Mixing Language models efficiently and handling out-of-vocablary words

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2021年12月7日 06:20:142021/12/7
收件人 kaldi-help
Dear Kaldi Community,

I have built an Urdu ASR system which is very focused and domain specific with only around 7000 words in Vocabulary. It is giving WER of around 22% but due to limited vocabulary, it understandably, it is unable to identify "out of vocabulary" words especially proper nouns and names etc.
To counter, I scrapped data from online sources with 500000+ sentences and vocabulary of 100000+ words and mixed the two languages models.

Corpus_1 is from my data, Corpus_2 is from online sources.
The Command to prepare language model with lm_order= 5 for both corpus is follows:

ngram-count -order 5 -write-vocab data/local/tmp/vocab-full_1.txt -wbdiscount -text data/local/corpus_1.txt -lm data/local/tmp/lm_1.arpa

ngram-count -order 5 -write-vocab data/local/tmp/vocab-full_2.txt -wbdiscount -text data/local/corpus_2.txt -lm data/local/tmp/lm_2.arpa

Mixing models using:
"ngram -order <order> -lm <first-lm> -mix-lm <second-lm> -lambda <lambda> -write-lm <final.lm>" with lambda= 0.90.

This has deteriorated my system a lot.

Any recommendations to handing this problem ?
1- Will Changing Lm_order for 1st LM to 5 and 2nd LM to 1 help ?

Best regards,

Daniel Povey

2021年12月7日 06:34:432021/12/7
收件人 kaldi-help
I think kneser-ney discounting is more common than Witten-Bell.
You will have to tune the LM orders and the mixture weights.
The more generic LM may of course degrade WER on data from the limited domain.

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Jan Yenda Trmal

2021年12月7日 13:50:252021/12/7
收件人 kaldi-help
I suggest trying different weights on some heldout in-domain data. 
Plus, the lambda parameter might not mean what you mean  (you might mean 1 - 0.9 = 0.1) -- I find the lambda setting in srilm quite confusing
(lambda is for the main model, but the other lambdas are for the lm-mix models)


2021年12月8日 00:35:502021/12/8
收件人 kaldi-help
This is very helpful.
If I am clear means that,
ngram -order 5 -lm lm1.arpa -mix-lm lm2.arpa -lambda 0.90 -write-lm lm.arpa
Here, lm2.arpa (generic) will have higher weight than lm1.arpa (domain) ?
For my case, this will make more sense ? as I want to assign 0.90 to Domain and 0.10 to lm2.
ngram -order 5 -lm lm1.arpa -mix-lm lm2.arpa -lambda 0.10 -write-lm lm.arpa

Asking this because
best regards.

Jan Yenda Trmal

2021年12月8日 08:04:192021/12/8
收件人 kaldi...@googlegroups.com
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