NJ Congressional Hiring Regional Field Directors ASAP

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NJ Campaign 2020

Feb 26, 2020, 7:38:21 PM2/26/20
to GAIN Jobs via JobsthatareLEFT

Competitive New Jersey Congressional Race is hiring Regional Field Directors as soon as possible. Regional Field Directors will work under the direction of the Field Director. We are looking for a self-starter who’s ready to jump into this dynamic role. A sense of humor, adaptability, and the ability to multitask is essential.


-Manage organizers and paid canvass in their region 

-Work with the Field Director to meet weekly goals and metrics 

-Recruit volunteers

-Oversee the planning and organizing of weekly canvasses and phone banks

-Work with the Field Director to implement community outreach programs

-Work with the campaign team 

-Other duties as assigned

Required Qualifications:

-1-2 cycles of organizing experience 

-Ability to work weekends and long hours 

-Ability to work in a fast pace environment and meet all assigned deadlines 

-Access to a car, laptop, and cell phone

-Must be willing to relocate to New Jersey

-Must be able to start ASAP

To apply: send resume and cover letter to njcampa...@gmail.com.

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