Running AtoM 2.7 on Ubuntu 22.04 with PHP 7.4

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Jim Adamson

Jul 14, 2022, 1:50:18 PM7/14/22

I'm considering what to do when AtoM 2.7 is officially released. Ideally I would be installing it onto the latest LTS release of Ubuntu, 22.04. It looks like 2.7, at least initially, will only support 20.04, so I thought I'd test how it fairs on 22.04. AtoM 2.7 requires PHP 7.4 and because Ubuntu 22.04 will install PHP 8 from the Ubuntu repositories by default, a PPA (Personal Package Archive) is needed to get PHP 7.4. I plumped for ondrej/php as a reputable PPA.

I've put together a shell script loosely based on the existing installation instructions for 2.7 / 20.04. There's a Vagrantfile too, for those (like me) who use Vagrant.

Note that the script clones from the qa/2.x branch of the AtoM Github repository, which I gather is the one to use if wanting to test 2.7. When the script completes the site should be available to use on the host, at http://localhost:9000.

I'm wondering what Artefactual's plans are for 22.04 support? I guess a big factor is limiting the number of supported OS versions, to reduce the overall support burden. For me, the driver for the newest supported OS version is more time 'til end-of-life, and knowing that I might have to install an OS that is already a significant way through its support lifespan is an unattractive prospect.

I hope the above script is useful. If other people are interested in using it and testing then perhaps unofficial support could be given to it, i.e. something on the Community documentation page. Other than adding the ondrej/php PPA, there isn't a lot done differently compared with the 2.7 / Ubuntu 20.04 instructions.

Thanks, Jim

Jim Adamson
Systems Administrator/Developer
Facilities Management Systems
IT Services
LFA/023 | Harry Fairhurst building | University of York | Heslington | York | YO10 5DD

Dan Gillean

Jul 15, 2022, 9:45:53 AM7/15/22
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Jim, 

Thanks for the update, and for sharing the resources you've put together! It's good to hear that so far you haven't encountered any conflicts running AtoM 2.7 on Ubuntu 22.04. 

I'm wondering what Artefactual's plans are for 22.04 support? I guess a big factor is limiting the number of supported OS versions, to reduce the overall support burden.

We try to only include dependency changes, new features, and other non-backwards compatible changes in major releases, so we are unlikely to include PHP8 and 22.04 support until the AtoM 2.8 release. 

That said, we're aware that we're behind the curve on dependency support and are trying to internal process changes to better address this - essentially we hope in the future to reduce the overall size but increase the frequency of major releases, so upgrading is less of a burden (and choosing to skip a major version upgrade to avoid internal churn isn't as big a deal since they are more frequent). 

2.7 is a bit of a unique release as well, in that in addition to moving PHP and Ubuntu versions, we are also attempting to perform a major dependency upgrade (Bootstrap) that will have far-reaching consequences for users, and which needs a succession plan. A lot of other factors have also made it so that this release has taken longer than any other major AtoM release in the history of the project - we continue to do all we can to address these and plan for future improvements to the release process. 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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