65-100 Glossy Ibises: Biddeford/Dayton 5/9

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Sean S

May 9, 2021, 7:24:38 PM5/9/21
to maine...@googlegroups.com
Around 4:00 this afternoon 65-100 Glossy Ibises were seen by Jeff Webb and myself in a field alongside South Street, Biddeford near the Dayton town line.  The birds were feeding very close to the road and we were able to pull up alongside them; I was able to get one cell photo of roughly 1/3 of them when a loud truck caused them to take off and move back toward the cattail marsh behind the field.   Not far, but we didn't have binoculars or a real camera and were pressed for time so had to move on.  This was more Ibises than either of us had ever seen, even at Eastern Road during peak season.  This far inland seemed noteworthy so I thought I'd get the word out.  The birds were definitely all Ibises though we couldn't scan for any White-faceds.

Sean Smith
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