Preparing to Hacktoberfest 2019 in Jenkins. Join us!

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Oleg Nenashev

2019年8月31日 19:07:412019/8/31
收件人 JenkinsCI Developers、、、Jenkins Area Meetup Coordination
Hi all,

Hacktoberfest 2019 has been announced today: . It is a one-month global event where people contribute to open-source in order to get some Swag. The event is mostly online, but there are also some meetups being organized by communities. Jenkins has been participating in recent years (e.g. the 2018 blogpost), and we have got a a good number of contributions from it.

There is nothing needed to participate in Hacktoberfest, per se. We can just wait for contributions, and some will come. But we could also prepare better to it and generate some buzz to get more external contributions. I would like to do it this year again.

Where do we need help:
  • Contributors -  Consider participating in Hacktoberfest this year, and help us to spread the word in social media once announcements go live ;) We will also appreciate if somebody is willing to join the Code Reviewers team to help with the increased number of pull requests related to Hacktoberfest
  • Maintainers - Propose your plugins/projects to be highlighted in our announcements (e.g. see We look for projects with active reviewers, newbie-friendly tickets, and clear contributing guidelines. It can be basically any Jenkins-related project, even if it is not located within Jenkins GitHub organizations
  • Maintainers - update lists of newbie-friendly tickets. For Hacktoberfest it is common to offer real small tasks, and tasks which take 1..4 hours. If such tasks are well defined, it increases their chances of being implemented by a contributor
  • Meetup organizers - consider hosting a hackathon in October. It can be a Jenkins Area meetup or meetup in another group with some Jenkins/Jenkins X topics in the agenda. There is a  Hacktoberfest Event Kit for organizers, and we will also try to help from the Jenkins side. Please use the Advocacy&Outreach SIG chat or mailing list if you need help
If you have any questions, please reply to the thread or join the Jenkins Hacktoberfest Gitter channel. And please feel free to propose your projects below. E.g., I nominate the Jenkins Core, and  the Configuration-as-Code plugin :)

Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev
Advocacy & Outreach SIG


2019年8月31日 20:37:032019/8/31
收件人 Jenkins Developer List、、、Jenkins Area Meetup Coordination
This was a lot of fun last year, plus free swag for helping an open source project!

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2019年8月31日 21:13:212019/8/31
收件人 Slide、Jenkins Developer List、宣传与推广SIG Jenkins、、Jenkins Area Meetup Coordination
grest online event!

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Olivier Vernin

2019年9月2日 08:21:242019/9/2
收件人 Rick、Oleg Nenashev、Slide、Jenkins Developer List、宣传与推广SIG Jenkins、、Jenkins Area Meetup Coordination
\o/ thanks @Oleg Nenashev for following this, I may have some infrastructure improvement suggestions :D

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Vernin Olivier Senior Operation Engineer CloudBees, Inc.


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