Carroll Chiou if all the thing is related to reduce the load on the master I think there are simpler and better ways to make it, first, the basics with console output avoid to have insane verbose console output, I mean, have a 5-10GB of console logs is stupid, if you need to review this file probably you drive crazy trying to open the file, so reduce the console output is a key, if you need verbose output for some command to redirect the output to files and at the end of the job archive them on Jenkins. If after all you still think that this cache is needed, make it with something standard, do not reinvent the wheel, named pipes works on every Unix implementation, there is also an implementation for windows, they are plain files easy to manage from Java so you would avoid a ton of problems related with the platform. Because durable-task-plugin is something you could not rid of it if you use pipelines is a critical component, maybe this cache would go in another plugin and keep the durable-task as it is, or allow to rid completely from durable-task it causes more issues than benefits if you do not want to restart pipelines from any point after a failure, that it is an antipattern IMHO the pipeline should pass on one round if not it is not well designed and you should split it. |