[JIRA] (JENKINS-44142) Step jobDsl can be used at most once in pipeline with DELETE

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christian.vonrueti+jenkins@gmail.com (JIRA)

May 18, 2018, 11:10:02 AM5/18/18
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com
Christian V commented on Bug JENKINS-44142
Re: Step jobDsl can be used at most once in pipeline with DELETE

I've taken another look at this.

When multiple job-dsl scripts are run, job-dsl will attach multiple "actions" to the build. The current code seems to assume that there is only a single one.


To find the last generated objects, it's probably a simple change, maybe something like this:



Set<T> findLastGeneratedObjects() {
    for (Run run = job.lastBuild; run != null; run = run.previousBuild) {
        // We need to fetch all actions because job-dsl could habe been run multiple times in a single build.

        // Previously, it would use the first build, whose first buildAction's modifiedObjects was set
        // Now, it chooses the first build, where at least one buildAction's modifiedObjects is set
        List<B> actions = run.getActions(buildActionClass)
        Set<T> result = []
        boolean useThisResult = false
        for (B action : actions) {
            if (action.modifiedObjects != null) {
                useThisResult = true
                result += action.modifiedObjects

        if (useThisResult) {
            return result

Further, job-dsl needs to be made aware of previous invocations during the same build run.


Currently, it compares the "new items" against the items items from the first suitable previous run. Here's a simple idea:

GeneratedItems generatedItems = dslScriptLoader.runScripts(scriptRequests);
mergeWithCurrentRun(generatedItems, run); // <-- this would be the only change
Set<GeneratedJob> freshJobs = generatedItems.getJobs();
Set<GeneratedView> freshViews = generatedItems.getViews();
Set<GeneratedConfigFile> freshConfigFiles = generatedItems.getConfigFiles();
Set<GeneratedUserContent> freshUserContents = generatedItems.getUserContents();


One could simply pretend that a subsequent invocation also "generated" the items that were generated previously in the same run.


The last invocation's log output would then summarize everything that job-dsl did.


Finally, one could check whether a build action is already appened to the current run and replace it it instead, instead of unconditionally doing run.addAction:


// Save onto Builder, which belongs to a Project.
run.addAction(new GeneratedJobsBuildAction(freshJobs, getLookupStrategy()));
run.addAction(new GeneratedViewsBuildAction(freshViews, getLookupStrategy()));
run.addAction(new GeneratedConfigFilesBuildAction(freshConfigFiles));
run.addAction(new GeneratedUserContentsBuildAction(freshUserContents));


This might affect JENKINS-29784


Daniel Spilker Thoughts?


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christian.vonrueti+jenkins@gmail.com (JIRA)

May 18, 2018, 1:39:01 PM5/18/18
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com

Hmm, Generated*BuildActions also contain the lookup strategy. One would have to have up to two actions per type, one per possible strategy.


Then, JENKINS-29784 should also be solved, hopefully.

christian.vonrueti+jenkins@gmail.com (JIRA)

May 18, 2018, 1:39:02 PM5/18/18
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com
Christian V edited a comment on Bug JENKINS-44142
Hmm, Generated*BuildActions also contain contains the lookup strategy. One would have to have up to two actions per type, one per possible strategy.


Then, JENKINS-29784 should also be solved, hopefully.

fixed-term.Markus.Baur3@de.bosch.com (JIRA)

Aug 15, 2018, 11:07:02 AM8/15/18
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com

This problem took me by surprise and removed history of many jobs. It would be great if it gets addressed soon. It should at least be documented with the DELETE action.

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lvotypko@redhat.com (JIRA)

Jul 25, 2019, 8:56:03 AM7/25/19
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com


it is connected with problem with multiple job dsl action - action with generated objects is added for every job dsl build step, so there is the same number of actions as job-dsl steps. If option DELETE is checked, it compares generated items of current build (if there is unreferenced job/view/config - jobs/views ... which were created by this seed job, but are not included in generated objects by job dsl step). But this comparison contains only  generated items from one action not from the all actions from all job dsl steps because getAction(Class<T> returns only the first hit.  Including them into one action (so do not create action for every job dsl step, but include generated objects into existing action) should fix the problem, but only in case that you use DELETE option only in your last build job dsl step (because generation of all jobs/views/config is not finished if there any job dsl step reminds to execute).

my pull request is there https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin/pull/1190, you can check it or comment.



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mail@daniel-spilker.com (JIRA)

Aug 12, 2019, 3:10:07 AM8/12/19
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com

daniel.carrington@hpe.com (JIRA)

Aug 14, 2019, 7:05:02 PM8/14/19
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com
Daniel Carrington commented on Bug JENKINS-44142
Re: Step jobDsl can be used at most once in pipeline with DELETE

I have used the Job DSL plugin in production for over a year with the DISABLE action in place and I hit a similar issue when using multiple job dsl build steps in a single pipeline. The fix for this issue changed the behavior of the job dsl plugin when using multiple job dsl build steps in parallel. Is that (parallel job dsl build steps) a use case which is interesting to anyone else?

(The new behavior of the Job DSL plugin ended up disabling many of my jobs. I spent a day with a mostly broken environment because I had to track this down.)

 Based on the discussion here, it seems like the correct thing to do is to use the IGNORE behavior on all uses of the job dsl build step except the very last one, which should not run in parallel with any other job dsl build step. Looking at the available hook points in hudson.model.Run and hudson.model.Job, I think that there isn't a great way to solve this. We could register a new hudson.model.listeners.RunListener that disables or deletes jobs after a successful job completes (and runs Job DSL build steps that DISABLE or DELETE jobs). Has that idea already been considered?

mail@daniel-spilker.com (JIRA)

Aug 19, 2019, 9:00:06 AM8/19/19
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com

mail@daniel-spilker.com (JIRA)

Aug 19, 2019, 9:12:02 AM8/19/19
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com
Daniel Spilker commented on Bug JENKINS-44142
Re: Step jobDsl can be used at most once in pipeline with DELETE

I reopened this issue because I agree that it's still too easy to misconfigure the Job DSL build step.

I added some hints to the documentation, see https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin/pull/1193.

Using a RunListener has the drawback that the build status can not be changed anymore. When deleting or disabling a job fails (e.g. missing permissions), the error can be logged to the console output, but the job status will be "successful". So it's very likely that the problem will not be detected.

Can someone explain the use case for running multiple Job DSL build steps? And that is the use case for running scripts in parallel?

daniel.carrington@hpe.com (JIRA)

Aug 19, 2019, 11:31:03 AM8/19/19
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com

One use case for running multiple Job DSL build steps would be to accumulate jobs defined in multiple repositories. Consider a pipeline that does:

  stage ("repo a") {
      checkout "our/repo-a"
      jobDsl "jobs/**/*.groovy"
  stage ("repo b") {
      checkout "our/repo-b"
      jobDsl "jobs/**/*.groovy"

I run multiple Job DSL build steps in order to speed up the Job DSL configuration seed job. I have about 520 active jobs on my Jenkins instance, and they are all managed in a single repository. They are, thankfully, somewhat organized by project codename. My Job DSL pipeline reads something like:

List<String> folders = ['project-a', 'project-b', 'project-c', ...] // roughly 10-20 projects

def startupTasks = [:]

startupTasks["Folder Setup"] = {
  node("job_dsl") { stage("Folder Setup) {
    checkout scm
    sh "generate_some_files_read_by_job_dsl_code"
    jobDsl targets: "jobs/folders.groovy"
  } }

startupTasks["Self-Check"] = {
  // Checks that all .groovy files in jobs/** are consumed by exactly one jobDsl build step

parallel startupTasks

def allProjectJobs = [:]
for (int i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
    String projname = folders[i]
    allProjectJobs["Project $projname"] = {
        node("job_dsl") { stage("Project $projname") {
            checkout scm
            // Other versions of this have used stash&unstash, see commentary below
            sh "generate_some_files_read_by_job_dsl_code"
            // Classes in src/ are used to implement templates that set up each project similarly.
            jobDsl targets: "jobs/$projname/*.groovy", additionalClasspath: "src/"
        } }
parallel allProjectJobs

I use parallel Job DSL execution because I see slow Job DSL performance on running a lot of Job DSL code to generate this many jobs.
I have a total of 81 files in my jobs/ folder, and some representative runtimes that I see for each group of files, in the Job DSL build step only, is:

N files in project total filesize (bytes) runtime
16 54863 2m 55s
14 28715 1m 55s
10 21716 2m 5s
9 13768 1m 55s
6 12051 1m 45s
5 7262 1m 15s
4 20754 1m 0s
4 6394 1m 20s
3 2425 1m 15s
3 1592 1m 0s
3 1569 1m 0s
2 1871 1m 0s
1 607 0m 45s
1 275 0m 45s

Running these in parallel instead of in series or all in one build step provides us with better visibility and ability to debug issues in the Job DSL (can hit an exception in each of these branches and resolve them all in one change), and it reduces the execution time from ~20minutes to ~5minutes. I have repeatedly told my team that we need to set up a unit test environment for Job DSL, but as we are not Java developers, this is a bit of a task. It will probably fall to me as I have some familiarity with Java, but little familiarity with modern Java tooling. I am pretty much the only developer on my team who has used Java (because of some college class experience on my part!), but as we are a hardware R&D lab working on ASIC design, most of my colleagues don't know how to use modern Java tooling at all.

I suspect that my Job DSL runtimes would be faster if I used a node with a ping of less than 100ms to the Jenkins master for running Job DSL, but for *various and sundry reasons*, it is the way it is. (Does the Job DSL fetch a lot of classes via the remoting channel to run? I am not sure how to debug this performance issue.)

In any case, I had to separate each project into its own freestyle project to run the Job DSL in parallel like this with the unreferenced job action set to 'DISABLE'. The changes that I made to the pipeline were to create a downstream freestyle job for each sub-folder of jobs/ and to build that job instead of running the jobDsl step directly. As a result, I cannot use stash/unstash to generate the files that my Job DSL templates read with e.g. readFileFromWorkspace and I have to pay the time cost of generating them in each workspace used by the pipeline.

mail@daniel-spilker.com (JIRA)

Aug 22, 2019, 8:34:02 AM8/22/19
to jenkinsc...@googlegroups.com

Daniel Carrington: Please open a new feature request for running Job DSL scripts in parallel. Use your last comment as description. Running multiple Job DSL steps in currently not supported. Let's use that feature request to find out what's feasible and there the Job DSL plugin can help.

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