Washington, DC: Spring 2020 Finance Internship - DGA

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Danielle Kay

Sep 27, 2019, 10:15:12 AM9/27/19
to GAIN Jobs via JobsthatareLEFT
The Democratic Governors Association (DGA), the independent, non-profit, campaign committee responsible for electing and supporting Democratic Governors, is seeking interns for the SPRING 2020 term. The DGA works closely with the state and Washington, D.C. offices of the Democratic Governors as well as many other national Democratic and progressive organizations.

DGA internships allow interested students to obtain practical political experience within the DGA Finance Department including donor research, policy research, fundraising/event management, and administrative support to the DGA staff who is responsible for working with the nation’s Democratic Governors to raise money for the DGA.

DGA Finance interns are assigned a variety of projects and tasks that support the DGA staff within the Finance, Policy, Events, and Administrative departments.

Potential applicants who have an interest working on Democratic campaigns or supporting Democratic campaigns are strongly encouraged to apply at the following link: https://jobs.lever.co/dga.

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