How to use Jenkins to run PHPUnit Tests that needs MySQL

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Alwin Augustin

17 maj 2018 04:15:432018-05-17
till Jenkins Users
I am implementing a build system for PHP and need to execute a Build step , which needs repository checkout and run composer. Now this is working fine inside the docker container. As the next stage, I need to run automated test cased written in PHPUnit, which needs MySQL, Redis and Elasticsearch installation. Currently I am using CircleCI for the build process and there it is just a matter of pulling different docker images and executing migrations. I am trying to the same in Jenkins, but as soon as I am out of the MySQL stage, the docker container has been removed and so there is no point in running migrations. 

How can I run the MySQL sever persitantly so that all the scripts will be executed there ?

Or the better approach is to build a Docker container with MySQL, Redis and Elasticsearch and then run all the steps there ?

My current Jenkins file looks like the following

pipeline {
 agent any

('Build') {
'-u root:root'
: 'GitSCM',
: [[name: '*/master']],
: false,
: [],
: [],
: [
[credentialsId: 'token', url: '']]
'yum install -y sudo'
'cp -f .env.circleci .env'
'chmod 755 ./build/'
'chmod a+rw -R storage'
'composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-progress'
'sudo npm install --progress=false'

('Starting MySQL') {
'echo MySQL server started successfully'
('Database Migration') {

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