for your answer. In the last weeks I did search around and found the following issue: Is this related to the feature you are mentioning? I would really like to try it out. Do you have another  link or an example to start off with?

All the best,

Am Montag, 11. Mai 2020 16:23:35 UTC+2 schrieb Mauro Bartolomeoli:
Hi to both of you, and sorry for the late reply.
In MapStore we have support for dimensions based animation (e.g. time) through the TimeSlider plugin or other ones.
They use the dimension publishing capabilities of GeoServer (or WMS in general).

Your scenario is simpler, and so there is a very simple option that you can add to your layers to have them automatically refresh at a given interval.
It is the refresh option, that you can add to a layer configuration with the desired interval in milliseconds (e.g. refresh: 5000 for a 5 seconds interval).

Unfortunately there is no UI attached to this feature, so you can only enable it by using the static configuration files (config.json or new.json).

Other note: this feature has not been used for a long time, so I cannot assure it's still fully working.
Let me know if this fills your use case. I can also help you to make it working again if it is not.

Il giorno lun 11 mag 2020 alle ore 09:23 'Michael Steigemann' via mapstore-users <> ha scritto:
Hi Xavi!
I would like to do the same thing. That's why I posted!topic/mapstore-developers/7smXJZ2g5cE one month ago. Unfortunately I did not get an answer so far. If this task has not be done yet it would be cool if we could cooperate to share knowledge.


Am Montag, 11. Mai 2020 09:15:50 UTC+2 schrieb xavi rayo:
Hi all!
is there any way to add a Real Time layer? for exampe, I would like to see in my map the position of certain vessels that are normally (unfortunately not these days) sailing.
I have their position in a csv file  (it could be a geojson or other fotmats) that it's updated every minute.
I think it must be a geoserver thing but don't know if Mapstore could refresh the layers every certain time.


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xavi rayo

May 11, 2020, 11:01:08 AM5/11/20
to mapstore-users
Hi Mauro,
thank you very much for your answer. I will let you know if this works for me, that would be great!
Just one question. I understand that we have to define the layer in the config files, but don't know If it could be possible to declare those layers as a geojson or a csv file, without using geoserver. Is it possible?

Thanks again!

El dilluns, 11 maig de 2020 16:23:35 UTC+2, Mauro Bartolomeoli va escriure:
Hi to both of you, and sorry for the late reply.
In MapStore we have support for dimensions based animation (e.g. time) through the TimeSlider plugin or other ones.
They use the dimension publishing capabilities of GeoServer (or WMS in general).

Your scenario is simpler, and so there is a very simple option that you can add to your layers to have them automatically refresh at a given interval.
It is the refresh option, that you can add to a layer configuration with the desired interval in milliseconds (e.g. refresh: 5000 for a 5 seconds interval).

Unfortunately there is no UI attached to this feature, so you can only enable it by using the static configuration files (config.json or new.json).

Other note: this feature has not been used for a long time, so I cannot assure it's still fully working.
Let me know if this fills your use case. I can also help you to make it working again if it is not.

Il giorno lun 11 mag 2020 alle ore 09:23 'Michael Steigemann' via mapstore-users <> ha scritto:
Hi Xavi!
I would like to do the same thing. That's why I posted!topic/mapstore-developers/7smXJZ2g5cE one month ago. Unfortunately I did not get an answer so far. If this task has not be done yet it would be cool if we could cooperate to share knowledge.


Am Montag, 11. Mai 2020 09:15:50 UTC+2 schrieb xavi rayo:
Hi all!
is there any way to add a Real Time layer? for exampe, I would like to see in my map the position of certain vessels that are normally (unfortunately not these days) sailing.
I have their position in a csv file  (it could be a geojson or other fotmats) that it's updated every minute.
I think it must be a geoserver thing but don't know if Mapstore could refresh the layers every certain time.


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Mauro Bartolomeoli

May 11, 2020, 11:01:38 AM5/11/20
Hi Michael,  is exactly the UI needed for your use case.

To understand what can work for you, could you describe a little bit:
 * if you are a developer and you think you can work with MapStore technologies (e.g. ReactJS)
 * if you need a solution where the user / admin should be able to create maps from the UI, or using static / preconfigured maps compiling a JSON file can be an option 

Same questions are valid for you, xavi, of course.

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Michael Steigemann

May 11, 2020, 3:10:34 PM5/11/20
to mapstore-users
Hello Mauro!

In my usecase I will get some near real time lidar / video data with GPS information which I want to show in MapStore2. One option would be to implement a clientside solution like that renders the data as a marker layer in OpenLayers / Leaflet / Cesium . As I need to store the data in PostGIS (and do some intersections etc in the DB) anyway a second option could be  to have a GeoServer Layer in MapStore that is updated automatically e.g. every 5 seconds and renders the data on the server side. 

While searching the net for the second option I found the issue

In the first step for me it would be enough to enable the automatic refresh intervall for the layer by using the static configuration files (config.json or new.json) and see if the existing feature covers my requirement.  Could you please give me a hint or an example of a working configuration?

In the second step it would be nice if the user could change the feature in the UI. The following scenarios I see there:

- The mapstore admin should be able to define an auto refresh interval for a layer when creating / editing  a map
- The mapstore user should be able to disable the automatic refresh temporarily (if he does not want the map to refresh every second).

Unfortunately I am not familiar with ReactJS at the moment and therefore will not be able to develop a new plugin in short term. With configuration of geoserver and PostGIS I have many years of experience.

Thanks for your answer. 

Best regards,

Mauro Bartolomeoli

May 12, 2020, 11:54:47 AM5/12/20
Hi Michael,

this is a config.json that you can use instead of the standard one to add a weather layer from a public wms service, updated every 5 seconds:

  "map": {
    "center": {"x"-100"y"43"crs""EPSG:4326"},
    "maxExtent": [
    "layers": [
        "title""Open Street Map",
        "title""Weather Radar Mosaic",

If you go to your local mapstore demo map (e.g. http://localhost:8081/#/viewer/0) you should see the map updating.


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Michael Steigemann

May 12, 2020, 2:55:43 PM5/12/20
to mapstore-users
Hello Mauro!

Thanks for your answer. I tried it out and "refresh" is doing what I expected. :-) 

For me this issue is solved at the moment. 

@Xavi: What do you think?

Thanks and have a nice evening.

Best regards,

xavi rayo

May 13, 2020, 2:48:06 PM5/13/20
to mapstore-users
For me it is solved too. Now I need to find the way to create the postgis layer to be updated in geoserver, which is something I've never done yet.
Thank you very much!

El dimarts, 12 maig de 2020 20:55:43 UTC+2, Michael Steigemann va escriure:

Mauro Bartolomeoli

May 14, 2020, 2:36:30 AM5/14/20
Hi xavi,
if you need help with geoserver there is a lot of online documentation, for example:
 * the official geoserver docs:
 * our training material:

In addition, you can also subscribe to the users mailing list and ask further questions there.


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xavi rayo

May 15, 2020, 4:30:53 AM5/15/20
Thank you vey much, Mauro!
I'll investigate how can I create a realtime layer in geoserver using postgis.


Missatge de Mauro Bartolomeoli <> del dia dj., 14 de maig 2020 a les 8:36:

Oct 14, 2021, 10:47:20 AM10/14/21
to mapstore-users
Hi Mauro,
sorry for coming back to this thread, I thought it could be useful for others if everything is in the same one.
I have created a layer with the options you detailed in previous mails, and the refresh tag in miliseconds using a modified new.json. The thing is that I would like to save this map and see it appear in the list of maps I have already created. Is that possible?
I have checked the database and I see that when I save the map the refresh tag is not there and then the layer become static.

El dia divendres, 15 de maig de 2020 a les 10:30:53 UTC+2, va escriure:
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