Minimal test in context to reproduce: run Jenkins with Winstone 5.8 on a fresh user dir. Go through setup wizard, installing no plugins. Create an API token for admin. Then run
x=1; while :; do echo trying $x; (echo description=; seq -s. $x | tr -d '[:digit:]') > /tmp/$x-dots.txt; curl -f -u admin:YOURTOKEN -d @/tmp/$x-dots.txt http://localhost:8080/submitDescription || break; x=$((x * 3)); done
You should see it fail after 200000:
trying 1
trying 3
trying 9
trying 27
trying 81
trying 243
trying 729
trying 2187
trying 6561
trying 19683
trying 59049
trying 177147
trying 531441
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 500 Server Error
If you now start Jenkins with -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormContentSize=-1, or with Winstone 5.9, it keeps on going. |