.valueMap() is generating {"key" => ArrayList("value")}

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Steven Tang

Feb 2, 2016, 1:19:14 PM2/2/16
to Gremlin-users
I'm in the process of upgrading from 0.5.4 to 1.0 and am looking for the replacement for the .map() function (in Java)

We used to be able to .map() at the end of a query and then pipe that to a .toList() and we'd end up with key value pairs like you would expect

{"id" : 1, "name" : "marko"}

but now I'm getting this:

{"id" : [1], "name" : ["marko"]}

Screenshot attached
Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 10.08.30 AM.png

Daniel Kuppitz

Feb 2, 2016, 3:57:45 PM2/2/16
to gremli...@googlegroups.com
That's the expected behavior. See http://tinkerpop.incubator.apache.org/docs/3.0.2-incubating/#valuemap-step to learn why it's implemented this way.


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Steven Tang

Feb 2, 2016, 4:12:30 PM2/2/16
to Gremlin-users
Is there a way to unwrap the values from the array within the query, or does that have to be done outside the context of a traversal?

Daniel Kuppitz

Feb 2, 2016, 4:44:34 PM2/2/16
to gremli...@googlegroups.com
gremlin> Gremlin.version()
gremlin> g = TinkerFactory.createModern().traversal()
==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:6 edges:6], standard]
gremlin> g.V().valueMap()
==>[name:[marko], age:[29]]
==>[name:[vadas], age:[27]]
==>[name:[lop], lang:[java]]
==>[name:[josh], age:[32]]
==>[name:[ripple], lang:[java]]
==>[name:[peter], age:[35]]

gremlin> g.V().local(properties().group().by(key()).by(value()))
==>[name:marko, age:29]
==>[name:vadas, age:27]
==>[name:lop, lang:java]
==>[name:josh, age:32]
==>[name:ripple, lang:java]
==>[name:peter, age:35]

Should also work with a slightly older version. Let me know if not.


Gaurav Nolkha

Dec 5, 2016, 8:10:34 PM12/5/16
to Gremlin-users

This is what I'm getting on 3.0.1-incubating:

gremlin> Gremlin.version()


gremlin> :> def trav = g.V().hasLabel('Group'); trav.local(properties().group().by(key()).by(value()))

==>{joinTime={2016-12-05T22:27:01.088Z=1}, groupId={60e76537-9de5-45cf-b40d-e357b40e87b1=1}, mCanInvite={true=1}}

Why does it give me =1 ??

Daniel Kuppitz

Dec 5, 2016, 8:38:02 PM12/5/16
to gremli...@googlegroups.com
What you see is a BulkSet. I don't have a test environment for 3.0.1, but you can try this:


Pretty sure this will give you the same format that we have in newer versions.


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Gaurav Nolkha

Dec 5, 2016, 9:48:02 PM12/5/16
to Gremlin-users


gremlin> :> def trav = g.V().hasLabel('Group'); trav.local(properties().group().by(key()).by(value().unfold()))

==>{groupId={4612-4e6a-8f0a-c0645c0631ec=1}, mCanInvite={true=1}, ....}}

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