Hi all,
It is my pleasure to announce the release of IPython 7.0 and IPykernel 5.0.
The conda forge builder are working hard, and until things are published on conda forge, you can try it using pip.
$ pip install ipython ipykernel --upgrade.
(Some Conda forge recipe are failing we'd appreciate help debugging, and updating BTW).
You can read more on the announce blog post that describe the new async-await top level feature:
We've also enabling anyone to tag/untag and close any issue on the IPython repository to foster participation and making it easier to find how to help. See this pull request[1] and look in the contributing.md TL;DR: you can mention a bot, and the bot will tag/close issue for you for you. E.g:
@meeseeksdev tag windows, async/await
And both tag will be applied.
With this and the new release, there will likely be a number of tiny bugs and pull-request you can help with during hacktoberfest[2], like updating IPython.org, wikipedia with the latest release number and new features... etc.
Much love from the IPython team, and enjoy this new release. Let us know if there are any questions or concerns.