live object debugging support

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Siemen Baader

no leída,
8 oct 2019, 9:07:00 a.m.8/10/19
Hi everyone,

IlCurrentContext#value is bugging me. I code in the Pharo debugger and when it is invoked through a web request, the ILCurrentContext value is nil, so ILWidgets do not render anymore in the debugging / inspector session. So I'm losing some og the many benefits of live object programming.

Could we save a ILContext value in ILObject the be returned by ILObject#context whenever ILCurrentContext#value is nil, and perhaps set it up it in IliadKom or wherever ILCurrentContext is initialized upon a request (I'm not sure exactly where, and if it is the same place for regular GET and xhr requests)?

This is of course a bit of a monkey patch, but perhaps valid and practical.

What do you think? Any pointers appreciated!


Siemen Baader

no leída,
9 oct 2019, 4:52:34 a.m.9/10/19
A little update on this:

I monkeypatched ILCurrentContext class#use:during:, which is called from ILDisptcher#dispatchRequest to save the previous value of the context.

ILCurrentContext class #use: anObject during: aBlock
   debugContext := anObject.
   ^ aBlock
    on: self
    [ :notification | notification resume: anObject ]

--- and ---

ILCurrentContext class#value
   self signal ifNil: [ ^ debugContext ].
    debugContext := self signal.
    ^ self signal

This actually helps a bit, but falls short because ILObject#application is tripped up when subsequent HTTP requests request assets with a different path than the current ILApplication -  they overwrite the path in the context and ILRouter then is unable to find the debugged application based on its path.

I'll see if I can hack myself close enough to allow live object debugging, or if it requires a restructuring of the session manager etc.

I recall that the problem was also discussed on the Seaside. I'm a bit surprised that people accept this dev experience since live objects are a key motivation to use Pharo or other live Smalltalks.

-- Siemen

John Aspinall

no leída,
9 oct 2019, 5:20:48 a.m.9/10/19
para Iliad project
Hi Siemen,

It should be the case that when stepping through code in the debugger the active ILCurrentContext and other process/context-specific variables are respected. This was fixed quite a while ago - see here:

Unfortunately this doesn't help when evaluating arbitrary code snippets in the debugger. Usually I handle this on a case-by-case basic by caching the current context (or whatever) in a temporary variable.

Hope this helps,


Siemen Baader

no leída,
9 oct 2019, 6:15:29 a.m.9/10/19
Hi John,

thanks for your reply!

How do you cache the value? ILCurrentContext#value is nil as soon as I am in the debugger when it is opened by Pharo after an exception is thrown during a web request.


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John Aspinall

no leída,
9 oct 2019, 6:45:13 a.m.9/10/19
para Iliad project
Hi Siemen - here's an example using the ILCounter example class:


| ctx |
ctx := ILCurrentContext  value.
self halt.
count := count + 1.
self markDirty

After the halt ctx should hold the active ILCurrentContext for you to inspect etc.. In fact you can put the halt at the start of the method; stepping through "ctx := ILCurrentContext value" should set the value correctly since it's executing in the original context.

It's less straightforward if you're debugging an error; in this case I'd temporarily modify a method before the error occurs to cache the active context.


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