7 Kate Bush DVDs with Download Link (PAL-Standard)

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Nov 13, 2023, 2:55:43 PM11/13/23
to Love-Hounds

Here's 7 DVDs I made over a couple years.  The very best quality of every Kate video I could find from people.  Enjoy these.  :)

By the way, if anybody happens to have a digitized copy of the "KateTopia Total Tape Integration" VHS, it would be very great to see.  Track list - https://www.angelfire.com/stars4/katebush/Katopia.html

Best regards

Graham Dombkins

Nov 13, 2023, 10:18:15 PM11/13/23
to love-...@googlegroups.com
Oh, Thanks for that!

I have the 2 VHS set from love-hounds done decades ago of lots of video snippets and captures. Now completely inaccessible to me. 

- Graham
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Douglas Alan

Nov 14, 2023, 11:02:14 PM11/14/23
to love-...@googlegroups.com
Thanks so much shampistols69!

I know how much work these things take!

It's too bad that no one seems to have a copy of Total Tape Integration. Most or all of the Fruitopia commercials seem to be preserved on YouTube at least...



Nov 14, 2023, 11:56:02 PM11/14/23
to love-...@googlegroups.com
Hello shampistols69 and Doug,
No one? That sounds a bit strange.
I own a DVD copy of the KateTopia tape, in NTSC format.
I haven't seen the disc for a long while but I was able to confirm it is playable.
Not sure how it comes, but judging from the noise to the end of the contents,
this appears to be my personal backup from my tape.
Dubbing generation of my tape would be fair, as I got the tape from Tom Estes.
It is quite easy for me to create an ISO file from the disc.
Would it help?
On Tue, 14 Nov 2023 18:01:32 -0500, in "Re: [LH] 7 Kate Bush DVDs with Download Link (PAL-Standard)",
Douglas Alan <do...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

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Nov 14, 2023, 11:58:12 PM11/14/23
to love-...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sozo,

Yes please, an ISO file from the disc would be very great to see from you :)

Best regards,

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Douglas Alan

Nov 15, 2023, 12:13:45 AM11/15/23
to love-...@googlegroups.com

Hi Sozo! Well, I didn't literally mean no one. But the last time I asked, which was about a decade ago, probably, no one who was listening seemed to have a copy of the tape and the ability to digitize it.

I used to have a DVD recorder, a Hi-8 camera, and a VHS deck (of course). So I could easily digitize VHS and Hi-8 tapes. But over time, all of these things broke.

So yes, an ISO of your tape backup would be great to have. I don't require anything fancy these days, and if someone else ends up making something with nice menus, more power to 'em!

I was going to do it myself, way back when, after I finished the "Eat the Video" discs. But making those discs was so much work for me that I needed a break, and then I never got around to "Total Disc Integration".


Graham Dombkins

Nov 15, 2023, 12:40:32 AM11/15/23
to love-...@googlegroups.com
I’d love to obtain an ISO DvD of this too. I have the PAL VHS tapes but no way to access them any more.

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"Quantum Physics: The dreams stuff are made of."
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Feb 28, 2024, 8:08:47 PM2/28/24
to love-...@googlegroups.com
Hello all and sundry,

I am digging through the house and found a box of VHS tapes including a first generation copy of Total Tape Integration.  I do not have the equipment to digitize it, but would be happy to send the tape to someone who can do so and make it available for download. At one time I had a high quality VHS tape from the Siggraph Conference in 1993 or 4 that contained the full-length widescreen version of the Fruitopia “What If” commercial that was shown in movie theatres. I don’t seem to still have it, but I am going through a house with 60 years of stuff from a half dozen people, so it may turn up in the future.  

My email is ne...@writebank.com.  

Cheers, Karen  

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