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Bela Liptak

Aug 20, 2022, 7:07:59 PM8/20/22
to hungari...@googlegroups.com


Augusztus 20, 2022, Stamford

Kedves Kollégák,

Megint több levélre válaszolok (a polutikai jellegüekre nem).

Igen, Magyarországra is, a horvátországi kikötőn keresztül megérkezett az elő LNG (cseppfolyós födgáz) szállitmány. Az új terminálok közül az észországi terminál lesz az első, már novemberre tervezik az üzembe helyezését, mig a németek a magukét (Zaporizhzhia) 2023-ban. Azoknak akiket érdekel és tudnak angolúl, ide mellélelem a Control magazin szeptemberi számában majd megjelenő rovatomat erről a témáról.

Igen, igaz, hogy az oroszok el kivánják lopni az ukrán atomerőmű (Zaporizsna) termelte áramot és azt az ukrán hálózatból atvezetni az oroszba. Ez veszélyes próbálkozás lesz azért is, mert az 1,400 főnyi ukrán személyzet akadályozza majd azt, de műszaki okokból is.  Ugyanis a 6 reaktorból már csak 3 működik és azért is, mert az oroszok (a Paks2- is épitő Russatom) leállitás nélkül és dizel generátorok átmeneti alkalmazásával remélik az megoldani, uganis batériás áramforrással nem rendelkeznek. Az alábbi ábra mutatja, hogy másodlagos biztonsági áramforrásuk nincs. E mellett a dizel generátorok is távol vannak elhelyezve a reaktoroktól (mint voltak Fukushima 4-es reaktora esetében, lásd: https://www.amazon.com/Automation-Can-Prevent-Next-Fukushima/dp/087664017X ). Egy szó, mint száz, az esetlegesl robbanás NÁTÓ országokat is érinthet, tehát a Nátó-nak időben kellene eérni az erőmű térségének nemzetközi fennhatóság aká helyezését.



Az EDG rövidités biztonsági dizel generátort jelent.

Úgy tudom, hogy Fedir Sándor Ungváron egyetemi tanár és ma az Ukrán fronton használja az ő magyar nyelvű, rejtjeles üzenet közvetitő algorithusait, melyek azért hatásosak, mert az oroszok egyenlöre  nem tudják a magyar rejtjeles üzeneteket lekódolni.

Lipták Béla






Vladimir Putin is blackmailing the EU by using Europe’s dependence on natural gas (NG) as his weapon. Russia supplies 40% of the NG requirement of the EU and can create chaos if she cuts it off. Therefore, quick replacement of the Russian NG imports are needed and while “green” energy (solar hydrogen) would be the natural solution, preparing the required infrastructure would take a couple of years, while the new energy source is needed this winter. One natural option is to obtain NG from elsewhere and when long distances are involved, shipping it as liquefied  natural gas (LNG) is one option. Because control and optimizations will play an important role in the LNG production and re-gasification processes, increasing their efficiency is desirable, in this column I will discuss that topic.  


Before turning to controls, let us look at the present situation. Today, the global consumption of NG is about 520 BTy (billion tons a year), which is about 30% of the total global energy use and by now NG is the largest and cleanest fossil energy source, emitting 30 to 45% less CO2 than oil or coal. Germany's yearly NG cnsumption is 10 BTy and the total of Europe about 80 BTy, of which she imports about 30 BTy from Russia, while the total production of Russia is about 90 BTy. The United States promised to help the EU by 2 BTy of LNG in 2022 and 6 BTy LNG by 2030. As we can see from these numbers, on the one hand Europe is at the mercy of Russia, but on the other hand, the Russian economy would collapse if it lost the EU market. Due to this situation, it is obvious that some compromise will be made (I am afraid that the EU will trade so of the land of the poor Ukrainians for the gas of the Russians). It is also obvious that the trading position of the EU will improve, if some of the EU needs can be met by LNG from non-Russian sources. Germany is already building an LNG terminal at Zaporizhzhia, which could start handling 1.0 BTy by 2023, while hopes to complete her LNG terminal by this November..


It is likely that this energy-war will be followed by others and I hope that we will learn a few things from this first one. The lesson is self-evident: we must speed the global energy conversion to the free and inexhaustible “green” energy sources. While the present energy chaos can temporarily slow the conversion, it could be useful in the long range, because the conversion to the coming solar-hydrogen energy economy will be driven by traditional market forces and they are favorable. This is illustrated by the fact that the rise in the cost of gasoline is causing a surge of electric car sales. Also, on the one hand, the price of NG has already increased tenfold and the building of nuclear power plants costs five times that of power solar ones, while on the other hand, the cost of solar energy has dropped 90% during the last decade. The only reason for the conversion being so slow is because the fossil fuels companies are making a fortune by maintaining the status quo. (I often joke, that if the Sun belonged to Exxon, we would already be using solar energy).


LNG and its shipping


LNG is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C (-260 ° F) as it is converted into the liquid state, where it's volume is about 600 times smaller than in its gaseous state. A typical LNG supply chain consists of gas production, liquefaction, shipping, re-gasification, and delivery. The energy cost of sending it through this chain of steps is about one third of it's heating value. The critical pressure of LNG is 673 psia (45.78 atm) and it's specific gravity is from 0.41 to 0.45 at minus 162°C.  NG consists of methane (about 80-99 mole%) and the remaining components include ethane, propane and other heavier hydrocarbons, as well as nitrogen and carbon dioxide.  Methane is over 50 times more powerful a greenhouse gas as is CO2 but stays in the air "only" for decades instead of centuries, as does CO2. It is also flammable and are some legal actions are in progress to stop its transportation through populated areas. The monitoring of methane leaks by satellites I have covered in the April issue, so I will not repeat it here.

LNG tankers  differ from traditional oil tankers in that their cargo is pressurized and cooled to and held at extremely low temperatures. During the voyage, a small amount of LNG is converted into gas called boil-off gas. In newer carriers, the boil-off rates are below 0.1% of  volume per day. These newer tankers carry some 25,000 tons of NG and they cost about a $250 million.   LNG is transported in double-hulled ships (Figure 1), specifically designed to handle the low temperature and the transport of LNG to the receiving terminal where it is stored and re-gasified.  


Fgure 1: Double hulled LNG tanker design

Double-hulled construction is used in LNG Ships which consist of four or five large tanks to retain the liquefied gas. The majority of these cargo containments is spherical or geometric membrane (membrane design) and each containment are made in multi-layers. These layers make the tank leak-proof and provide insulation to maintain the required low temperature.


Control and optimization


Process control can reduce the cost of LNG by increasing the efficiency of the liquefying heat pumps. That efficiency is the ratio between the amount of heat removal that is required to liquefy the gas and the work needed to accomplish that removal. The production of LNG requires the cooling of LNG down to -160°C. The heat pumps in the cooling system move the heat from a lower to a higher temperature by circulating a refrigerant that takes heat from the LNG by evaporating it at a low pressure and after it is compressed, condensing it to release that heat in a at a higher pressure and temperature.


 In an optimized system, the compressor speed is manipulated by implementing a cascade loop, which maintains the LNG temperature by controlling the pressure in the chiller. In optimized systems, multistage refrigeration is used to enhance the efficiency of the process. Figure 2 illustrates a 2-stage configuration (ethylene and propane) while the classical cascade process normally involves three refrigeration cycles, each operating in a different temperature range and use such different refrigerants as pure propane, ethylene, and methane respectively. The optimizer minimizes the cost of operation by optimally distributing the cooling load among the stages. It also serves to keep the compressors out of surge (this topic was discussed in detail in my June column).


Figure 2: Two stage, cascaded control system for LNG production. (LC – level controller,

M – variable speed motor, OP - optimizer algorithm, PC – pressure controller, SP – set point, TC – temperature controller, <  - low signal selector)


When the NG carrying ship arrives in the receiving terminal, it is usually re-gasified for pipe line distribution in the form of a high pressure gas. If the heat source of the re-gasification process is sea water, the "cooling energy" (some 12 GW globally) is often wasted, because the heated water is just returned into the ocean. In optimized control systems, it cooling heat can be utilized for  power generation, air separation, desalination or cryogenic carbon dioxide capture, which reduces the cost of operation.

I am hopeful that new terminals like the  Zaporizhzhia one in Germany, will utilize the optimization strategies described.

Béla Lipták

Bela Liptak

Aug 24, 2022, 10:36:02 AM8/24/22
to bar...@aol.com, hungari...@googlegroups.com


2022 Augusztus 24, Stamford,


Kedves Ildikó,


A Zaporizsna-i atomrobbanás elkerülését illetően sajnos (mindegy, hogy miként betüzzük) csak azt mondhatjuk, hogy "egyelőre elkerültük". A tények a következőek:

·        Az erőmű az Enekhodar nevű városban van, ott aho, a városházán lobogó ukrán zászlo helyét két zászló foglalt el, az egyik az orosz trikolor, a másik a sarló és kalapácsos. Az erőművet 500 oroz katona tartja megszállva, a megszállók 2 akalmazottat már megöltek (partizán felkelők vádjával), több tucatot letartóztattak és a 11,000 alkalmazott közül 500 "eltünt" ( nem jelentjeztek munkára).

·        Eddig csak a 4-es reaktort kölső falát érte akna becsapódás és egy, a használt üzemanyag hűtését szolgáló szabadtéri hidegvizes áztatónál tört ki tűz (rajz alább). Az ENSZ illetékesei ezeket a védtelen hűtőberendezéseket tartják a legnagyobb veszély forrásának, mert a hűtőviz elesztése üzemanyag olvadást (meltdown-t) okozhat. Persze ugyanez a helyzet a reaktorok hűtését szolgáló szivattyúk esetébn is.          fuel rods in open air taken by one of the people on the Zaporizhia visit

Spent fuel rod containers in the open air. Photograph: The Guardian

·        A térségven a levegő rádióaktivitása megkétszereződött. Az erőművet -akkor még ukrán üzemekltető - Energfotom vállalat áprilisban kiosztotta a rádióaktivitás okozta rák ellen védő potassium iodide készletét és az ukrán kormány pedig kidolgozta a közel lakó 400,000 ember kiüritésének tervét.

·        Az oroszok elvették az ukrán Energoatomtól az erőművet és átadták a Rosatom vállalatnak (ez a vállalat az, mely a szerződés megkötése után 8 évvel még el sem kezdte Paks2 rektorainak az épitését). A Rosatom terve az volt, hogy átvezeti a termelt áramot az orosz villany hálózatba, de ez egyenlőre nem sikerült. Csak annyit értek, hog az erőmű négy vezetéke közül ma már csak egy működik és ha az is leáll akkor megszünik a hűtő szivattyúk vizellátása.

Lipták Béla


PS: Köszönöm, hogy előző (John Kenedy-nek és Chamberlein-nek a diktátorokkal kapcsolatos tapasztalatait idéző) levelemet oly sokan terjesztik a Facebook-on és másutt. Viszont azt is tudnunk kell, hogy kaptam egy érdekes levelet is, mely szerint Amerika okozta az ukrajnai háborút. Ennek jobban utánanézve kiderült, hogy e levél szó szerint idézi az Interneten cirkuláló orosz propaganda irományt és a feladó cime alapján az sem lehet megállapitani, hogy magyar ember irta-e?

In a message dated 8/20/2022 9:32:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, bar...@aol.com writes:
Jaj ! Egyenlőre ? Tanár úr helyesen : egyelőre .
Nagyon elszaporodott ez a tévedés .
Fociban állhat egy meccs  egyenlőre …
Igazán örömmel olvasom leveleit .
Üdvözlet , 
Huber Ildikó 
On Saturday, August 20, 2022, 07:07:59 PM EDT, 'Bela Liptak' via Hungarian-Lobby <hungari...@googlegroups.com> wrote:


Augusztus 20, 2022, Stamford

Kedves Kollégák,

Megint több levélre válaszolok (a polutikai jellegüekre nem).

Igen, Magyarországra is, a horvátországi kikötőn keresztül megérkezett az elő LNG (cseppfolyós födgáz) szállitmány. Az új terminálok közül az észországi terminál lesz az első, már novemberre tervezik az üzembe helyezését, mig a németek a magukét (Zaporizhzhia) 2023-ban. Azoknak akiket érdekel és tudnak angolúl, ide mellélelem a Control magazin szeptemberi számában majd megjelenő rovatomat erről a témáról.

Igen, igaz, hogy az oroszok el kivánják lopni az ukrán atomerőmű (Zaporizsna) termelte áramot és azt az ukrán hálózatból atvezetni az oroszba. Ez veszélyes próbálkozás lesz azért is, mert az 1,400 főnyi ukrán személyzet akadályozza majd azt, de műszaki okokból is.  Ugyanis a 6 reaktorból már csak 3 működik és azért is, mert az oroszok (a Paks2- is épitő Russatom) leállitás nélkül és dizel generátorok átmeneti alkalmazásával remélik az megoldani, uganis batériás áramforrással nem rendelkeznek. Az alábbi ábra mutatja, hogy másodlagos biztonsági áramforrásuk nincs. E mellett a dizel generátorok is távol vannak elhelyezve a reaktoroktól (mint voltak Fukushima 4-es reaktora esetében, lásd: https://www.amazon.com/Automation-Can-Prevent-Next-Fukushima/dp/087664017X ). Egy szó, mint száz, az esetlegesl robbanás NÁTÓ országokat is érinthet, tehát a Nátó-nak időben kellene eérni az erőmű térségének nemzetközi fennhatóság aká helyezését.



Az EDG rövidités biztonsági dizel generátort jelent.

Úgy tudom, hogy Fedir Sándor Ungváron egyetemi tanár és ma az Ukrán fronton használja az ő magyar nyelvű, rejtjeles üzenet közvetitő algorithusait, melyek azért hatásosak, mert az oroszok egyenlöre  nem tudják a magyar rejtjeles üzeneteket lekódolni.

Lipták Béla






Vladimir Putin is blackmailing the EU by using Europe’s dependence on natural gas (NG) as his weapon. Russia supplies 40% of the NG requirement of the EU and can create chaos if she cuts it off. Therefore, quick replacement of the Russian NG imports are needed and while “green” energy (solar hydrogen) would be the natural solution, preparing the required infrastructure would take a couple of years, while the new energy source is needed this winter. One natural option is to obtain NG from elsewhere and when long distances are involved, shipping it as liquefied  natural gas (LNG) is one option. Because control and optimizations will play an important role in the LNG production and re-gasification processes, increasing their efficiency is desirable, in this column I will discuss that topic.  


Before turning to controls, let us look at the present situation. Today, the global consumption of NG is about 520 BTy (billion tons a year), which is about 30% of the total global energy use and by now NG is the largest and cleanest fossil energy source, emitting 30 to 45% less CO2 than oil or coal. Germany's yearly NG cnsumption is 10 BTy and the total of Europe about 80 BTy, of which she imports about 30 BTy from Russia, while the total production of Russia is about 90 BTy. The United States promised to help the EU by 2 BTy of LNG in 2022 and 6 BTy LNG by 2030. As we can see from these numbers, on the one hand Europe is at the mercy of Russia, but on the other hand, the Russian economy would collapse if it lost the EU market. Due to this situation, it is obvious that some compromise will be made (I am afraid that the EU will trade so of the land of the poor Ukrainians for the gas of the Russians). It is also obvious that the trading position of the EU will improve, if some of the EU needs can be met by LNG from non-Russian sources. Germany is already building an LNG terminal at Zaporizhzhia, which could start handling 1.0 BTy by 2023, while hopes to complete her LNG terminal by this November..


It is likely that this energy-war will be followed by others and I hope that we will learn a few things from this first one. The lesson is self-evident: we must speed the global energy conversion to the free and inexhaustible “green” energy sources. While the present energy chaos can temporarily slow the conversion, it could be useful in the long range, because the conversion to the coming solar-hydrogen energy economy will be driven by traditional market forces and they are favorable. This is illustrated by the fact that the rise in the cost of gasoline is causing a surge of electric car sales. Also, on the one hand, the price of NG has already increased tenfold and the building of nuclear power plants costs five times that of power solar ones, while on the other hand, the cost of solar energy has dropped 90% during the last decade. The only reason for the conversion being so slow is because the fossil fuels companies are making a fortune by maintaining the status quo. (I often joke, that if the Sun belonged to Exxon, we would already be using solar energy).


LNG and its shipping


LNG is natural gas that has been cooled to about -160 °C (-260 ° F) as it is converted into the liquid state, where it's volume is about 600 times smaller than in its gaseous state. A typical LNG supply chain consists of gas production, liquefaction, shipping, re-gasification, and delivery. The energy cost of sending it through this chain of steps is about one third of it's heating value. The critical pressure of LNG is 673 psia (45.78 atm) and it's specific gravity is from 0.41 to 0.45 at minus 162°C.  NG consists of methane (about 80-99 mole%) and the remaining components include ethane, propane and other heavier hydrocarbons, as well as nitrogen and carbon dioxide.  Methane is over 50 times more powerful a greenhouse gas as is CO2 but stays in the air "only" for decades instead of centuries, as does CO2. It is also flammable and are some legal actions are in progress to stop its transportation through populated areas. The monitoring of methane leaks by satellites I have covered in the April issue, so I will not repeat it here.

LNG tankers  differ from traditional oil tankers in that their cargo is pressurized and cooled to and held at extremely low temperatures. During the voyage, a small amount of LNG is converted into gas called boil-off gas. In newer carriers, the boil-off rates are below 0.1% of  volume per day. These newer tankers carry some 25,000 tons of NG and they cost about a $250 million.   LNG is transported in double-hulled ships (Figure 1), specifically designed to handle the low temperature and the transport of LNG to the receiving terminal where it is stored and re-gasified.  


Fgure 1: Double hulled LNG tanker design

Double-hulled construction is used in LNG Ships which consist of four or five large tanks to retain the liquefied gas. The majority of these cargo containments is spherical or geometric membrane (membrane design) and each containment are made in multi-layers. These layers make the tank leak-proof and provide insulation to maintain the required low temperature.


Control and optimization


Process control can reduce the cost of LNG by increasing the efficiency of the liquefying heat pumps. That efficiency is the ratio between the amount of heat removal that is required to liquefy the gas and the work needed to accomplish that removal. The production of LNG requires the cooling of LNG down to -160°C. The heat pumps in the cooling system move the heat from a lower to a higher temperature by circulating a refrigerant that takes heat from the LNG by evaporating it at a low pressure and after it is compressed, condensing it to release that heat in a at a higher pressure and temperature.


 In an optimized system, the compressor speed is manipulated by implementing a cascade loop, which maintains the LNG temperature by controlling the pressure in the chiller. In optimized systems, multistage refrigeration is used to enhance the efficiency of the process. Figure 2 illustrates a 2-stage configuration (ethylene and propane) while the classical cascade process normally involves three refrigeration cycles, each operating in a different temperature range and use such different refrigerants as pure propane, ethylene, and methane respectively. The optimizer minimizes the cost of operation by optimally distributing the cooling load among the stages. It also serves to keep the compressors out of surge (this topic was discussed in detail in my June column).



Figure 2: Two stage, cascaded control system for LNG production. (LC – level controller,

M – variable speed motor, OP - optimizer algorithm, PC – pressure controller, SP – set point, TC – temperature controller, <  - low signal selector)


When the NG carrying ship arrives in the receiving terminal, it is usually re-gasified for pipe line distribution in the form of a high pressure gas. If the heat source of the re-gasification process is sea water, the "cooling energy" (some 12 GW globally) is often wasted, because the heated water is just returned into the ocean. In optimized control systems, it cooling heat can be utilized for  power generation, air separation, desalination or cryogenic carbon dioxide capture, which reduces the cost of operation.

I am hopeful that new terminals like the  Zaporizhzhia one in Germany, will utilize the optimization strategies described.

Béla Lipták


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