FTP fails when there is an '@' in the user name or password

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Jayadev U

no leída,
1 jul 2021, 5:53:241/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com



Please check out the following code:


If you take a look at the aMatch array in the url.prg shipped with Harbour, the user and the password are not correctly detected because of ‘@’ in the username and ‘:’ or ‘@’ within the password.  The username in the given context is assigned by the FTP Admins and cannot be changed.  So how to overcome the problem ? As of now, no FTP log is generated to analyze the problem.


Just for information, use of any other FTP Clients viz. CoreFTP,FileZilla works correctly.


/* code begins */


   LOCAL cStartTime := Time(), cEndTime :=""

   LOCAL cServer   := "ftp.abc.com" , cUser     := "j...@ujayadev.com", cPassword := "Table@chair3"

   LOCAL lRetVal := .F.

   LOCAL cUrl      := "ftp://" + cUser + ":" + cPassword + "@" + cServer

   LOCAL oUrl              := TUrl():New( cUrl )

   LOCAL oFTP              := TIPClientFTP():New(oUrl , .t. ) //TIPClientFTP():New( oUrl, .F. )

   LOCAL i := 0

   oFTP:nConnTimeout := 20000

   oFTP:bUsePasv     := .T.

   IF oFTP:Open(cUrl)   /* fails here */

    if oFtp:Cwd( "/ugrani/" )

        logdebug("Directory changed to ugrani"+oURL:cServer+hb_eol())


        ErrorLevel( iif( lRetVal, 0, 1 ) )

        logdebug("Directory could not be changed to ugrani,exiting"+oURL:cServer+hb_eol())

        RETURN .F.


     /* fetch files to transfer */

      IF ! Empty( aFiles )

            FOR  i = 1 to Len(aFiles)

               logdebug("Filename: "+aFiles[ i ]+hb_eol())

               IF ! oFtp:UploadFile( aFiles[ i ] )

                  lRetVal := .F.







      logdebug("Could not connect to FTP server "+oURL:cServer+hb_eol())

      logdebug("Error: ",oFTP:LasterrorCode(),oFTP:Lasterrormessage())


      IF oFTP:SocketCon == NIL

         logdebug("Connection not initialized"+hb_eol())

      ELSEIF hb_inetErrorCode( oFTP:SocketCon ) == 0

         logdebug("Server response: "+hb_ntos(oFTP:cReply)+hb_eol())


         logdebug("Error in connection: "+hb_inetErrorDesc( oFTP:SocketCon )+hb_eol())


      lRetVal := .F.


   cEndTime := Time()

   logdebug("FTP "+DToC(Date()),cStartTime,cEndTime,ElapTime(cStartTime,cEndTime))

   ErrorLevel( iif( lRetVal, 0, 1 ) )



/* code ends */

Klas Engwall

no leída,
1 jul 2021, 9:21:401/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jayadev,

Using ...
LOCAL cUrl := "ftp://" + cUser + ":" + cPassword + "@" + cServer
... to set up the TUrl() class has a known problem. And it is commented
with a "May fail" in the code itself. The solution is to use
TUrl():New() without arguments and set each instance variable separately
after that call. That also, as an extra bonus :-), makes the code more
readable. See this thread:


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no leída,
1 jul 2021, 16:32:331/7/21
a Harbour Users
Using Curl is straightforward and works as expected, as well as being able to find a lot of information.


no leída,
1 jul 2021, 17:29:531/7/21
a Harbour Users
Depending upon the security, you could use a .netrc file that contains the site, user and password.
machine abc.com user jayadev password abc123. 
This file is stored in the user's home directory, and has access set to owner only.
Whether on not the ftp server will accept an @ is up to its administrator.

Fausto Di Creddo Trautwein

no leída,
1 jul 2021, 17:54:091/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com

I have the same problem with hb_sendmail.

Try this:

/* code begins */


   LOCAL cStartTime := Time(), cEndTime :=""

   LOCAL cServer := "ftp.abc.com" , cUser := "j...@ujayadev.com", cPassword := "Table@chair3"

   LOCAL lRetVal := .F.

   LOCAL cUrl := "ftp://" + cUser + ":" + cPassword + "@" + cServer

   LOCAL oUrl := TUrl():New( cUrl )

   LOCAL oFTP := TIPClientFTP():New(oUrl , .t. ) //TIPClientFTP():New( oUrl, .F. )

   LOCAL i := 0

   oFTP:nConnTimeout := 20000

   oFTP:bUsePasv     := .T.

   oFTP:oUrl:= TUrl():New( cUrl )

   oFTP:oUrl:cPassword:= cPassword

   oFTP:oUrl:cServer:= cServer

   IF oFTP:Open( /*NOTHING HERE*/ )   /* fails here ? */



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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Harbour Users" group.
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Jayadev U

no leída,
2 jul 2021, 0:20:202/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com
Hi Klas,

Thanks so much for the information. Helpful as always.

I will check out during the day.

Warm regards,

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Jayadev U

no leída,
2 jul 2021, 0:23:042/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com



>>Using Curl is straightforward and works as expected, as well as being able to find a lot of information.

Looks very promising,  Do you have some sample on how we can access curl from within the program ? what hbc to link etc.

Thanks for your help.

Warm regards,





From: harbou...@googlegroups.com [mailto:harbou...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of CNavarro
Sent: 02 July 2021 02:03 AM
To: Harbour Users
Subject: Re: [harbour-users] FTP fails when there is an '@' in the user name or password


Using Curl is straightforward and works as expected, as well as being able to find a lot of information.

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to harbour-user...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/harbour-users/40292478-4175-4257-b3b8-84f7b779729dn%40googlegroups.com.

Jayadev U

no leída,
2 jul 2021, 0:24:042/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com



Interesting, could you please elaborate a little more on this.


Warm regards,





From: harbou...@googlegroups.com [mailto:harbou...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of jgt
Sent: 02 July 2021 03:00 AM
To: Harbour Users
Subject: Re: [harbour-users] FTP fails when there is an '@' in the user name or password


Depending upon the security, you could use a .netrc file that contains the site, user and password.

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to harbour-user...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/harbour-users/afe88ade-18ea-4f3e-bcd8-fd8c2bdff42en%40googlegroups.com.

Jayadev U

no leída,
2 jul 2021, 0:25:022/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com

Hi Fausto,


Thanks so much for your reply.  I will try during the day.


Warm regards,







From: harbou...@googlegroups.com [mailto:harbou...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Fausto Di Creddo Trautwein
Sent: 02 July 2021 03:24 AM
To: harbou...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [harbour-users] FTP fails when there is an '@' in the user name or password




no leída,
2 jul 2021, 3:16:362/7/21
a Harbour Users

#include "c:\harbour\contrib\hbcurl\hbcurl.ch"
#include "/usr/include/harbour/hbcurl.ch"

function Main()

? FtpUploadFile( "ftp://fivetechsoft.com/test.prg", hb_GetEnv( "PRGPATH" ) + "/test.prg" )
return nil

function FtpUploadFile( cUrlFileName, cFileName )

local hCurl, uValue, nResult

if ! empty( hCurl := curl_easy_init() )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_URL, cUrlFileName )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_DL_BUFF_SETUP )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_UPLOAD )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_UL_FILE_SETUP, cFileName )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, hb_vfSize( cFileName ) )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_USERPWD, "username:password" )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, .T. )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_FILETIME, .T. )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0 )
curl_easy_setopt( hCurl, HB_CURLOPT_VERBOSE, .F. )
if ( nResult := curl_easy_perform( hCurl ) ) == 0
curl_easy_dl_buff_get( hCurl )
? "error code:" + Str( nResult )
return nResult == HB_CURLE_OK

Add hbcurl.lib to script for compile and link
if you use SFTP, add hbcurls.lib
and, in your code, add

Please, revise this

Jayadev U

no leída,
2 jul 2021, 3:26:242/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com

Thanks to all who replied to the thread.

I confirm it works correctly now per information in the following thread.

I mention the thread again for the posterity:


Warm regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: harbou...@googlegroups.com [mailto:harbou...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Klas Engwall
Sent: 01 July 2021 06:52 PM
To: harbou...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [harbour-users] FTP fails when there is an '@' in the user name or password

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to harbour-user...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/harbour-users/04b200ab-cfa0-0d6e-b2f9-048f98c5e952%40engwall.com.

Jayadev U

no leída,
2 jul 2021, 3:27:582/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com



Thanks so much for the sample.


Warm regards,



Jack Tearle

no leída,
2 jul 2021, 11:49:212/7/21
a harbou...@googlegroups.com
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