Possible bug in the Damped Harmonic Oscillator function

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Ray Osborn

não lida,
28 de set. de 2021, 12:49:3728/09/2021
para lmfit-py
I don't know if this is too late to get into v1.0.3, but I think there is a bug in the damped harmonic oscillator function in lineshapes.py. At the moment, there is the following lines:

    if isinstance(bose, (int, float)):
        bose = max(tiny, bose)
        bose[where(isnan(bose))] = tiny
        bose[where(bose <= tiny)] = tiny

That assumes that bose should always be positive, but in fact it goes negative for energy gain (x<0), so the function gets divided by 'tiny' for all negative values. The fix in the second 'where' statement is to replace 'bose' with 'abs(bose)'. I haven't thought about the first clause yet, but I wanted to write this quickly to see if it's worth submitting a PR for v1.0.3.

I'm guessing not too many neutron scatterers have used this function yet. 

Thanks as always for a great package.

Ray Osborn

não lida,
28 de set. de 2021, 13:27:5928/09/2021
para lmfit-py
To make this a little clearer, here is what you get with the default 'dho' function.

>>> from lmfit.lineshapes import dho, tiny
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x=np.linspace(-3,3,61,dtype=float)
>>> plt.plot(x, dho(x, center=1, sigma=0.5))

If I make the smallest change (make 'bose' 'np.abs(bose)'), I get the blue curve in the plot below, which is still not ideal when x=0. To improve on that, you would have to make 'bose=gamma' when x=0 (orange curve).
I got the orange curve with the following function:

def newer_dho(x, amplitude=1., center=0., sigma=1., gamma=1.0):
    tiny = 1.0e-15
    bose = (1.0 - np.exp(-x/max(tiny, gamma)))
    if isinstance(bose, (int, float)):
        bose = max(tiny, bose)
        bose[np.where(np.isnan(bose))] = tiny
        bose[np.where(np.isclose(x, 0.0))] = gamma

    lm = 1.0/((x-center)**2 + sigma**2)
    lp = 1.0/((x+center)**2 + sigma**2)
    return np.where(np.isclose(x, 0.0), amplitude*lm*sigma/gamma, amplitude*sigma/np.pi*(lm - lp)/bose)
That would be my preferred solution.

I will wait for comments before submitting a PR.


Mark Dean

não lida,
28 de set. de 2021, 13:40:5528/09/2021
para lmfi...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Ray.

I think your revision fails if x is an integer or float.

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Mark P. M. Dean
Brookhaven National Laboratory
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Ray Osborn

não lida,
28 de set. de 2021, 14:13:1428/09/2021
para lmfit-py
Hi Mark,
Thanks - I admit I haven't tested it comprehensively. I rushed this out to see if I can catch the 1.0.3 release, but I'm not surprised it needs to be made more robust.

The same issue with the x=0 limit also applies to the thermal_distribution function. In NeXpy, I created a separate BoseFactorModel, which calculates x*Bose(x) so that it can be used to multiply other models, such as the LorentzianModel to model quasielastic scattering that obeys detailed balance even at x=0. This was the first time I had checked out the DHO function.


Renee Otten

não lida,
28 de set. de 2021, 14:52:1828/09/2021
para lmfi...@googlegroups.com
Hi Ray, Mark, 

For sure, we should fix the issue with the line shape before the next release. Honestly I don’t really know how this line shape is supposed to behave, but clearly what we do know and the result you show is quite different ;) And I am sure that you actually do know these line shapes, so thank you for pointing this out!

To retain the sign of the value one can use the “not_zero” function as we do in some of the other line shape functions as well; but I realize that’s not really the (only) issue here. So yes, please do send a PR with a fix and, as Mark said, the improved function should still work with a float/integer x-value as well.


Matt Newville

não lida,
28 de set. de 2021, 15:18:5328/09/2021
para lmfit-py
Hi Ray, Mark, Renee, 

Thanks, and yes let's fix this for the next release!  I'll try to look at how to best fix this, but suggestions are welcome!

--Matt Newville <newville at cars.uchicago.edu> 630-327-7411
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Ray Osborn

não lida,
29 de set. de 2021, 09:57:0229/09/2021
para 'Thomas Bersano' via lmfit-py
I have branch in my lmfit fork that contains a fix for this, and I’m happy to submit it as a PR if people want. After finally doing the math, it turns out that the asymptotic form of the function at x=0 is 4*gamma*center/(center**2+sigma**2)**2. I have tested this under a number of conditions and it appears to be robust. My version also works for scalar values of x.

The only issue is when center=0. The overall function is then identically 0 at all x. In my branch,  I set the default value of center to 1 and the minimum value to 0, since the function is automatically antisymmetric apart from the bose factor. I guess that means that it could pass smoothly through zero without causing a problem. I don’t know if you have a policy for such cases.

Do you prefer having a Github issue opened first, or is this discussion enough? 

P.S. This is an abbreviated version of a message that I thought I had submitted to the mailing list yesterday. I couldn’t find it this morning but I apologize if this duplicates any previous information.

Matt Newville

não lida,
29 de set. de 2021, 10:30:3529/09/2021
para lmfit-py
Hi Ray, 

Sorry, somehow your earlier message got labeled "pending" and the notice for that was flagged by a spam filter.

A PR for this with a more robust form would be great.  I looked at this too and started taking a different approach:  looking for that `x=0` condition which causes `bose` to be zero, and so causing a divide-by-zero.   I think maybe we could just look for that (`where is bose too close to 0`) and then replace that value of the DHO result by the average of the +1 and -1 values.  That avoids the spike, but sort of requires some added error checking (for: only one value near zero? end-point handling?) but I think it is solvable.  
And if Renee agrees, I think we can probably do this and merge the other recent PRs by the beginning of next week.

Matt Newville

não lida,
29 de set. de 2021, 10:52:5029/09/2021
para lmfit-py
Hi Ray, 

Thanks, yes that looks good to me!

On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 9:51 AM Ray Osborn <rayne...@gmail.com> wrote:
I finally worked through the math, and I think the following form for the dho function has the right asymptotic values at zero energy. I think it also works for scalar values of x.

def dho(x, amplitude=1., center=0., sigma=1., gamma=1.0):
    factor = amplitude * sigma / pi
    bose = (1.0 - exp(-x/max(tiny, gamma)))
    if isinstance(bose, (int, float)):
        bose = not_zero(bose)

        bose[where(isnan(bose))] = tiny
        bose[where(abs(bose)<=tiny)] = tiny

    lm = 1.0/((x-center)**2 + sigma**2)
    lp = 1.0/((x+center)**2 + sigma**2)
    return factor * where(isclose(x, 0.0),
                                          (lm - lp)/bose)

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