Swarm Trap Challenge

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প্রথম অপঠিত মেসেজটিতে চলে আসুন

Lloyd St. Bees

পড়া হয়নি,
৪ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৬:৩৯:৪৫ PM৪/৪/২১
প্রাপক madbees


Are you tired of paying for replacement bees? Did your favorite bee supplier already run out of bees? Were you going to expand your apiary but had to spend your last stimulus check on new breaks instead of the new bees you wanted? Are you looking to do a service to the community by protecting them from costly cutouts due to swarms in their soffits? If you answered yes to any of these, then I have the answer for you: SWARM TRAPPING! Swarm trapping is an easy, cheap and fun way join beekeeping, educate non-beekeepers and earn “free” bees. All it takes to get started is a deep box, some old comb and you have yourself a trap! Attached is a document by Tom Seeley “Bait hives for honey bees”. Reading this is a good way to get an understanding of what a bait/trap consists of and how it operates.

This season I would like to offer up a Swarm Trap Challenge. I will be putting together a virtual leaderboard for those that want to participate. The winner at the end of the season will receive the coveted “gold” hive tool trophy along with bragging rights. I encourage everyone to showcase their best trap designs and help out those that are just getting started. I have included a few photos of the ones I use.

The rules:

1.       Swarms must be trapped. Not collected off a branch, side of a house, cutouts, trapouts, etc.. (We appreciate you collecting these though for the community)

2.       A photo showcasing your catch must be provided for each catch.

3.       The challenge starts April 1st and closes October 31st

4.       Post the location you caught them (if you feel comfortable) so that we can see if certain areas are hotspots. Hopefully this will lead to “Who’s casting all these swarms and how can we help reduce this from occurring”.

5.       Have fun and bee safe!

How to register:

Respond to this thread with your name, city/town you are located and number of traps. After that, look for your name on the leaderboard when I post it.

Common questions:

Can I still join the leaderboard after April 1st?

  • Yes! You can join at any time. Any swarm you trap after you sign up will be counted.

What if I don’t want to participate in trapping but would like to help others and learn more?

  • Offering participants a place to put their trap on your land is a great way to get involved from the sidelines.

Is swarm trapping bees like stealing other beekeepers bees?

  • No! These bees are already free and roaming the area by the time they scout your trap. Traps do not induce swarming of managed colonies.

How much does it cost to build a swarm trap?

This is a breakdown for my cost

o   Old broken deep box - $0 (ask a commercial beekeeper for boxes they were going to cull. Torch the inside of the box to sanitize it, patch up any holes and screw together any loose corners. It doesn’t need to be pretty.)

o   Old drawn comb frames - $0 (You should be rotating out old comb on a regular basis each season. So, you probably already have some. It is best to have two old drawn combs per box.)

o   Freshly re-waxed old foundation frames - $0 (Save your wax and rejuvenate old foundation)

o   Feed bag inner cover - $0 (bird seed, chicken feed, dog food bags all work. Your local mill probably has some they are willing to give you for free otherwise)

o   ¼” Plywood top and bottom - $0 (found in a dumpster)

o   16” piece of 1x4 - $.57

o   4” long 1/4” lag screw - $.33

o   10’ ratchet strap - $2.50

o   Circular entrance reducer - $.30

o   Total - $3.70

Good luck,

Trevor Bawden

Lloyd St. Bees

Bait Hives for Honey Bees.pdf

Carrie Williams

পড়া হয়নি,
৪ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৯:০৮:৫৮ PM৪/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
I’ll do it. I plan on putting up three swarm traps on my farm.

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<Award.jpg><Bait Hives for Honey Bees.pdf>

Matthew Walter

পড়া হয়নি,
৫ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৭:১৩:২৮ AM৫/৪/২১
প্রাপক madbees
I love a good challenge.  I'm in.  One swarm trap, (so far), near Darlington.

Matthew Walter


পড়া হয়নি,
৫ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৮:২০:৪৫ AM৫/৪/২১
প্রাপক Madbees
We will be setting out traps as well.


পড়া হয়নি,
৫ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৮:৩৪:১৪ AM৫/৪/২১
প্রাপক Madbees
We will be setting out traps as well.

Betsy True

On Apr 4, 2021, at 5:39 PM, trexb...@gmail.com wrote:

Randy Deering

পড়া হয়নি,
৫ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৯:১৬:৩৫ AM৫/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
Last summer we moved to Jefferson county just south of Lake Mills. I am setting out a few swarm traps, but I’m not sure if you want only Dane County beekeepers in on this fun game.

Sent from Randy's IPhone

trex raptor

পড়া হয়নি,
৫ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৯:৫৫:৩০ AM৫/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
Thank you to everyone that has signed up so far!

I'm open to including any beekeepers in WI for the challenge. With a larger the cohort, we will see the difference location makes. I have traps in different counties out of curiosity.

Attached is a picture of what my traps look like.


Randy Deering

পড়া হয়নি,
৫ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ১০:০৪:২৮ AM৫/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
Well then, count me in.
Randy Deering
Town of Lake Mills
Two traps (for now)

Scott Gear

পড়া হয়নি,
৫ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৬:৪০:০৩ PM৫/৪/২১
প্রাপক madbees
We will be setting out traps in Middleton, thanks!

Scott Gear

Bret Conley

পড়া হয়নি,
৫ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ১০:২৬:৫০ PM৫/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
Brett Conley is in!  5 traps in the Portage area.  Hoping this challenge creates quite a buzz 😄😄


Paul Zelenski

পড়া হয়নি,
৬ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ১২:৪৩:৩৩ AM৬/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
Does it count if we catch swarms in deadouts we don’t get around to cleaning up in a timely fashion? ;)

On Apr 5, 2021, at 9:26 PM, Bret Conley <bcon...@gmail.com> wrote:

trex raptor

পড়া হয়নি,
৬ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ১০:১৭:০৫ AM৬/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
Sounds like a trap to me Paul! Should I put you on the leaderboard?

Paul Zelenski

পড়া হয়নি,
৬ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ১২:৩১:৩৫ PM৬/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com

Sure, I’m pretty lazy and will be busy with family stuff a lot this summer. I bet I’ll have multiple ‘traps’ out at a dozen locations or so.

Robert Koch

পড়া হয়নি,
৬ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ১:৩৪:৩০ PM৬/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com

Dan Curran

পড়া হয়নি,
৯ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৩:০৮:১৯ PM৯/৪/২১
প্রাপক madbees
Dan Curran
Black Earth 
10-20 traps

Thanks for that publication!


পড়া হয়নি,
৯ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৩:১৮:৫৩ PM৯/৪/২১
প্রাপক Madbees
Betsy True
3 traps

Dan Curran

পড়া হয়নি,
৯ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৩:৩৫:৩৯ PM৯/৪/২১
প্রাপক madbees
Lloyd St. Bees--is there a cleat on your swarm trap that contacts the tree?

trex raptor

পড়া হয়নি,
১০ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৯:৪২:০৫ AM১০/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
I use a 3 1/2" or 4" long 1/4" lag screw into the tree. I hang my traps from this using a 1*4" board attached to the box. The board has a 3/4" hole drilled in it to catch the lag (see attached picture). The ratchet strap is what takes the weight. I whole point of the lag is to have something to hold the trap when placing or removing the strap. I try to select dead trees or trees that are not going to be turned into lumber. The lag is placed about 8' off the ground so I someone needs to fall the tree, they shouldn't get injured in their attempt to do so.



Dan Curran

পড়া হয়নি,
১০ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ১:৩১:৩০ PM১০/৪/২১
প্রাপক madbees
Interesting, thanks! I've been using deer stands; it can be challenging to get full hive bodies down from 15 feet, especially when I forget about them for several weeks.


larry lindokken

পড়া হয়নি,
১০ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ২:৫৮:৫৭ PM১০/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
I sign up for the swarm challenge.   I have never trapped swarms before.
I read about a strap with a hook which could be used on the tree so the tree would not be damaged. 

Robert E. Jackson II.

পড়া হয়নি,
১০ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ৩:২৯:৪১ PM১০/৪/২১
প্রাপক mad...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for posting. I was in Madison, but I’m in South Carolina now. However a swarm is a swarm. I will make some attempts to see what I can come up with.


Lloyd St. Bees

পড়া হয়নি,
১৫ এপ্রি, ২০২১, ১০:৫৬:১৪ PM১৫/৪/২১
প্রাপক madbees

Here is the link to the current leaderboard. I had to put someone on the board for it to populate (Action, you were the lucky one), so don't get confused. If anyone has any issues with the format, has a better resource for an online leaderboard or if I forgot someone, please let me know. I can always add more names to the board, so if you haven't signed up yet there is still time!


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