ayuda con error 500

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Marco Cruz Vergara

Oct 5, 2022, 1:01:40 PM10/5/22
to AtoM Users
Buenos dias, ya habilite los permisos necesarios a las carpetas dela tom pero me sale error 500


tengo el atom 2.6 instalado sobre ubunto 18.04 usando la primera forma de instalacion

Dan Gillean

Oct 6, 2022, 8:56:08 AM10/6/22
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hola Marco, 

Any time you encounter a 500 error, the first thing we recommend doing is checking the web server's error logs for more information. 

In many cases, the job scheduler is the issue, and restarting it will often resolve the problem.

Please see the following thread for further details on checking the error logs, restarting the job scheduler, and if those steps fail, some other common maintenance tasks that can be useful in resolving issues: 
If you try all of the recommendations in that thread and it still does not resolve the 500 error, please share any relevant message you find in the webserver logs, as well as more information about your installation environment (AtoM version; whether you followed the recommend installation instructions or made changes, etc) and we will try to provide further suggestions. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Oct 11, 2022, 4:31:21 PM10/11/22
to AtoM Users

Hola, tengo el mismo problema, acabo de configurar todo, siguiendo el video de AtoM Archivematica para Ubuntu 16.04 , pero aplicando los procedimientos en los manuales de soporte para 2.6.4.

He pasado ya 24 horas intentando levantar AtoM en entorno de Linux y 8 horas en Windows, y me he topado con miles de problemas.

No soy programador, solo soy un archivista, y el problema es que en la instituciòn, el àrea de informàtica no tiene tiempo para el archivo, y si logramos que nos den tiempo, la primera respuesta que nos daràn: Queremos ver el programa corriendo, para tener idea de lo que debemos hacer y como hicieron para correrlo?.

Ya nos paso con KOAH, tardaron dos años en montarlo, y seguimos presionando para que habiliten los accesos, llevamos 6 meses en esto. No podemos esperar tanto tiempo para iniciar los procesos de descripciòn, Necesitamos ayuda. dejò el registro


Hello, I have the same problem, I just configured everything, following the AtoM Archivematica video for Ubuntu 16.04, but applying the procedures in the support manuals for 2.6.4.

I've already spent 24 hours trying to get AtoM up on Linux and 8 hours on Windows, and ran into thousands of problems.

I'm not a programmer, I'm just an archivist, and the problem is that in the institution, the IT area does not have time for the archive, and if we manage to give us time, the first answer they will give us: We want to see the running program, to get an idea of ​​what we should do and how did you to run?.

It already happened to us with KOAH, it took two years to mount it on the institution's server, and we continue to press for them to enable access, we've been at it for 6 months. We can't wait that long to start the description processes, we need help. I leave the record

sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
2022/10/11 13:36:35 [notice] 11769#11769: using inherited sockets from "6;7;"
2022/10/11 13:38:52 [notice] 12006#12006: signal process started
2022/10/11 14:10:07 [error] 12007#12007: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: No connection information in your runtime configuration file for datasource [propel]" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php7.2-fpm.atom.sock:", host: "localhost"
2022/10/11 14:12:48 [error] 12007#12007: *13 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: You must have APCu installed and enabled to use sfAPCCache class" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /index.php/sfInstallPlugin/loadData HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php7.2-fpm.atom.sock:", host: "localhost", referrer: "http://localhost/index.php/sfInstallPlugin/configureSearch"


Marco Cruz Vergara

Oct 11, 2022, 4:43:48 PM10/11/22
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Buenas tardes.

Ni bien corrijo el error te aviso. Hacemos un meet y te explico la implementacion completa y de paso a tu area de sistemas.

Yo lo estoy implementado en ubuntu 18 con apache y el mysql. 

Todo instalado en un solo servidor.

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Dan Gillean

Oct 12, 2022, 8:54:14 AM10/12/22
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com

I'm sorry to hear that you are having difficulties getting AtoM working. In general, please remember: 
  • You will have a much easier time installing and maintaining AtoM if you use the recommended installation instructions and dependencies. We test and develop with those. 
  • AtoM is a server based application. It is intended to be installed by someone familiar with the unix-based command line and the knowledge required to maintain and configure a Linux based application - that is to say, usually by a system administrator, not an archivist. We have tried to make the installation instructions easy to follow for those without server experience, but changing elements along the way can add further complications. There are different packages available on different Linux LTS releases, so using 16.04 instead of the recommended 18.04 can cause a number of changes to the dependencies and introduce problems, for example.
  • If you or your IT department want to preview AtoM, there are two ways you could do this without performing a whole installation: 
    • First, we have a public demo site - the login credentials are listed on the home page. Uploads are disabled and the site will reset hourly, but otherwise you are free to make whatever changes you would like to test the application. See:  https://demo.accesstomemory.org/
    • For local testing and development on a personal computer, we provide the Vagrant development environment, which is much simpler to set up and can be installed on any operating system. See the docs here or the slides here
From the error log output you shared it looks like the php-apcu package was not properly installed. Did you install all the additional PHP packages listed here?
You could try: 
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt install php-apcu 
It would be helpful to know a bit more about your installation. You said you are installing 2.6 on Ubuntu 16.04 - have you made any other changes to the recommended installation instructions?

You mention a video showing AtoM and Archivematica installation instructions - is this one of Artefactual's videos, or a community video? I recommend you follow the official documentation: 
How far did you get in the installation process before you encountered this error? Have you configured the web installer and started using AtoM already? What actions led to this error message?

Does your installation server meet the recommended technical requirements listed here?

Processor: 2 vCPUs @ 2.3GHz
Memory: 7GB
Disk space (processing): 50GB at a minimum for AtoM’s core stack plus more storage would be required for supporting any substantial number of digital objects.

If no, what is different in your server environment?

Have you tried any of the options listed in our Troubleshooting page? Have you tried searching the User Forum for posts with similar errors? Please tell us about any other steps you have taken to try to resolve this issue. 

Hopefully with more information, we can provide better suggestions on next steps. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him


Oct 12, 2022, 2:26:54 PM10/12/22
to AtoM Users
Hola Dan

Gracias por el soporte y la informaciòn, tiene razòn en indicarme que esto debe de ser trabajado por profesionales en administrador de redes y servidores, lamentablemente no tenemos apoyo desde nuestra area de informatica, estan tan sobrecargados de trabajo, que llevan retrasando actividades ya por un mes, desde creacion de perfiles y espacios en la nube y hasta entrega de equipos de computo.

Por el momento estoy usando Ubuntu 18.04, con 2gb y 20 gb de espacio, esto en una maquina virtual.

como comentaba, creo que el problema va por composer y la creaciòn de los archivos json, realmente desconozco como crear los mismos, tendre que revisar ya que se genera error al realizar

For production AtoM sites, the development libraries do not need to be included:

sudo ~/composer.phar install --no-dev

Or if you have installed Composer globally:

sudo composer install --no-dev

For development environments, the dev libraries should also be installed:

sudo ~/composer.phar install

Tendre que leer y revisar, tambièn vere si encuentro una imagen iso para servidor de 18.04 para correrla, aunque desconozco mucho del tema, sera bueno para aprender sobre temas relacionados.



Hello dan

Thanks for the support and information, you are right to tell me that this should be worked on by professionals in network and server administrators, unfortunately we do not have support from our IT area, they are so overloaded with work that they have been delaying activities for a long time month, from the creation of profiles and spaces in the cloud to the delivery of computer equipment.

At the moment I am using Ubuntu 18.04, with 2GB and 20GB of space, this in a virtual machine.

As I commented, I think the problem is due to composer and the creation of the json files, I really don't know how to create them, I'll have to check since an error is generated when doing

For production Atom sites, the development libraries do not need to be included:

sudo ~/composer.phar install --no-dev

Or if you have installed Composer globally:

sudo composer install --no-dev

For development environments, the dev libraries should also be installed:

sudo ~/composer.phar install

I will have to read and review, I will also see if I can find an iso image for a 18.04 server to run it, although I don't know much about the subject, it will be good to learn about related topics.

Thank you.


Oct 12, 2022, 2:33:29 PM10/12/22
to AtoM Users
Hola Blade, gracias, estamos intentando realizar las pruebas bàsicas, desde el archivo, ya que se esta buscando gestionar màs eficientemente los procesos tecnicos, por la ley de informacion publica en mi pais.
Lamentablemente, como ya he mencionado, y no es por desacreditar el trabajo de otras oficinas, el area de informatica se encuentra atascada de trabajos pendientes, y la prioridad esta siendo orientada a crear infraestructura en los diferentes centros de produccion agricola, trabajo central de la institucion.
De lo anterior, la falta de apoyo para el archivo es ya casi de ley, hemos tenido que resolver problemas por nuestra cuenta, e incluso traer equipo de computo personal.
Mas alla de eso, estamos probando AtoM, ya que hemos iniciado algunos procesos de descripcion documental, que van de la mano a otros, por lo cual, necesitamos implementar el programa por los beneficios que presenta.
Pero para no hacerlo mas largo, el problema que he encontrado en el proceso, es crear los json y el usar Composer, ya que no se generan los archivo .json, segun lei, estos se generan usando los repositorios indicados, pero desconozco a ciencia cierta.

al momento de ejecutar los siguientes comandos:

For production AtoM sites, the development libraries do not need to be included:

sudo ~/composer.phar install --no-dev

Or if you have installed Composer globally:

sudo composer install --no-dev

For development environments, the dev libraries should also be installed:

sudo ~/composer.phar install

me indica que no se ha encontrado el archivo json.

Quizas un error, fue usar un tutorial de otra pagina para instalar composer, ya que no entendia bien desde la pagina oficial como instalarlo. lo que hare es volver a intentar una vez mas el proceso, con una maquina virtual, solo que esta no es server sino desktop.

Cualquier avance, lo informo, saludos.

Dan Gillean

Oct 12, 2022, 3:53:12 PM10/12/22
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi there, 

As I commented, I think the problem is due to composer and the creation of the json files

If you are following Option 1 in our installation instructions  - i.e if you are downloading AtoM as a tarball from our website and using that to install AtoM 2.6 - then you do not need to use Composer at all. 

Those instructions are under Option 2 - they are only needed if you are installing from our GitHub code repository instead. 

In the code repo, we do not include all of the extra dependencies that Composer will install. However, we DO include them in the downloadable tarball, to make installation easier. 

Regardless of which option you follow, the steps to install PHP and the php extensions should be the same. If you are missing php-apcu (as the errors indicate in your first message), then I think you might have missed some important steps early on. 

Did you try my suggestion to reinstall php-apcu? Does it make any difference?

Unfortunately, helping with virtualization is beyond my expertise - I too am just an archivist, not a developer. Either way, I hope we can help you make progress! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him


Oct 13, 2022, 4:59:23 PM10/13/22
to AtoM Users

Hola Dan

Disculpa que no te pude contestar ayer, las computadoras de la instituciòn iniciaron con los procesos de actualizacion de windows, entonces el equipo se puso lento.

Desde ayer reinicie la maquina virtual, por lo que ya no realice los seguimientos, debido a que consideraba que podria haber montado algunos datos de forma incorrecta. Al realizar los proceso de nuevo, me di cuenta que habia olvidado un script, por eso era el problema anterior.

Ayer logre correr nuevamente todo el proceso, pero al final me daba problema con Search port: 9200; no lo reconocia. asì que busquè en el foro y encontre un comentario de tu persona, orientado a revisar systemctl y elasticsearch, dando como resultado que estaba desactivado, por alguna razon, posiblemente que esta maquina tiene un hdd antiguo, la transmision de datos del disco puso lenta a la maquina.

El dia de hoy reinicie todo el proceso, y me di cuenta que al correr sudo systemctl reload nginx no se activaba, sin mucho conocimiento de comandos de la terminal de linux, me arriesgue a quitar reload y poner start, luego de esto todo bien, hasta este momento se pudo cargar todo, y en este momento indica:

Installation finished

Congratulations, AtoM has been successfully installed.

You may now visit your new site.

en este momento estoy feliz de haber podido haber arrancado esto, y agradezco de tu soporte y ayuda, ha sido agotador el haber tenido que intentar por cuatro jornadas y media de trabajo, pero es bueno saber que ha dado resultado.

Seguire intentando la configuracion de los perfiles de trabajadores y lo que haga falta, ya con eso en mente, pediremos a IT que inicien con los procesos.

por cierto, en la Demo de Atom 2, la que tienen en la pagina web de ustedes, se puede realizar modificaciones en forma de prueba?


Hello dan

Sorry I couldn't answer you yesterday, the institution's computers started with the windows update processes, then the equipment became slow.

Since yesterday I restarted the virtual machine, so I no longer carry out the traces, because I thought that I might have mounted some data incorrectly. When doing the process again, I realized that I had forgotten a script, that's why it was the previous problem.

Yesterday I managed to run the whole process again, but in the end it gave me a problem with Search port: 9200; I didn't recognize it. so I searched the forum and found a comment from you, oriented to review systemctl and elasticsearch, resulting in that it was disabled, for some reason, possibly that this machine has an old hdd, the transmission of data from the disk slowed down machine.

Today I restarted the whole process, and I realized that when running sudo systemctl reload nginx it was not activated, without much knowledge of linux terminal commands, I risked removing reload and putting start, after this everything was fine, Until this moment everything could be loaded, and at this moment it indicates:

Installation finished

Congratulations, Atom has been successfully installed.

You may now visit your new site.

At this moment I am happy to have been able to start this, and I appreciate your support and help, it has been exhausting having had to try for four and a half days of work, but it is good to know that it has worked.

I will continue trying to configure the worker profiles and whatever is needed, and with that in mind, we will ask IT to start the processes.

By the way, in the Demo of Atom 2, the one you have on your website, can you make changes as a test?

Jorge Villablanca

Oct 13, 2022, 5:24:52 PM10/13/22
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Estimado Marcos
ME puede indicar como instalar ATOM en windows Server?


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Jorge Villablanca
Área de Sistemas
Centro Cultural Biblioteca Ecuatoriana Aurelio Espinosa Pólit
p: 2 491156   m: 0999235419
a: José Nogales N69-22 y Francisco Arcos
w: www.beaep.ec   e:  sist...@beaep.ec

Dan Gillean

Oct 14, 2022, 9:52:39 AM10/14/22
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hola JC, 

I'm so glad to hear you've gotten everything working! Thank you for the update - I'm glad you stuck with it despite the pain. 

Jorge Villablanca: 

I suspect you will run into many incompatibilities and other issues if you attempt to install AtoM directly on a "bare metal" Windows Server. We strongly recommend that you use a production-ready virtualization platform on your server, and spin up an Ubuntu image. You can then follow the normal installation instructions inside your Ubuntu VM. See: 
Good luck! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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