One Time Payment

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Jonathan Henry

19.7.2021 klo 17.02.0319.7.2021
vastaanottaja Kill Bill users mailing-list
Good evening everybody,

I am currently trying to reduce the number of calls my business middleware does for a one time payment.

As of right now when a subscription is created and connected to Stripe, the card information and account information is stored in Stripe; upon creation.
With a single payment, it is not.

Is it possible to use the "Create Subscription" functionality for a one time payment where one time payment information is also stored in one request?

stephane brossier

20.7.2021 klo 17.49.4520.7.2021
vastaanottaja Jonathan Henry, Kill Bill users mailing-list
What do you mean by one-time payment -- are you referring to using our payment apis -- independent of subscriptions/invoices?

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Jonathan Henry

22.7.2021 klo 10.19.5422.7.2021
vastaanottaja Kill Bill users mailing-list

I am referring to payment APIs.

Thank you

stephane brossier

23.7.2021 klo 15.26.5923.7.2021
vastaanottaja Jonathan Henry, Kill Bill users mailing-list
I am not sure I really follow: The subscription and payment parts are independent. As long as you have a payment method for stripe with the correct tokenization of the card inside stripe it should work. 

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