Mixed Indexing doesn't work, or Searching doesn't work on Mixed Indexed vertices

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Debasish Kanhar

Nov 18, 2017, 3:02:06 AM11/18/17
to JanusGraph users
Hi All,

So, I created Mixed Index on a property node_id for each Vertex. Before doing that, I deleted all nodes and vertices in Graph as follows:


I add mixed key as follows, even before adding any vertex.
gremlin> mgmt = graph.openManagement();
gremlin> nodeid = mgmt.makePropertyKey('node_id').dataType(String.class).make(); 
gremlin> mgmt.buildIndex('nodeByID', Vertex.class).addKey(nodeid, Mapping.TEXT.asParameter()).buildMixedIndex("search"); 
gremlin> mgmt.commit();

It worked fine, and my Indexing warning got suppressed, so I thought that the Index creation was successful.

To get Status of Index, I did following :
gremlin> mgmt = graph.openManagement(); 
gremlinindex = mgmt.getGraphIndex("nodeByID");
gremlin> index.getIndexStatus(mgmt.getPropertyKey('node_id'))

Now, I've a node as follows, which was added after Index was created:
gremlin> g.V().has("NodeProperties", textContains('5401')).has('isSOI', textContains('True')).valueMap()
08:35:33 WARN  org.janusgraph.graphdb.transaction.StandardJanusGraphTx  - Query requires iterating over all vertices [(NodeProperties CONTAINS 5401 AND isSOI CONTAINS True)]. For better performance, use indexes
==>[NodeProperties:[b'{'SOI': [5401], 'annotations': {}}'],type:[b'unstructured'],isSOI:[b'True'],node_id:[b'f601bfa5-c8de-49a7-b51b-7b15376099be']]

As it can be seen, node_id has value "[b'f601bfa5-c8de-49a7-b51b-7b15376099be']". So searching on that should work, and shouldn't this query work?
g.V().has("NodeProperties", textContains('5401')).has('node_id', textContains('f601bfa5-c8de-49a7-b51b-7b15376099be')); 

On running above query, I expect the same Node to be returned, but that isn't happening. Why is that so? Should I reindex my nodes each time after I push or is there something I'm missing?



Nov 18, 2017, 11:03:23 AM11/18/17
to JanusGraph users
Which version do you use ?
Which mixed index do you use?
Do you try with String mapping ?

Robert Dale

Nov 18, 2017, 7:07:18 PM11/18/17
to Debasish Kanhar, JanusGraph users
Your results look a bit strange.  Not sure what the "b'...'" is.  And what is NodeProperties, a JSON string?  In any case, I was unable to reproduce using the information provided. It would help if you could post complete steps to reproduce. 

Although, it's not clear why you want full-text searching.  I think you may want exact-match string searching in which case you can use a composite index.

Robert Dale

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Debasish Kanhar

Nov 19, 2017, 2:09:17 AM11/19/17
to JanusGraph users
Hi Robert,

Yes, all my properties Inc NodeProperties are stringified object. To be specific, its byte encoded strings. I do this to take care of special characters while pushing. I don't think that should be an issue, as I want to do a partial search on the property, and that is reason why I used textContains() on property node_id. 

Please note some extra specifics for problem:

I use Python as client, and push data using GLV.

My workflow to push data and where searching fails on node_id is as follows:

search_case_query = "g.V().has('NodeProperties', Text.textContains('5401')).count()"
num_nodes = dbCON.query(search_case_query)

if len(num_nodes) > 0:
drop_query = "g.V().has('NodeProperties', Text.textContains('5401')).drop().iterate(); graph.tx().commit()"
print("Not present. Going to add!")

query = self.build_node_addition_query(node)
addedNode = dbCON.query(query)

sourceGraphNode = dbCON.query("g.V().has('node_id', "
targetGraphNode = dbCON.query(
"g.V().has('node_id', textContains('{}')).id()".format(

edge = source_node.addE(category).to(target_node).id().next()

The above step is where it fails. Logically, I added node in previous step, and searching for that node based on node_id. and adding a edge based on its instance. 

Note that my dbCon is custom class which used Goblin to query into Janus directly. The query method for dbCon is as follows:

if loop is None:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except RuntimeError:
logger.debug("Couldn't get event loop for current thread. Creating a new event loop to be used!")
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

response = self.__run(loop, query)

if loop is None:

return response

def __run(self, loop, query):
    messages = []
    async def run(loop, query):
        cluster = await Cluster.open(loop)
client = await cluster.connect()
resp = await client.submit(query)
async for msg in resp:
await cluster.close()
    loop.run_until_complete(run(loop, query))

    return messages

Please let me know if you can still reproduce this error or not. 
If not, also let me know is this proper way to create Index? Steps i sequential format:
1: Use gremlin shell to drop nodes.
2: Create Index on Graph without any nodes in it.
3: Start pushing data.
4: Expect Index to by created for newly pushed vertecis once its pushed.


Robert Dale

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