Cook County Commissioner Staff Position

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Cook County Posting

Jul 27, 2020, 2:30:21 PM7/27/20
to GAIN POWER: JobsthatareLEFT

Cook County Commissioner seeks staff member with:

Excellent background in communications. Individual must be a proactive thinker to engage both constituents and the media through communications. - Develop and implement a communications strategy. - Experience drafting press releases and maintaining relationships with media. - Social media experience and managing multiple accounts. - Ability to create flyers, edit videos, etc.

Outreach experience. - Previous experience maintaining relationships with important members and constituencies. - Plan and execute events in district that align with Commissioner’s priorities. - Attend events on behalf of, or with, the Commissioner.

Constituent Service ability. - Willingness to go above and beyond in assisting constituents with their issues.

Excellent interpersonal skills.

Ability to communicate well with constituents, stakeholders, and other individuals on behalf of the Commissioner.

Ability to multitask and handle multiple projects at once.

Excellent organizational skills.

Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree required.

Proficiency in Spanish, Hindi, Gujarati, and/or another language preferred.

Please visit to learn more about the office.

Salary begins at $45,000.

Anyone interested should send a resume and cover letter to

Cook County Posting

Aug 3, 2020, 3:04:41 PM8/3/20
to GAIN POWER: JobsthatareLEFT

Anyone interested should send a resume and cover letter to

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