Guice with DAOs

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belum dibaca,
31 Agu 2019, 17.10.5431/08/19
kepadajOOQ User Group
I'm using Vert.x Jooq in Kotlin. I'm wondering if there's a way to use Vert.x Guice to avoid passing the parameters jooqConfig and dbClient
UserDao(jooqConfig, dbClient)
and instead simplify it to


This is the text Vert.x handler:
private fun jooqRxAsyncHandler(context: RoutingContext) {
    val jooqConfig: Configuration = DefaultConfiguration().set(SQLDialect.POSTGRES)
    val dbCredentials = JsonObject()
        .put("host", "localhost")
        .put("username", "username")
        .put("password", "password")
        .put("database", "dbname")

    dbClient = PostgreSQLClient.createNonShared(vertx, com.datadeploytool.database.dbCredentials)

    val dao = UserDao(jooqConfig, dbClient)
    println("getting. client: $dbClient")

).ignoreElement() .andThen( dao.findOneByCondition(USER.EMAIL.eq("")) ) .doOnEvent { something, x -> if (x == null) { context.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/html").end("JOOQ test $something") } else { System.err.println("Something failed badly: " + x.message) context.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/html").end("JOOQ error") } } .subscribe() println("done") }
Here is the generated DAO class:
* This file is generated by jOOQ.
package jooq.generated.tables.daos;

import io.github.jklingsporn.vertx.jooq.shared.async.AbstractAsyncVertxDAO;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Generated;

import jooq.generated.tables.User;
import jooq.generated.tables.records.UserRecord;

import org.jooq.Configuration;

import io.reactivex.Single;
import java.util.Optional;
import io.github.jklingsporn.vertx.jooq.rx.async.AsyncRXQueryExecutor;
* This class is generated by jOOQ.
value = {
"jOOQ version:3.11.9"
comments = "This class is generated by jOOQ"
@SuppressWarnings({ "all", "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class UserDao extends AbstractAsyncVertxDAO<UserRecord, jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User, String, Single<List<jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User>>, Single<Optional<jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User>>, Single<Integer>, Single<String>> implements io.github.jklingsporn.vertx.jooq.rx.VertxDAO<UserRecord,jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User,String> {

* @param configuration Used for rendering, so only SQLDialect must be set and must be one of the MYSQL types or POSTGRES.
* @param delegate A configured AsyncSQLClient that is used for query execution
public UserDao(Configuration configuration,io.vertx.reactivex.ext.asyncsql.AsyncSQLClient delegate) {
super(User.USER, jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User.class, new AsyncRXQueryExecutor<UserRecord,jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User,String>(configuration,delegate,jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User::new, User.USER));

* {@inheritDoc}
protected String getId(jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User object) {
return object.getUserKey();

* Find records that have <code>user_email IN (values)</code> asynchronously
public Single<List<jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User>> findManyByUserEmail(List<String> values) {
return findManyByCondition(;

* Find records that have <code>user_change_date IN (values)</code> asynchronously
public Single<List<jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User>> findManyByUserChangeDate(List<Timestamp> values) {
return findManyByCondition(;

public AsyncRXQueryExecutor<UserRecord,jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User,String> queryExecutor(){
return (AsyncRXQueryExecutor<UserRecord,jooq.generated.tables.pojos.User,String>) super.queryExecutor();

Lukas Eder

belum dibaca,
2 Sep 2019, 05.08.4202/09/19
kepadajOOQ User Group
Thanks a lot for your question.

We're currently not offering support for this third party plugin. I suggest directing that feature request directly to the author of the plugin.


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