Howard County-Short-eared owl and lots of eagles

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Dec 27, 2017, 6:46:17 PM12/27/17
to bird lists
Went looking for snowy owls(Saratoga area and NE to Hayden Praieie) about 3:45 this afternoon, no snowys but along Highway 9 at the Elma corner there was a large group of bald eagles in the field on the east side of the road(approx. 40 birds). Highlight of the trip was a short-eared owl on a fencepost just west of 11485 70th ST.-right about 4:15. It flew before I could get photos, but it clearly has a set routine. Even flying away from me when I stopped, it followed weedlines northwest to Kent Ave, and headed north along the ditch, even dove into the weeds like it was going for a mouse. Another first, and the last commonly-found IA owl I hadn't yet seen.
Ryan Shackleton
Alta Vista
Chickasaw County
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