java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'scanForIssues' found among steps

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dean warren

no llegida,
26 d’oct. 2018, 5:51:4726/10/18
a Jenkins Users

I am trying to get the Warnings plugin collecting CheckStyle results within a pipeline.

I believe I am using all the latest versions of pipeline related modules, and the warnings modules.


A simplified version of my Jenkinsfile is something like:

timestamps {
    node ('name') {
                stage ('Checkout') {
                    checkout scm
                stage ('Build & Test') {
                    sh 'bash -x'
                stage ('CheckStyle') {
                    sh 'java -jar /home/user/checkstyle/checkstyle-6.5-all.jar -c /home/user/checkstyle.xml -f xml -c target/checkstyle-results.xml src'
// Doesn't work
//                    step([$class: 'CheckStylePublisher',
//                        canRunOnFailed: true,
//                        defaultEncoding: '',
//                        healthy: '100',
//                        pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml',
//                        unHealthy: '90',
//                        useStableBuildAsReference: true
//                        ])
// Doesn't work
//                    step([$class: 'WarningsPublisher', consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'CheckStyle']]])
// Doesn't work
                    def checkstyle = scanForIssues tool: [$class: 'CheckStyle'], pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml'
                    publishIssues issues:[checkstyle]
            catch (caughtErr)

Where I have tried three different methods to collect the checkstype results, none of which work (I have left two of them commented out for reference - but beleive these are methods for the legacy checkstyle plugin, not the newly integrated warnigns plugin?).

I believe the last method using scanForIssues is the correct method as per here:


However on build, I see the checkstyle results being generated, but get the following error message

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'scanForIssues' found among steps

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Ulli Hafner

no llegida,
27 d’oct. 2018, 13:07:4927/10/18

Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 26.10.2018 um 09:50 schrieb dean warren <>:

I am trying to get the Warnings plugin collecting CheckStyle results within a pipeline.

I believe I am using all the latest versions of pipeline related modules, and the warnings modules.


A simplified version of my Jenkinsfile is something like:

timestamps {
    node ('name') {
                stage ('Checkout') {
                    checkout scm
                stage ('Build & Test') {
                    sh 'bash -x'
                stage ('CheckStyle') {
                    sh 'java -jar /home/user/checkstyle/checkstyle-6.5-all.jar -c /home/user/checkstyle.xml -f xml -c target/checkstyle-results.xml src'
// Doesn't work
//                    step([$class: 'CheckStylePublisher',
//                        canRunOnFailed: true,
//                        defaultEncoding: '',
//                        healthy: '100',
//                        pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml',
//                        unHealthy: '90',
//                        useStableBuildAsReference: true
//                        ])

This publisher requires the CheckStyle plugin.

// Doesn't work
//                    step([$class: 'WarningsPublisher', consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'CheckStyle']]])

The warnings publisher from the 4.x version does not support CheckStyle yet.
// Doesn't work
                    def checkstyle = scanForIssues tool: [$class: 'CheckStyle'], pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml'
                    publishIssues issues:[checkstyle]
            catch (caughtErr)

Did you install the 5.0 beta version of the plugin? This step is not available in the 4.x version.

Where I have tried three different methods to collect the checkstype results, none of which work (I have left two of them commented out for reference - but beleive these are methods for the legacy checkstyle plugin, not the newly integrated warnigns plugin?).

I believe the last method using scanForIssues is the correct method as per here:


However on build, I see the checkstyle results being generated, but get the following error message

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'scanForIssues' found among steps

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

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dean warren

no llegida,
29 d’oct. 2018, 10:02:4529/10/18
Thanks @ulli for your reply.

'Did you install the 5.0 beta version of the plugin? This step is not available in the 4.x version.'
Ahh... :) No. Where do I get that from and how to install in Jenkins?


no llegida,
29 d’oct. 2018, 10:09:2729/10/18
a Jenkins Users
OK, from here:

But Jnekins requires a .hpi file.
Do I have to build this, or package it somehow?
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sagar utekar

no llegida,
29 d’oct. 2018, 10:22:1229/10/18
from here you can download hpi file for warnings plugin

and add it using upload section of manage plugin -> advanced section

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dean warren

no llegida,
29 d’oct. 2018, 10:43:4729/10/18
Thanks @sagar for your reply.

But the link does not contain version 5.0. Perhaps because this is a beta?

So do I have to build / repackage it, of is there another link that will give me the .hpi file?

Ulli Hafner

no llegida,
29 d’oct. 2018, 12:28:3129/10/18
You need to point your update center to the experimental update center url, see

Von meinem iPad gesendet


no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 5:48:1030/10/18
a Jenkins Users

dean warren

no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 6:48:5230/10/18
Awesome, that works! Thanks guys.

One last question... :) Where can I find info for the 'pattern' part of the line
def checkstyle = scanForIssues tool: [$class: 'CheckStyle'], pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml'

As my resutls are created in the dersired place (I can see them), but scanForIssues isn't finding the checkstyle-results.xml (I think)
[CheckStyle] [ERROR] No files found for pattern '**/target/checkstyle-result.xml'. Configuration error?

Ullrich Hafner

no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 6:58:0230/10/18
a Jenkins Users
You should see an info message in the snippet generator. The default (if left empty) is '**/checkstyle-result.xml‘. Or you can view the JavaDoc documentation (or documentation in

Is your file called checkstyle-result.xml or checkstyle-result*s*.xml?


dean warren

no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 7:15:4030/10/18

Ahh... I am clearly a doofus 's' !
Sorry, you know what its like, doing one thing with left hand, something else with other... and miss things.

So now I see the following
10:58:10 [CheckStyle] Searching for all files in '/home/user/workspace/TG.integrate_jenkins_ci-TKKXRODLMWWUDKMVKENHFQYQ7E2ZP5QAC72HYNHV6PXXEX75DW2Q' that match the pattern '**/target/checkstyle-results.xml'
10:58:10 [CheckStyle] -> found 1 file
10:58:10 [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /home/user/workspace/TG.integrate_jenkins_ci-TKKXRODLMWWUDKMVKENHFQYQ7E2ZP5QAC72HYNHV6PXXEX75DW2Q/target/checkstyle-results.xml
10:58:10 [CheckStyle] -> found 2983 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)

However the build now fails,I assume because of all of the checkstyle issues (all 2983 of them!) - this is fine.

But the checkstyle icon has dissapeared for this build.
e.g. a good build, but not finding the checkstyle file, so no build failure and the checkstyle icons appear but with no warnings/errors.
But on the failed build the icons have dissappeared.
How do I view the checkstyle warnings/errors in Jenksin?

dean warren

no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 7:17:1530/10/18
And also noted this for the same some, following emailing results

10:58:11 Sending e-mails to: ....
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1

Ullrich Hafner

no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 7:41:3430/10/18
a Jenkins Users
This looks like an exception from one of the steps. Is there a stacktrace? If there is no result visible then this is due to an exception.

Am 30.10.2018 um 12:16 schrieb dean warren <>:

And also noted this for the same some, following emailing results

10:58:11 Sending e-mails to: ....
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1

On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 11:15 AM dean warren <> wrote:

Ahh... I am clearly a doofus 's' !
Sorry, you know what its like, doing one thing with left hand, something else with other... and miss things.

So now I see the following
10:58:10 [CheckStyle] Searching for all files in '/home/user/workspace/TG.integrate_jenkins_ci-TKKXRODLMWWUDKMVKENHFQYQ7E2ZP5QAC72HYNHV6PXXEX75DW2Q' that match the pattern '**/target/checkstyle-results.xml'
10:58:10 [CheckStyle] -> found 1 file
10:58:10 [CheckStyle] Successfully parsed file /home/user/workspace/TG.integrate_jenkins_ci-TKKXRODLMWWUDKMVKENHFQYQ7E2ZP5QAC72HYNHV6PXXEX75DW2Q/target/checkstyle-results.xml
10:58:10 [CheckStyle] -> found 2983 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)

However the build now fails,I assume because of all of the checkstyle issues (all 2983 of them!) - this is fine.

But the checkstyle icon has dissapeared for this build.
e.g. a good build, but not finding the checkstyle file, so no build failure and the checkstyle icons appear but with no warnings/errors.
But on the failed build the icons have dissappeared.

dean warren

no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 7:46:2430/10/18

java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1
at java.nio.charset.CoderResult.throwException(
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(
Also:   hudson.remoting.Channel$CallSiteStackTrace: Remote call to moftpa
at hudson.remoting.Channel.attachCallSiteStackTrace(
at hudson.remoting.UserResponse.retrieve(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesScanner.postProcess(
at io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesScanner.scanInWorkspace(
at io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesScanner.scan(
at io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.ScanForIssuesStep$
at io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.ScanForIssuesStep$
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution$1$
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.tryAdvance(
at java.util.Spliterators$1Adapter.hasNext(
at io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesScanner$ReportPostProcessor.createFingerprints(
at io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesScanner$ReportPostProcessor.invoke(
at io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesScanner$ReportPostProcessor.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath$
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.Request$
at hudson.remoting.InterceptingExecutorService$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Finished: FAILURE


no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 8:16:4130/10/18
a Jenkins Users
Looks like this is def an issue with the line
def checkstyle = scanForIssues tool: [$class: 'CheckStyle'], pattern: '**/mof-api/target/checkstyle-results.xml'

As removed all steps except that above and issue still occurs.

Do you have a known working checkstyle-results.xml file, just in case somethink funny with mine?
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no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 8:47:0630/10/18
a Jenkins Users
Have reduced the check-style from 200+ issues to just two. Works fine now.

So something incompatible with checkstyle-resutls.xml generated and the scanForIssues.
@Ullrich, can I send you the checkstyle-resutls.xml to debug (email? would prefer not to post file directly here)?

Or perhpas advise on how I can progress?

Ullrich Hafner

no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 10:31:0030/10/18
a Jenkins Users
Can you add the encoding property:

checkstyle = scanForIssues reportEncoding='YOUR-ENCODING‘, ...

and replace YOUR-ENCODING with the encoding that is defined in the xml line of your checkstyle results.xml file? 

If this does not work, please create an issue in our issue tracker and attach the XML file. (Or if it is confidential you may also send it via email).


Ullrich Hafner

no llegida,
30 d’oct. 2018, 10:32:1830/10/18
a Jenkins Users
and one additional question: how is the checkstyle file created?

dean warren

no llegida,
1 de nov. 2018, 5:55:371/11/18
What is the format for the scanForIssues line including the 'reportEncoding'.
I've done this e.g.
def checkstyle = scanForIssues tool: [$class: 'CheckStyle'], reportEncoding='UTF-8', pattern: '**/mof-api/target/checkstyle-results.xml'
but it throws an error e.g.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected named arguments but got [{tool={$class=CheckStyle}, pattern=**/mof-api/target/checkstyle-results.xml}, null]

And as requested the check-style file is generated from this command e.g.
sh 'java -jar /home/user/checkstyle/checkstyle-6.5-all.jar -c /home/user/Metrics_Checkstyle.xml -f xml -o target/checkstyle-results.xml src'

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Ullrich Hafner

no llegida,
1 de nov. 2018, 7:02:271/11/18
a Jenkins Users
Colon not Equals:

reportEncoding: 'UTF-8'

You are using an ancient checkstyle version, maybe this is the problem? Current version is 8.12.


dean warren

no llegida,
1 de nov. 2018, 7:23:181/11/18
Ok so changed the scanForIssues line using the encoding as suggested. Even when using the latest checkstyle (8.14) I get the same error
java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1

Below is my current script (note we are using java 1.7 on the target, so have to explicity utilise 1.8 for latest checkstyle). 

sh '/home/user/jdk1.8.0_144/bin/java -jar /home/user/checkstyle/checkstyle-8.14-all.jar -c /home/user/Metrics_Checkstyle.xml -f xml -o target/checkstyle-results.xml mof-api/src'

def checkstyle = scanForIssues tool: [$class: 'CheckStyle'], pattern: '**/target/checkstyle-results.xml', reportEncoding: 'UTF-8'
publishIssues issues:[checkstyle]

What next?

Ullrich Hafner

no llegida,
1 de nov. 2018, 10:44:411/11/18
Sorry, my fault. I should have read the stack trace more carefully.

Can you please set


as well? The error is thrown during the fingerprinting. Here a different encoding is used.

Which encoding is used for your source code?

I created an issue:
The plugin should rather report a helpful text...

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