Problem Trying "Hello World" Component

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Mark Dexter

11. 6. 2022, 13:17:1311. 6. 2022
komu: Joomla! General Development
I'm trying to follow the J4.X Developing an MVC Component tutorial (which evidently is still under construction). This is available at

I can do step 2 (admin view) but when I try to do step 3 (site view) I get the error message "Invalid controller class: display".

For reasons I don't understand, the DisplayController class (in components/com_helloworld/src/Controller folder) doesn't seem to get loaded.

I checked the administrator/cache/autoload_ps4.php file and there are two lines in there as follows:

    'JohnSmith\\Component\\HelloWorld\\Administrator\\' => [JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_helloworld/src'],
    'JohnSmith\\Component\\HelloWorld\\Site\\' => [JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_helloworld/src'],

So I think this is OK.

Any ideas about how to troubleshoot would be much appreciated. Thanks!


11. 6. 2022, 13:35:5711. 6. 2022
komu: Joomla! General Development
My favourite troubleshooting, and in fact development, "trick" is to develop with an IDE, I use Netbeans for php code, and use a mixture of single stepping and setting breakpoints to see what'a actually happening where.

Glenn Arkell

11. 6. 2022, 16:53:0311. 6. 2022
komu: Joomla! General Development
Just checked my DisplayController and I have a construct function as well as the display.
    public function __construct($config = array(), MVCFactoryInterface $factory = null, $app = null, $input = null)
        parent::__construct($config, $factory, $app, $input);

Is this what is missing perhaps?  Cheers.


12. 6. 2022, 3:44:4012. 6. 2022
komu: Joomla! General Development
If that's all that's in it, I don't suppose that's what's missing because, as it does nothing but pass its parameters on to its parent, it's not required at all.

Hannes Papenberg

12. 6. 2022, 3:47:3012. 6. 2022
komu: Joomla! General Development
Do you have the correct namespace used in the file? Check if the file is included by placing some debug code outside of the class. Is the capitalization of the filename correct?

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14. 6. 2022, 8:24:0714. 6. 2022
komu: Joomla! General Development
One thing I notice is that the tutorial does not include mention of administrator/com_helloworld/src/Extension/HelloworldComponent.php (see any other component for an example).

This tutorial was prepared in December 2020 so I guess is out of date. You could look at which is something I put together as part of another tutorial. You could also look at which is the code for that other tutorial. Each can be installed and picked apart to see how they work. And is that other tutorial.

Fernando Goncalves

17. 6. 2022, 16:12:2717. 6. 2022

See if one this variants hellp you.
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