[JIRA] (JENKINS-57449) Unable to use kubernetes agent block in declarative pipeline

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rhys@enterpriseautomation.co.uk (JIRA)

2019年5月14日 04:36:022019/5/14
收件人 jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com
Rhys Morgan created an issue
Jenkins / Bug JENKINS-57449
Unable to use kubernetes agent block in declarative pipeline
Issue Type: Bug Bug
Assignee: Carlos Sanchez
Components: kubernetes-plugin
Created: 2019-05-14 08:35
Labels: plugin kuberenetes-plugin declarative
Priority: Blocker Blocker
Reporter: Rhys Morgan

When trying to use the kubernetes agent block i am presented with the error:

WorkflowScript: 14: Invalid agent type "kubernetes" specified. Must be one of [any, docker, dockerfile, label, none] @ line 14, column 1.
kubernetes {


I am using Jenkins version: 2.107.3 and kubernetes-plugin version: 1.12.2


I have searched but the only advice seems to be that the use of kubernetes in agent blocks requires Jenkins 2.66+

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jenkins-ci@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)

2019年5月14日 05:45:022019/5/14
收件人 jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com
Carlos Sanchez closed an issue as Not A Defect

check your jenkins startup logs, the plugin likely failed to start

Change By: Carlos Sanchez
Status: Open Closed
Resolution: Not A Defect

jglick@cloudbees.com (JIRA)

2019年6月12日 15:34:072019/6/12
收件人 jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com
Jesse Glick updated an issue
Change By: Jesse Glick
Labels: declarative kuberenetes- plugin plugin
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