Interesting Vocalization: Whippoorwill

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Susan Bloomfield

May 31, 2023, 9:17:12 PM5/31/23
As previously reported, we have been hearing a whippoorwill regularly at our house at dawn and dusk. (And now!) What was remarkable about tonight was at 8:55 pm, there were clearly two of them together not far from me. I was on a screened porch. When they were together, I heard a click then lengthy, rapid  "PAW-PAW-PAW-PAW...!" call, sort of a vaguely electronic sound. Then one flew away to the northwest and the other alighted on a picnic table about 15 feet from me. I saw it clearly. Pretty fantastic!

As the bird/birds have been so close, I always hear the click before the WHIP-POOR-WILL call but this was totally, totally different.

I wish I had recorded that vocalization. Maybe another night! Anyone ever hear that?

Susan Bloomfield 
West Kennebunk

Susan Bloomfield

Jun 5, 2023, 4:31:30 PM6/5/23
I received a follow-up message from Josh Fecteau who kindly sent a recording of perhaps the vocalization I heard. He was absolutely spot on. Do listen for this at the link below: Song, Growl-cluck Series, Wing Claps, & Growl Phrase
That’s was exactly what I heard. Quite unworldly. Josh sent an image of a descriptive page from the Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds of Eastern North America: 


I’m grateful for his time and interest.

Susan B
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