What kind of header is expected to avoid having this UNKNOWN/UnsupportedOperationException issue?

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Sep 23, 2021, 3:52:24 AM9/23/21
to grpc.io
Hi there,
I have a grpc server talking fine to another grpc server. However, I want to use jetty as my main server/port. In this case, I proxy the request throw jetty server and using jetty http2 client to forward the request. However, I am experiencing this issue. I want to ask if anyone might know what could causing this? or what my http2 header is missing and causing this? so far i know that my grpc is 1.33.0/1.36.0(I tried both), netty is 4.1.63 final and netty.tcnative is 2.0.38.Final.error detail: 
Status{code=UNKNOWN, description=null, cause=java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
at org.apache.ratis.thirdparty.io.grpc.netty.AbstractHttp2Headers.setLong(AbstractHttp2Headers.java:465)
at org.apache.ratis.thirdparty.io.grpc.netty.AbstractHttp2Headers.setLong(AbstractHttp2Headers.java:26)
at org.apache.ratis.thirdparty.io.netty.handler.codec.http2.DefaultHttp2ConnectionDecoder$FrameReadListener.onHeadersRead(DefaultHttp2ConnectionDecoder.java:407)```


Eric Anderson

Oct 14, 2021, 7:47:23 PM10/14/21
to Eggie, grpc.io
You are experiencing https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/issues/7953, where grpc-java was incompatible with Netty 4.1.60+. It was fixed in grpc-java v1.35.1, v1.36.1, and 1.37 (all released back in March/April). It seems strange that you didn't try v1.33.1 and v1.36.2, or the latest version. Another option is to use grpc-netty-shaded which has its own copy of Netty.

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