Jupyter Notebook User Experience Survey

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Peter Parente

Dec 21, 2015, 11:44:46 PM12/21/15
to Project Jupyter
Hi everyone,

For the past few weeks, a handful of folks and I have been working on a survey about the Jupyter Notebook user experience. The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information from you, the Jupyter community, about how you are using (or not using) Jupyter Notebook today. We hope that your answers will help uncover pain-points to address, identify core features to retain, and generate new ideas to consider in Jupyter Lab.

We'd like to invite you now to take part in this survey. It should take you no more than 5-7 minutes to complete. Click the link below to get started. When you finish, please consider sharing the link far-and-wide so that all Jupyter Notebook users have a chance to respond.

Be aware that the results of this survey will be published anonymously and publicly. Please do not include private information in your responses.

I'd like to thank Julie Santilli for drafting and revising this survey over the past month. I'd also like to thank Fernando, Brian, Min, Matthias, and Jason for their early-access reviews and feedback.

Thanks in advance for your participation!


Fernando Perez

Dec 22, 2015, 12:14:56 AM12/22/15
to Project Jupyter
Thanks, Pete!  I just posted this same text to the blog:

so that we can more conveniently publicize it...



Fernando Perez (@fperez_org; http://fperez.org)
fperez.net-at-gmail: mailing lists only (I ignore this when swamped!)
fernando.perez-at-berkeley: contact me here for any direct mail

Jason Grout

Dec 22, 2015, 12:44:01 AM12/22/15
to Project Jupyter

Thanks for putting this up!

A lot of people will probably be taking off for holidays soon (or already).  Do you plan on having the survey up for a few weeks to catch people coming back from the new year?



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Damián Avila

Dec 22, 2015, 6:43:46 AM12/22/15
to Project Jupyter
>Do you plan on having the survey up for a few weeks to catch people coming back from the new year?

This is very important, I already shared this but I doubt the message get into people's hands until they come back from New Year...


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Damián Avila

Peter Parente

Dec 22, 2015, 12:03:27 PM12/22/15
to Project Jupyter
Yes. The survey will remain up through the holidays and into the new year.

Peter Parente

Jan 5, 2016, 1:46:20 PM1/5/16
to Project Jupyter
An update:

As of today, roughly 1400 people have visited the survey link and about half have filled it out to completion. Bravo!

If you haven't participated and would like to do so, please take the survey (https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2490075/Project-Jupyter-Notebook-Survey-2015) by Friday, January 15th, 2016. Note that the average time to complete the survey currently stands at about 15 minutes, more than our initial estimate of 5-7 minutes. (People are really putting thought into their answers! That, or getting coffee midway through, toggling to reddit, ... :)

We plan to export the responses collected from both partially and fully complete submissions to a CSV shortly after the survey closes down. We'll post the URL of the CSV here so that anyone with an interest can begin mining the responses.


Brian Granger

Jan 5, 2016, 6:57:14 PM1/5/16
to Project Jupyter
And a huge thank you to everyone who has filled this out. It is going
to be *incredibly* helpful in helping us to plan and prioritize our
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Brian E. Granger
Associate Professor of Physics and Data Science
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
@ellisonbg on Twitter and GitHub
bgra...@calpoly.edu and elli...@gmail.com

Jason Grout

Jan 5, 2016, 7:16:43 PM1/5/16
to Project Jupyter
Did this go up on HackerNews, Reddit, etc.?  It would be good to have another marketing push now that the holidays are over.


Brian Granger

Jan 5, 2016, 7:54:23 PM1/5/16
to Project Jupyter
I don't hang around those places - if you do, could you post there?
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/jupyter/CAPDWZHyKcH%2B6B9RnRAaAVtwNBh6xVOEdzEhYwTugbJZWhSg8nQ%40mail.gmail.com.

Ben Hamner

Jan 5, 2016, 8:02:06 PM1/5/16
to jup...@googlegroups.com
Have you made the survey results available yet?

Brian Granger

Jan 5, 2016, 8:08:36 PM1/5/16
to Project Jupyter
We are waiting until we close the survey officially and will then
release all of the data on GitHub
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/jupyter/CACwnddAYHQzYFhZFYATLGHJeoZFCZ5oM%2BATOcbxXixSCEjUoTQ%40mail.gmail.com.

Ben Hamner

Jan 5, 2016, 8:12:56 PM1/5/16
to jup...@googlegroups.com
Thanks! I'm curious to explore it when it's closed. Happy to publish the data through Kaggle as well - we're starting to publish datasets unrelated to competitions now, e.g. https://www.kaggle.com/census/2013-american-community-survey

Peter Parente

Jan 5, 2016, 8:19:33 PM1/5/16
to Project Jupyter, ja...@jasongrout.org
It was on HN last week. Not sure about elsewhere.

Brian Granger

Jan 5, 2016, 8:26:01 PM1/5/16
to Project Jupyter
Ben, thanks for the offer. We would love to have this data hosted in a
location that encourages folks to help us explore it. There are a good
number of free text response questions, so there will be some
interesting text mining questions. We will touch base when the survey
is closed.
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/jupyter/CACwnddAV2-5UgBHKUJJZN6j%2BDQU2Ub7OPRgN8nUQGtgcnmUQZQ%40mail.gmail.com.

Damon Allen

Jan 6, 2016, 6:52:18 PM1/6/16
to Project Jupyter, ja...@jasongrout.org

I posted it on Reddit about 2 weeks back.


Peter Parente

Jan 18, 2016, 12:39:55 PM1/18/16
to Project Jupyter
Hi everyone,

We closed out the UX survey last Friday as planned. All total, we had 1706 visits to the survey link. About 46% of the visitors completed the survey in full and submitted it at the end. The remaining 54% answered some of the questions but navigated away before reaching the end of the survey.

Many, many thanks again to all who responded. Your input is greatly appreciated.

Now, let's get analyzing!

A CSV with 1706 rows of response data and a README describing it were merged into the jupyter/design repository today: 

If you take a crack at exploring and summarizing the responses (whether you use notebooks or not :wink:), please consider sharing your work with the community.

Cheers and thanks again,

Brian Granger

Jan 18, 2016, 1:32:39 PM1/18/16
to Project Jupyter
Ben, the dataset is up here:


Feel free to pull it into Kaggle if you want. We would be more than
willing to include references to that in any follow on blog posts on


> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/jupyter/a36268f7-4ca2-4817-be76-b599e07faac8%40googlegroups.com.

Fernando Perez

Jan 19, 2016, 6:25:44 PM1/19/16
to Project Jupyter
On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Peter Parente <par...@gmail.com> wrote:
We closed out the UX survey last Friday as planned. All total, we had 1706 visits to the survey link. About 46% of the visitors completed the survey in full and submitted it at the end. The remaining 54% answered some of the questions but navigated away before reaching the end of the survey.

Many, many thanks again to all who responded. Your input is greatly appreciated.

I want to, additionally, thank Peter and the entire IBM team behind this. I know it took a fair amount of their time to prepare the survey and iterate on the language, and this will be very useful data moving forward.
Now, let's get analyzing!

A CSV with 1706 rows of response data and a README describing it were merged into the jupyter/design repository today: 

If you take a crack at exploring and summarizing the responses (whether you use notebooks or not :wink:), please consider sharing your work with the community.

One thing that in particular would be great to have: a first-pass sanitization of the data that does some obvious things like normalizing highly similar responses to facilitate downstream analysis. If anyone does this in a way that doesn't fundamentally modify the raw data, please consider making a PR against the repo, *adding* the cleaned-up file (not replacing the original) and linking to it in the readme, with a brief explanation of the steps you took.  

This would enable most folks to start from a common, cleaned-up version while keeping the raw data in the repo for reference.

Ben Hamner

Jan 21, 2016, 2:14:05 AM1/21/16
to jup...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Brian!

I wrote a quick exploratory notebook on the survey data & added the survey dataset to Kaggle.

If anyone creates a cleaned version of it, I'll add that as well (I'm hoping to do more than a quick-and-dirty pass on it soon, but that's unlikely in the next week).

The raw data export had a strange character in it due to an encoding issue, this (Python 3) one-liner writes a new file that fixes it (the version on Kaggle is the output of this one-liner).

open("Survey.csv", "w").write(open("RawSurvey.csv").read().replace("\xa0", " "))


Ben Hamner / @benhamner / Kaggle Co-founder & CTO

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Brian Granger

Jan 21, 2016, 3:53:57 PM1/21/16
to Project Jupyter
Ben, many thanks for posting the data there and for taking a first
pass on exploring the data!


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Peter Parente

Mar 31, 2016, 1:31:42 AM3/31/16
to Project Jupyter
> Now, let's get analyzing!

Some of my colleagues and I have been slowly working on an analysis of the UX survey results. We submitted a PR (https://github.com/jupyter/design/pull/24) including our various notebooks and intermediate data files against the jupyter/design repo. The PR merged yesterday and so everything is now available on GitHub (https://github.com/jupyter/design/tree/master/surveys/2015-notebook-ux/analysis).

Here's a few quick and easy ways to view the results:

1. Interact with the results in a notebook-turned-dashboard on a courtesy tmpnb site: http://jupyter.cloudet.xyz/files/2015-notebook-ux-survey/analysis/deployed_dashboard/index.html (note: browser intensive)

2. Open, modify, and interact with the notebook on a courtesy temporary notebook server: http://jupyter.cloudet.xyz/notebooks/2015-notebook-ux-survey/analysis/report_dashboard_decl_widgets.ipynb

Many thanks to Justin Tyberg who helped with the analysis, plus Angel Luu and Adam Peller who spent time making the notebook/dashboard more interactive than our first draft.


Peter Parente

Mar 31, 2016, 1:31:55 AM3/31/16
to Project Jupyter
> Now, let's get analyzing!

Some of my colleagues and I have been slowly working on an analysis of the UX survey results. We submitted a PR (https://github.com/jupyter/design/pull/24) including our various notebooks and intermediate data files against the jupyter/design repo. The PR merged yesterday and so everything is now available on GitHub (https://github.com/jupyter/design/tree/master/surveys/2015-notebook-ux/analysis).

Here's a few quick and easy ways to view the results:

1. Interact with the results in a notebook-turned-dashboard on a courtesy tmpnb site: http://jupyter.cloudet.xyz/files/2015-notebook-ux-survey/analysis/deployed_dashboard/index.html (note: browser intensive)

2. Open, modify, and interact with the notebook on a courtesy temporary notebook server: http://jupyter.cloudet.xyz/notebooks/2015-notebook-ux-survey/analysis/report_dashboard_decl_widgets.ipynb

Many thanks to Justin Tyberg who helped with the analysis, plus Angel Luu and Adam Peller who spent time making the notebook/dashboard more interactive than our first draft.


On Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 3:25:44 PM UTC-8, Fernando Perez wrote:

Fernando Fuentes de la Parra

Sep 19, 2018, 6:57:33 PM9/19/18
to Project Jupyter
Hey all, first off, thanks for the amazing work on the survey and the post-processing led by Pete & team. I've spent some time studying the analysis (https://github.com/jupyter/design/tree/master/surveys/2015-notebook-ux/) and cannot get any jupyter.cloudet.xyz link to work. It leads me to an odd looking site (see image attached). Can someone provide guidance? Disclaimer: I am a Business Developer, not a real Developer ; ) ... thanks in advance 

Peter Parente

Sep 20, 2018, 4:12:12 PM9/20/18
to Project Jupyter
Hi Fernando,

The survey data and analysis are now located in https://github.com/jupyter/surveys. The cloudet.xyz site hosting an interactive version of it shut down a couple years back.

Hope this helps!

Fernando Fuentes de la Parra

Sep 24, 2018, 12:45:12 PM9/24/18
to jup...@googlegroups.com, par...@gmail.com
Helps a lot Peter, thanks! Couldn’t find an interactive version (alternative to cloudet) under /jupyter/surveys...is there no longer one or am I missing something?
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Peter Parente

Sep 24, 2018, 12:48:31 PM9/24/18
to fern...@hypernetwork.io, jup...@googlegroups.com
Hi Fernando,

There's no longer an interactive one running, though we should be able to setup the necessary requirements in the repository and add a "Run on Binder" button for you to easily re-run the notebook with the analysis.

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