Peer is getting the sound returned by the other side ( peer to peer connection)

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Shri Lohia

Jul 16, 2022, 8:45:41 PM7/16/22
to jacktrip-users
I am a newbie to QjackCTL, JACK and JackTrip.  Setup is a  simple configuration between two Windows 10 laptops. One is a server started using the command  jacktrip - s. The other one is the client started using command  jacktrip -c IPADDRESS.  They connect. Sound is exchanged. But I hear my voice.  It comes delayed, hence messes up the ears.  How to stop it? Is there any option to do it or what?

Your help will be appreciated.  Once resolved, We can start singing duets:)).

Thank you.

Kenneth Fields

Jul 16, 2022, 11:35:10 PM7/16/22
what buffer size are you using with jacktrip? 
64 sample buffer would be good for less delay in your signal path. 
Everyone should wear headphones.


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Adrian Cho

Jul 16, 2022, 11:48:03 PM7/16/22
Isn’t this a case of starting the server with -p2 so there’s no echo?

Adrian Cho

Jul 16, 2022, 11:50:30 PM7/16/22
Ah sorry, I realised now this is peer-to-peer and not hub. Never mind!
On Jul 16, 2022, 11:35 PM -0400, Kenneth Fields <>, wrote:



Kenneth Fields

Jul 17, 2022, 12:21:22 AM7/17/22
no need to apologize.
please make mistakes, it is good for people to learn, and/or be reminded of the basics.

I’ve never used Hub mode before, so would love to know more. 
So -p2 would be many to many but no echos, right?

-p3 - what the heck is a TUB? Is that jacktrip for people taking a bath, with nice bathroom echo and reverb?


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Shri Lohia

Jul 17, 2022, 1:12:59 AM7/17/22
to jacktrip-users
I am using buffer size  = 64 on both ends!  In other words my issues is that I am hearing echo back from other end, which is delayed. 
Starting server with -p2 option means no-echo ? Will that solve what I am facing?

Kenneth Fields

Jul 17, 2022, 1:51:41 AM7/17/22
trying to understand.

you are using jacktrip -s, which means a regular client and server connection. (not hub server mode, so no -p2 option).
You are server. Where is your client? same city?

If your collaborator is wearing headphones, and you have not set a -l loopback flag. how would hear an echo?
Is that the situation?

otherwise, you ran jacktrip -S, and you should set -p2. 

Thus with -p2 it seems everyone monitors themselves locally. is that correct everyone?

So in -p2 mode, what does the -i flag do (include server)? (include audio to and from the server in the mix).
Does the auto patching in server hub mode send the whole mix to everyone minus yourself?
But the -i flag sends the whole mix?

Thanks for clarifying? 

And if you run the Hub Server with multiple —receive channels, does each consecutive connection get routed 
to the next stereo pair automatically? and what becomes of the auto stereo mix?



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Synthia Cynthia Payne

Jul 17, 2022, 2:35:04 AM7/17/22

Yes, what you hear coming back is your feed + latency.
Yes, starting the server with the -p2 flag will cancel the return of your feed + latency back to you.

It is sometimes helpful to know how much latency is present to possibly adjust settings.
If the -p2 flag is called to cancel the return feed, a "clapping test" is helpful to experience the latency without actually hearing it via the return feed.

clapping test:

1. one side starts an 8 beat measure with claps and speaking on beats 1-6, then rests for 2.
Speak and clap, no clap) rest. (speak no clap) rest. Repeat.

2. the other side joins in clapping but does not speak the beats.

3. Repeat until a determination of latency being experienced by both sides is determined.

does this make sense?



Shri Lohia

Jul 17, 2022, 2:40:54 PM7/17/22
Hi  Ken,
I am in the same city. The test is using the neighbors WiFi for client. The server is connected via ethernet.  Both ends are using headphones. 
server is started as "jacktrip -s ", the client " jacktrip -c IP_ADDRESS".
Making an audible good connection, buffer size is set to 64. Ping test  shows round trip : min = 36, max=79, av=54 ms. some time there are error message "UDP.. waiting too long..." . But the question is why server is sending sound back to client ( as if it is looping back). 

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Kenneth Fields

Jul 17, 2022, 11:59:31 PM7/17/22
That's way too much jitter with Wifi. so don’t expect the sound to be glitchless. ethernet only.
After that, the next thing is to kill all auto connections. So once you have a connection, disconnect everything!
Then intentionally connect only your primary concerns (mic to jacktrip). just monitor one jacktrip side first. then the other, separately. then both.
Jack tends to ‘autoconnect' everything to everything (“autoconnect physical ports”). 


Mike O'Connor

Jul 18, 2022, 8:55:13 AM7/18/22
to Jacktrip-users
hi Shri,

here's my contribution.  usually the problem with echo can be found with the person who is NOT hearing the echo.  two likely cases.  they're using speakers (or "leaky" headphones) to monitor Jacktrip and the sound is getting fed back through their microphone.  or they've got an audio-routing puzzler that you need to figure out where Jacktrip's received audio is getting routed back out to the sending side of the mixer/DAW.

that second puzzler happens a lot and can be maddening to figure out.  but here's an easy way to see if that's what's going on.  ask the echo-generating person to watch the output meters of their DAW/mixer.  if their VU meters bounce when *you* talk, that's the clue.  their DAW should only send audio to the monitor side, not the mix side.  

here's a lame picture that might make this clearer.  i drew it all by myself!  ;-)


Shri Lohia

Aug 9, 2022, 8:05:12 PM8/9/22
to jacktrip-users
All, Thank you for your tips, pointers with illustrations, and suggestions. It went away. I think it was a case of leaky  ( headphone to mic, thus  returning senders sound back to sender.  ) situation.
I was able to use JT  for duet singing. It was a very pleasant experience. The audio was shared on Zoom. The zoom audience were very pleased to see the results. 

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